Arnaque boursière sur par Artemis Financial

(English-speaking readers, please see at the end of the article)

Il est déjà habituel de se faire spammer par des recommandations d’acheter telle ou telle action. Je viens de me faire spammer téléphoniquement pour la même raison. J’avais répondu par téléphone il y a quelques semaines à une pseudo-étude internationale pour je ne sais quelle banque. Ca y est j’étais classé comme « boursicoteur » (je peux facilement faire le lien entre les deux appels car dans les deux cas c’est un numéro de téléphone suisse qui a été utilisé pour me joindre – numéro qui ne me sert qu’à un usage professionnel).

Aujourd’hui on m’a rappelé pour me proposer un super deal de boursicoteur. Une jeune dame, à l’anglais parfait, se présente comme travaillant pour une société hongroise et m’indique quelques exemples d’investissements que ses clients ont eu la chance de faire. Elle m’indique que je suis privilégié et que je peux avoir l’opportunité de faire pareil. Je fais comprendre que je ne suis pas intéressé par payer pour recevoir des conseils boursiers et me répond qu’il n’est pas question de cela et que je déciderai par moi même en toute indépendance. Je sens l’arnaque depuis le début, mais je la laisse me raconter son histoire. Après tout, j’étais curieux d’en savoir plus sur comment on s’y prend pour arnaquer les gens.

Tout commence par NetNetNet.Tv, cette société (côté sur le marché allemand) serait promis à un bel avenir et elle m’explique pourquoi: un de ses actionnaires majoritaires est GSBC (Global Satellite Broadcasting Corporation). Cet actionnaire est détenteur d’un brevet sur des « Smart Screen » (des écrans géants diffusant de la pub et avec lesquels on peut interagir via téléphone portable). Il a déjà donné une licence pour ce produit à une société appelé Focusmedia et cette société côtée sur le NASDAQ (le marché américain des valeurs technologiques) aurait fait un parcours boursier spectaculaire passant de 9$ à 39$ en quelques années grâce à l’implantation de plein de ces écrans en Chine. Il est donc évident que est promis au même avenir. L’anticipation est que l’action qui côte actuellement 4,55€ passera au delà de 20€ sous douze mois.

Jusque là, c’est un discours qui se tient, et l’on me promet que je pourrai vérifier les infos et les chiffres.

Mais voilà, cette action est tellement une bonne affaire qu’il est presque impossible d’en avoir sur le marché. Heureusement la société qui emploie mon interlocutrice a réussi à négocier avec un des dirigeants de et a pu racheter pour 20 millions de dollars d’actions au prix de 4€ (le prix de l’introduction en bourse). Grâce à Artemis Financial, je vais pouvoir investir dans cette société à 4€ l’action au lieu de 4,55€ sur le marché, mais je ne dois pas regarder ce petit gain immédiat mais viser le moyen terme avec ses alléchants +400%.

Ca y est, je l’ai ma preuve de l’arnaque! Si l’on sait que l’action va passer de 4€ à 20€ en douze mois, pourquoi diable la vendre à 4€ ? J’ai fait remarquer cela à mon interlocutrice.
Elle me répond qu’ils en gardent un peu pour eux et évite soigneusement ma question. Je lui demande alors les liens et informations qu’elle m’a promis.

À sa demande, j’ouvre mon navigateur web et elle me fait naviguer vers un PDF du site qui doit contenir plein d’informations intéressantes et utiles. Je dois ensuite utiliser Google pour faire une recherche « gsbc » et le 7ème lien doit être le bon, elle me donne le titre, il ne correspond pas (pas de chance mes préférences google perturbent la recherche).

Comme si tout ce que renvoyait Google était vrai! Les résultats renvoient plein de traductions (à la Altavista Translate) d’un communiqué de cette GSBC. Ne voyant qu’elle n’arrive pas à grand chose avec moi, elle coupe court à la discussion sous prétexte d’un appel urgent et me laisse ses coordonnées (Bridgit Lynn et un numéro de téléphone qui correspond à celui indiqué sur la page web d’Artemis Financial) et récupère mon email pour m’envoyer un dossier (PDF et PDF). Fin de la conversation.

Quelques rapides recherches semblent indiquer une volonté de masquer l’origine réelle:

  • l’entrée whois de nous informe que a été utilisé pour enregistrer le domaine (bizarre pour une institution financière!)
  • l’en-tête du courrier e-mail que j’ai reçu n’indique aucune adresse IP en Bulgarie. La première IP visible (, correspond à un serveur hébergé chez RackSpace.

Bref, je ne peux pas trier le bon grain de l’ivraie dans toutes ces infos, mais une chose est sûre: les Suisses (et autres) qui se font contacter par Artemis Financial pour investir dans feraient bien de se méfier. Je ne sais pas s’il y a des autorités (suisses ou autres) qu’il serait bon de prévenir, en tout cas il m’a semblé utile de mettre cette information en ligne au cas où d’autres personnes (moins méfiantes) se font tenter par l’appât d’une plus-value impressionnante et rapide. Les méthodes de Artemis Financial relèvent de l’arnaque et même si je n’en ai pas de preuves formelles (je ne vais pas essayer!), il y a quelque chose de pas net derrière tout cela.

Mise à jour du 04 septembre: Une autre dame de Artemis Financial m’a rappelé et ce coup-ci j’ai refusé de discuter mais la discussion commençait sur le fait que l’action a fait un bond formidable de 10% depuis le dernier appel et que cela cachait de très bonnes nouvelles ! J’ai regardé les graphiques boursiers et les volumes sont ridiculement faibles sur cette action, un achat de 4000 actions (soit 20 KEUR à peine) a suffit à générer cette hausse. Essayez de vendre le même volume et vous obtenez le parcours inverse…

For english-speaking readers who might find this article over Google, this article is meant to warn people contacted by « Artemis Financial, Hungary ». Their offer to invest in really looks like a swindle. Don’t trust blindly information that you might find by looking at the results of the Google searches that they recommend you.




Étiquettes :


621 réponses à “Arnaque boursière sur par Artemis Financial”

  1. Avatar de chef_tux

    Vous pouvez alerter les autorités de régulation des marchés. Pour la France, il s’agit de l’AMF
    Sur le site vous avez la liste des différentes autorités par pays :

    Il paraît évident que nul ne peut prévoir la valeur d’une action à M+12. Soit c’est effectivement une escroquerie, soit c’est mensonger.

    L’un des principes directeurs dans ces affaires est de ne jamais répondre aux sollicitations même par jeu.



  2. Avatar de 8alien

    Le scénario est très bien rôdé mais quelque peu stéréotypé : je viens d’avoir moi aussi la 2ème « dame » d’Artémis qui me proposait une offre encore plus alléchante que la première fois (j’avais été démarché la semaine dernière, très exactement comme indiqué sur ce blog). N’ayant pu me convaincre, elle a fini par perdre son sang froid et m’a presque raccroché au nez, ce qui peut se comprendre si c’était son 2ème refus de la journée (et je dois dire que faire perdre patience à des harceleuses téléphoniques patentées, cela m’a procuré un certain plaisir …).

    Voir également les articles suivants qui semblent liés à ces mêmes pratiques douteuses:


  3. Avatar de Buxy

    Merci pour ces liens. Au moins cela confirme mon impression. De mon côté, j’ai fait suivre les informations à l’AMF. On m’a répondu que mes informations avaient été envoyée au médiateur.

    Je ne sais pas si cela servira à quelque chose… par contre je sais que cet article est déjà numéro un de Google sur « artemis » et qu’avec cela au moins, on évitera peut-être à quelques uns de se faire entuber. 🙂

    Pour la peine, signalons qu’il en va donc de même avec « Unicorn Ventures » qui est mentionné dans les articles ci-dessus. Par contre ce coup-ci, le domaine n’a pas été acheté par un service anonymiseur, le propriétaire est un anglais:
    James Kent
    890 Manor House
    Alton, Kent KE4 9PD
    United Kingdom

    Mais l’adresse sur le site fait effectivement croire à une société portuguaise.

  4. Avatar de buzz

    Le sujet a été débattu en long et en large depuis le mois de mai 2007 sur divers forums en ce qui concerne « UV ». Ces gens m’ont harcelé pratiquement tous les jours pendant plusieurs semaines mais je ne suis pas tombé dans le panneau.
    Voir le blog danois, chercher dans google « Unicorn-ventures netnetnet » et on tombe automatiquement dessus, les premiers commentaires en danois sont suivis d’un grand nombre de commentaires en anglais de personnes de divers pays européens. Intéressant de suivre notamment, les recherches en cours de la part de diverses personnes ayant envoyé des fonds…
    Quoi qu’il en soit, vu le volume des transactions sur l’action, bonne chance à ceux qui ont acheté et qui cherchent à revendre, surtout si on attend le grand jour où l’action aura pris la plus-value fantastique promise.
    Donc… à suivre…

  5. Avatar de buzz

    Le sujet a fait l’objet d’avertissements dans la presse en Suisse. Voici l’article qui a paru le 10 juillet 2007 dans le quotidien Lausannois « 24 Heures » et simultanément, dans le quotidien Genevois « Tribune de Genève » :

    A la chasse aux gogos boursicoteurs
    Une astuce boursière sévit en Suisse romande. Une étrange société portugaise cherche à vendre des actions d’une start-up genevoise via un central téléphonique au Sri Lanka. Gare!
    Le Vaudois PS se souvient bien de ce premier coup de fil reçu début juin. Sous couvert d’un prétendu sondage, un interlocuteur à l’accent indien lui pose quelques questions en anglais sur «les habitudes des Suisses» en matière d’investissements. L’appel, qui provient du Sri Lanka, vise en fait à ferrer le gogo boursicoteur.
    Quelques jours plus tard, deuxième appel. Cette fois, la personne se présente sous un nom typiquement anglo-saxon. Genre Lloyd Spencer.
    Lloyd explique que sa société, Unicorn Ventures, basée au Portugal, appelle des particuliers «sélectionnés» pour leur proposer des placements «à fort potentiel de gain» dans des titres cotés en bourse. De plus, Unicorn se dit capable d’offrir des rabais de 20% sur le cours du jour pour des «placements privés» de 20’000 à 50’000 euros.
    Une affaire pas Netnetnet
    Et tiens, justement, Unicorn a une excellente affaire à proposer: un rabais important sur l’action d’une start-up cotée à Francfort mais basée à Genève, D’après son site web, cette dernière conçoit des écrans publicitaires révolutionnaires et serait, toujours selon Lloyd, sur le point de signer un contrat de plusieurs centaines de millions d’euros. A son adresse genevoise, le nom de ne figure sur aucune boîte à lettres. Le répondeur signale dans un premier temps que l’équipe est en vacances.
    «Comme je n’ai jamais cédé, trois conseillers de Unicorn Ventures m’ont appelé chacun plusieurs fois de manière très persuasive et insistante», raconte PS. Agacé autant qu’intrigué, le Vaudois tape le nom d’Unicorn Ventures sur Google et découvre de nombreuses mentions sur des forums… danois.
    La police danoise met en garde
    Hasard de la vie, PS comprend cette langue. Sur ces forums, plusieurs boursicoteurs racontent la même histoire. Certains disent avoir avancé de l’argent à Unicorn et n’avoir jamais revu leur mise. La police danoise a même publié un avertissement officiel le 6 juin. Les polices cantonales genevoise et vaudoise affirment ne pas avoir eu vent de ce cas précis, mais leurs porte-parole respectifs confirment tous deux que ce type d’arnaque est bien connu. Dans le canton de Vaud, des enquêtes sur des affaires similaires ont abouti au blocage de centaines de milliers de francs sur des comptes en Suisse et à l’étranger.
    Joint sur son portable, Clint Bault de semble tomber des nues et confirme seulement que Unicorn a bel et bien pris une participation «substantielle» dans son capital et cherche à revendre ses actions. «Mais nous n’avons aucun contrôle sur les transactions privées de nos actionnaires», conclut Clint.

  6. Avatar de morisseau

    Hélas, je crains que nous soyons « tombés dans le panneau ».

    Nous nous sommes laissés convaincre le 13/08/07 par Unicorn Ventures d’investir l’équivalent de € 4 242, soit 1000 actions à € 4,20 (+ € 42 de commissions). Les fonds devaient être versés sur le compte suivant :

    Peak Group Managment Inc.
    Bank of Panhsin, Songjang Branch
    238, Songjang Road, Zhongshan District
    Taipei City, R.O.C. (104)
    Compte n° 0491-135-0002770

    Lundi 3 septembre, mon mari est contacté de nouveau par M. Royston YOUNG (Vice President de Unicorn Trading) lui-même qui voulait lui aussi nous faire profiter des 200 000 actions qu’il venait d’acheter à un prix super interessant. Mon mari se laisse convaincre d’un achat d’environ € 15 000, avec la réserve que je sois d’accord, or je suis comptable et méfiante. j’ai donc tapé Netnetnet sur Google et lu votre blog.

    Evidement nous n’avons pas donné suite mais de plus j’ai demandé à Unicorn de revendre nos actions et de nous rembourser. Bien sur pas de réponse, mais un harcélement téléphonique sur notre lieu de travail, non pas pour nous dire qu’ils nous remboursaient mais pour exiger que nous
    payions les € 15 000.

    Je vous tiendrai au courant,

    A tous : méfiance !!

  7. Avatar de buzz

    Exactement le même scénario que décrit par un nombre grandissant de personnes sur les « forums danois » :

    Si le danois est incompréhensible, descendre la liste et voir les interventions en anglais…

    Pourtant dès début – août, les autorités de surveillance bancaire et financière de divers pays ont publié des avertissements. Par exemple :

    Il n’y avait qu’à « googler » un tout petit peu pour ne pas se faire avoir…

  8. Avatar de pierre

    vendredi 9 à 14h!
    c’est là qu’on se rend compte que internet est un outil génial
    m^me scénario pour moi. enqute banale à l’origine et appel de justine bernard de budapest me ventant les mérites de netnetnet! (une voie digne à « damner un ecclesiastique en passant). j’ai pu donc lire votre article en même temps qu’elle me parlait!!! je lui ai dit que je n’étais pas intérressé, mais je sens que le harcelement va commencer…
    je vous tiens au courant

  9. Avatar de gogol

    Il semble qu’il y aurait autant d’employés chez UV et AF que de personnes appelées ?
    Voir les innombrables noms mentionnés dans les forums de la part des personnes qui témoignent.
    Suggestion, si on vous appelle, demander quel temps il fait en Angleterre ou au Srilanka ! Personne ne va encore croire que ces gens appellent du Portugal ou de Hongrie ?

  10. Avatar de pier

    En lisant cette affaire d`Artemis dont j’ai entendu parlé de bouche à oreilles l’autre jour, je pose la question de ce que doivent faire les personnes que je connais qui ont achaté des actions de cette boîte netnetnet?
    Y a t-il un conseil à donner?

  11. Avatar de Buxy

    Pier, cela dépend de où ils ont acheté ces actions… s’ils les ont acheté à Artemis, le premier conseil serait de ne pas en acheter plus parce que visiblement ils recontactent les gens pour leur en faire prendre plus. Ils peuvent aussi demander la vente de leurs actions et le remboursement mais je n’ai aucune idée si cela va fonctionner.

    S’ils ont acheté les actions directement sur le marché public, ils gèrent comme leur portefeuille habituel… ils sont libres de vendre à tout moment.

  12. Avatar de laurent

    je ne sais pas comment vous faites les amis pour acheter du à ces tarifs . en effet, si vous parlez longuement à notre ami steve roberts de hongrie (il faut bien sur attendre qu’il vous démarche ) et si vous essayez d’en faire votre ami , vous pôurrez les avoir à 3,80 euros ! Bien sûr ,pour le moment je n’ai encore rien acheté car j’èspère que les
    prix vont encore baisser; Surtout j’èspère inverser la tendance et lui revendre un vieux solex
    5000 qui traine dans mon grenier à un prix attractif(pour moi!) : 150 000 euros . Comme vous êtes des mecs plutôt sympas , si steve roberts n’a pas réussi à arnaquer une clientèle suffisante pour m’acheter mon solex , celui-ci sera disponible au tarif raisonable de 250 euros . Tél O4 74 35 6000 . En attendant, le commentaire de buxy faisant remarquer que l’on ne voit pas pourquoi on braderait des actions certaines de monter, me semble frappé au coin du bon sens ; en ce moment il me semble préférable d’acheter du bradé type bnp paribas , carrefour , bourbon pu autre blue chip qui ne va pas s’écrouler tout de suite

  13. Avatar de buzz

    Yesss !!!!!

    Les autorités de contrôle des finances et bancaires de divers pays prennent position :

    Quelqu’un veut encore faire joujou avec ces messieurs-dames si convaincants d’UV et AF ?

  14. Avatar de pablo

    jetez un oeuil sur le site de netnetnet et vous verrez que la societe est cotee en bourse en allemagne le titre ne vaut rien c est tout du bla bla

  15. Avatar de buzz

    Simple curiosité :

    Comment ça se passe pour ceux qui ont envoyé des fonds et qui cherchent à les récupérer (avec ou sans les plus-values fantastiques promises) ?

    Par exemple ci-dessus, Morisseau ?

  16. Avatar de pablo

    je pense que la meilleur chose a faire ,comme vous semblez etre des fracophones et etes probablement bases pres de geneve,est de rendre visite physiquement a l adresse de Netnetnet et de demander de parler au president de la societe.Ceci doit etre fait sans rendez vous ,car je suspecte Clint bault d etre en collusion avec artemis et unicorn ventures.demandez la date de la prochaine assemblee generale des actionnaires,quelle est la fiduciaire de la societe etc.Ceci vous donnera ,si ils repondent ,l occasion de rencontrer d autres victimes de leur arnaqueet de connaitre plus de details pour recuperer votre continue a chercher…….

  17. Avatar de pablo

    D autres infos pour ceux qui veulent poursuivre leur investigation et recuperer leur investissement
    nnn est une societe de droit americain et semble t il non suisse.leur adresse est 36 bd helvetique 1207 geneve tel022 700 7647.le ceo est richard Walker comme administrateurs il ny a qu une personne mentionnee Carmel Guarascio (probablement US citizen)la societe est quotee sur le nasdaq et la bourse de Franfort
    NNN pretend avoir achete ou signe un accord pour une somme de CHF 26 millions avec la societe Incite media A.G. Riedhofstrasse 124 8105 Regensdorf tel 043 388 7850 personne en charge Yvonne Salzmann.
    Il semble que UV et Artemis soient la meme bande d escrocs probablement de nationalite US,mais ils doivent avoir des partenaires suisses ,naifs ou du meme gabarit,qui patagent une partie du butin.
    Il serait interessant de connaitre la banque de NNN et de se renseigner par cette voie
    certains cites mentionnent que la transaction avc incitemedia a ete financee par un homme du Liechtenstein,ce qui rend l affaire encore plus vaseuse.
    Bonne chance ,bon courage je cherche moimeme a recuperer mon investissement

  18. Avatar de buzz

    Les considérations de Pablo ci-dessus m’ont effectivement traversé l’esprit aussi. … Voici le site internet du registre officiel du commerce en Suisse, comprenant TOUTES les sociétés par actions, individuelles, et simples commerçants exerçant une activité économique en Suisse :

    En droit Suisse comme partout, une « société anonyme » (donc par actions cotées en bourse ou non), « existe » juridiquement obligatoirement, par son inscription au registre du commerce. Netnetnet indique sur son site être basé à son adresse à Genève. Toutefois, quelqu’un est-il capable de trouver cette « société » dans le registre du commerce suisse ? J’ai essayé mais pas trouvé…. Reste à comprendre, comment une société « inexistante » peut-elle avoir des actions « existantes » sur la bourse de Francfort ? Quelqu’un est-il capable d’expliquer ?

    Voici l’annuaire suisse online ou se trouvent tous les numéros de téléphones et adresses de personnes et sociétés en Suisse :

    Là aussi, quelqu’un est-il capable de trouver netnetnet, ou même quoi que ce soit correspondant à ses numéros de fax et tél. ???? Là aussi j’ai cherché mais pas trouvé….

    Par contre la personne citée par Pablo ci-dessus, « existe » réellement dans les deux registres ci-dessus…. Peut-être la clé de l’énigme serait-elle effectivement, à chercher par cette voie.

  19. Avatar de buzz

    Le sujet suscite de vives discussions sur divers forums, dans divers pays et en diverses langues. Outre ce forum-ci en français, voici les autres à ce jour ci-dessous (bien entendu, n’importe quel blog ou nouveau forum peut apparaître à tout moment) :

    Forum Danois :
    Autre forum danois :
    Forum norvégien :
    Forum Suisse-Allemand :
    Forum Allemand :

    Bonne lecture…. On trouve des interventions en anglais dans les cas ci-dessous, il faut juste descendre un petit peu dans les listes…

  20. Avatar de pablo

    Merci de votre message,je vous suggere de contacter Incite Media et de leur demander si ils appartiennent a nnn ou de vous adresser a leur agence de presse et de faire la meme demande.Ils semblent exister vu la publication des noms et photos des membres du conseil d administration.Si ils sont impliques et decouvrent les declaration de nnn et UV et Artemis a leur sujet ca donnera du poids aux demandes de remboursements

  21. Avatar de buzz

    Oui mais moi je ne suis pas tombé dans le panneau, je n’ai envoyé de l’argent nulle part, j’ai seulement été harcelé par les gens d’UV pendant près d’un mois.

    Je n’ai donc pas de raison d’appeler ou de réclamer quoi que ce soit.

    Mes interventions ici sont seulement dans le but d’aider et de contribuer à éclaircir la situation.

    Donc il faut laisser à ceux qui ont quelque chose à réclamer, le soin de prendre contact avec nnn ou autres si ils jugent ceci utile ou nécessaire pour leur cause.

  22. Avatar de pablo

    J ai contacte Clint en francais et ai demande un RV avec Walker.Il m a dit qu il ne serait pas a geneve avant 3 semaines.Clint pretend que les bureaux de NNN sont au 3e etage du 36 Blvd helvetique.Il pretend etre Australien d origine ecossaise.Je pense que la ligne telephonique est un renvoy vers un autre pays peutetre la thailande ou il y a de nombreux scams et probablement UV et Artemis
    J ai egalement contacte Incite media ,dont le president ne m a pas encore repondu si sa societe appartient a NNN…
    J espere que ces demarches peuvent etre utiles a d autres pigeons que moi meme

  23. Avatar de Stones

    Aujord`hui, jài recue la deuxieme telephone de Artemis, par une Nina Walrace. Elle indiquee le prix de aujourd`hui a 5 euro, et elle me lòffre 4. Jài demande comment on fais les transactions de làrgent.
    He he. Sa sera via une « clearing house » en Chine. Ca veut dire que on envoie le fric sur un compte en banque en Chine. Elle donne une explication vague que on gagne 3 a 5 % en taxe. Quand je lui affronte que Artemis est sur le « black listes » en Norvege et au Danmark, elle et devenue silante pendent 2 secondes, et puis elle a essayee d lèxplique.
    Elle nà pas pu. En fin, elle a acrochee le telepfone sans rien dire.

    Excuse moi pour mon mauvais francais. Ca fait des annes.

    Jèspere que il n`y a pas trop de gents qui a investies dans ce que moi crois et une mensonge.


  24. Avatar de peter

    Voici l’extrait de registre du commerce d’Incite Media :

    Pourquoi celui-ci n’indique rien sur leur nouveau propriétaire ?
    Et aussi, aucune mention faite sur le site d’incite…

  25. Avatar de pablo

    Jai envoye un message au president du conseil de IM Roland Kumin.savez vous qui a repondu?Clint Bauld avec du blabla comme d habitude.
    Par contr j ai contacte les autorites en charge des fraudes a geneve et on verra si eux trouvent qui est derriere cette vous tiendrai au courant des la reponse.
    Le blog que nous utilisons est accessible aux escrocs a qui nous avons a faire cherchons une autre solution pour communiquer.

  26. Avatar de pablo

    du nouveau peutetre
    Pour ceux qui ont recu leurs titres(actions) je vous conseille de vous rendre sur le site de NNN,et de cliquer sur la section des relations avec investisseurs.Vous verrez au bas de la page les 3 banques qui se recommendent pour acheter les actions de NNN ,ils peuvent certainement aussi en vendre si vous leur demandez.Quand au prix que nous pourrons recuperer c est une autre question.
    tenet moi au courant,bonne chance

  27. Avatar de gogol

    encore faut il etre sur d’etre vraiment proprietaire de ces actions pour pouvoir les vendre…

  28. Avatar de Pat

    Exactement mon éxperience. La question pour quoi du hard selling sur une affaire sure come proposée? Mais l’histoire est bien constituée. En tout cas on peut aussi perdre à la bourse sans se faire arnaquer.

  29. Avatar de pablo

    J ai contacte Incitmedia A.G. a Regensdorf .ai demande a parler au representant de NNN qui selon Clint Bauld est chez eux depuis la reprise.Ils n ont jamais entendu parler de NNN….alors que la reponse a un email adersse au president de Incitemedia m a ete envoyee par Clint bauld de NNN Ca sent vraiment mauvais..
    Vous tiendrai au courant des autres demarches

  30. Avatar de peter

    Notez que les « communiqués de presse » sur internet (sites gratuits de messagerie) se multiplient maintenant de la part de NN, UV et AF… Il suffit de « googler » l’un des 3 noms pour que les listes dans Google s’affichent. Il semble qu’on cherche à « noyer » les divers forums dans google, mais celui ci ainsi que celui de « muff » au Danemark tiennent bon !

    à propos, encore un Forum qui est apparu maintenant :

    à part ça quoi de neuf ???

  31. Avatar de AlexK

    Salut à tous, j’ai aussi été contacté par nos « amis » d’Artemis. Le mien s’appelle James Lloyd et veut me les vendre à 3.80 pour une mise minimale de EUR 35,000. Tout ça sent mauvais et ces personnes sont culotées. Il est évident que James appelait depuis un call-center car en bruit de fond il devait y avoir une vingtaine d’autres opérateurs-vendeurs anglophones. Parmi les « corporate governors » de NNN il y a ce Alexis Lope-Bello. Il a des ramifications en Russie et laisse de curieuses traces sur Google pour des fds d’investissement douteux en Russie avec, etc. Bref ce truc est trop chaud, il ne faut rien toucher. Il faut être très puissant pour lancer une escroquerie qui amène une startup fictive à partir en IPO à la bourse de Francfort…

  32. Avatar de peter

    Encore une fois…. Il semble que CHAQUE personne contactée a été appelée par une personne lui donnant un NOM DIFFERENT… voir l’ensemble des forums, chacun de ces « personnages » se donne un nom typiquement « british ». Dans un des forums danois quelqu’un dit qu’il lui semble que le « bruit de fond » donnant l’impression d’un call-center est en fait un enregistrement en boucle. On peut imaginer que les plaisantins qui appellent ne sont en réalité qu’en nombre limité. Plaisantins certes, mais si vous voyez le forum allemand quelques personnes disent avoir envoyé 20’000 à 30’000 euros.

  33. Avatar de pablo

    Pour ceux qui ont envoye des fonds et sont normalement actionnaires de NNN je pense que ,comme moi vous souhaitez les recuperer.
    Pour ce faire il faut etre en contacte avec des ou une personne qui endosse officiellement une responsabilite.
    ce ou ces personnes se trouvent au 36 blvd helvetique sous le nom de European Launch Pad S.A. et comme par hasard Mr Clint Bauld se trouve dans leurs bureaux,et devrait normalement savoir quand a lieu la prochaine assemblee des actionnaires.le telephone est 022 700 76 48.

    Si morisseau veut d autres details faite le savoir

  34. Avatar de peter

    Pour ceux qui comprennent l’Allemand : Voir le site Suisse-Allemand « Beobachter » ( ), l’intervention de « Oberon ».


    On peut se demander dans quelle mesure les personnes envoyant des fonds à AF ou UV seront soumises aux mêmes traitements si ils se laissent mener en bateau jusqu’au bout, et éventuellement, si les personnes derrière toutes ces sociétés de « conseils et placements » ne seraient pas par hasard, … les mêmes.

    Ils ont semble-t-il tous en commun :
    * Les interlocuteurs ont tous des noms typiquement « british » mais chaque fois différents.
    * Les transferts sont toujours effectués auprès de banques en Asie.
    * Ces banques sont toujours dans d’autres pays que l’adresse présumée de la société de conseils et placements.
    * Les actions proposées sont toujours de sociétés dont on peut difficilement vérifier la substance et l’activité réelle, et se « trouvant » encore dans d’autres pays que la société de conseils et placements.

  35. Avatar de pablo

    Peter,jai lu avec interet le cite allemand mentionne dans votre message.ayant aussi ete contacte par les memes societes aux memes periodes j avais par interet recherche qui est deriere cette arnaque.C est le meme groupe de gens animes par un Irlandais condamne en thailande il y a quelques annees pour ces activites.A cette occasion ,une centaine de personnes qui travaillaient pour lui ont ete deportes par les autorites.les sous ont tous disparus de l endroit ou ils devraient etre et l animateur principal a investi dans des pubs et boites de nuit dans le plus grand bordel du monde ,dont le roi a fait ses etudes en suisse.Si vous en voulez plus faites le savoir.

  36. Avatar de Buxy

    Pablo, oui on veut en savoir plus, de quelles autorités tu parles ? Y a t’il des traces publiques d’une décision de justice ? N’y a t’il eu qu’une procédure en thailande et rien en Europe ?

    Visiblement ce genre d’arnaque existe depuis plusieurs années et il doit vraisemblablement y avoir eu des procédures en Europe. Le message précédent mentionnait des démarches faites en Suisse…

  37. Avatar de peter

    En gros pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l’allemand, « Oberon » semble décrire son cas qui serait une version « à l’extrême » de la stratégie employée par les sympathiques conseillers :
    Une fois qu’on est pris dans l’engrenage, on est sans arrêt sollicité pour envoyer des fonds supplémentaires afin de « profiter » de deals chaque fois très attrayants, impliquant parfois la conversion de ses actions en titres « encore plus fantastiques ».
    Si on souhaite vendre son portefeuille et récuperer sa mise, il faut aussi envoyer des fonds supplémentaires afin de disposer d’un « paquet d’actions » suffisamment intéressant pour qu’un éventuel acheteur veuille bien les reprendre.
    Lorsqu’on se plaint que le cours du titre est en baisse, le conseiller propose un deal par lequel, par un obscur tour de passe-passe, les actions du client peuvent être « échangées »contre d’autres « beaucoup plus prometteuses ». Ceci bien entendu moyennant des investissements supplémentaires… Ce pauvre gars a marché dans la combine et s’est retrouvé à la fin avec des actions payées $2.00 , ne valant plus que $0.001 pièce, et ayant investi des dizaines de milliers de $.

  38. Avatar de pablo

    Oui il y a eu procedure juridique en Thailande mais le personnes en charge de l Implementig de ces decisions sont des civil servants qui gagnent 200 a 300 USD/mois et qui sont facilement achetables ,c est ce qui s est passe.Les services speciaux des fraudes des USA Angleterre Australie et autres pays sont actifs sur place et font fermer le operations en activite par une descente de police.Ca dure quelques heures ,le temps de negocier la somme qui sera remise en liquide au chef qui repart avec quelques annees de salaire en poche.Souvent les officiers de police superieurs sont associes et couvrent les operations .
    D en savoir plus c est bien mais ca ne vous rapportera rien.Il faut que des personnes lesees s en prennent aux societes qui ont soit disant pignon sur rue dans des pays civilises comme la suisse ,Lallemagne ,L autriche pour les coincer et recuperer leurs fonds.J ai mentionne la societe EUROPEAN LAUNCH PAD S.A.chez qui se cache NNN allez les voir et discutez avc eux, Cest la que se trouve Clint Bauld de soit disant NNN mais qui est employe de ELP S.A.Je ne peux pas le faire moimeme car je ne suis pas dans la region.Condamner les escrocs c est bien,mais recupere son argent c est mieux.Si vous ne voulez pas le faire vous meme prenez un avocat ou la police locale
    Nous sommes tous actionnaires de NNN et en avons des preuves sur documents.
    tenez moi au courant .

  39. Avatar de peter

    être actionnaire de NNN ne suffit pas pour prouver quoi que ce soit. UV et AF sont malins : ils vous ont vendu des actions cotées en bourse. Et alors ?

    Sachant ce que vous mentionnez ci-dessus, Pablo (vous dites « ayant aussi ete contacte par les memes societes aux memes periodes j avais par interet recherche qui est deriere cette arnaque »), vous vous êtes quand même fait convaincre par UV de leur envoyer des fonds ?

    J’avoue ne pas comprendre.

  40. Avatar de pablo

    j,ai ete embobine, ensuite comme tout le monde j ai cherche a recuperer mes fonds ,et par chance un ami australien qui fait partie des victimes a commence a creuser et m a tenu au courant des developpements.Allez sur le site ASEC Australian security and exchange commission et vous pourrez voir ce que les kangourous disent,Ils se sont fait avoir pour des dizaines de millions de$us.Ils ont un site qui donne tous les scams qui ont ete reportes a ce jour.
    si vous avez des questions precises welcome j essayerai de vous aider

  41. Avatar de pablo

    pour Peter
    mes excuses j ai recherche il ne s agit pas de ASEC mais de ASIC australian securities and investment commission leur site
    Allez dans la section FIDO et vous apprendrez beaucoup de choses

  42. Avatar de peter

    Donc vous avez d’abord été embobiné par ces premières sociétés, avez cherché à récupérer vos fonds, et puis vous avez de nouveau maintenant été embobiné par UV ou Artemis ???!!!

  43. Avatar de peter

    La commission fédérale des banques en Suisse déclare maintenant que UV n’est pas autorisé à faire le commerce de titres en Suisse :

    La CFB indique dans cet article, que les actions concernées seraient invendables une fois acquises, et que par conséquent, l’heureux actionnaire ne reverra jamais son argent.

  44. Avatar de pablo

    Bonjour Peter,
    jai pris connaissance de vos commentaires,savez vous pourquoi ces actions sont invendables? la CFB se prononce t elee sur ce sujet.
    Je pense personellement que vendables ou non les actions nous ont ete vendues et qu il faut en avoir la possession physique.pour ce faire il faut chercher sur la voie de la societe dont vous /nous sommes soit disant actionnaires soitNNN et rencontrer Mr Clint Bauld qui en est le vous ai dit ou il se trouve dans un commentaire precedent.Si li se derobe faite lui confirmer la chose par ecrit ,et ca permettra de remonter le courant des responsabilites aupres de societes de droit suisse soit European launch pad S.A. et Incitemedia.La menace de collusion dans une escroquerie ainsi qu une plainte est en general une action qui peut delier les bourses des societes impliquees .

  45. Avatar de peter

    Ceci serait conformément au texte en allemand (lien ci-dessus), selon les dires de personnes qui se sont plaintes.

  46. Avatar de Philippe

    Bonjour à tous,

    Je suis tombé sur votre forum « by accident », mais avec beaucoup d’intérêt. En effet, j’ai également contacté début juin par UV (Mon interlocuteur était David Jones). Après quelques tentatives infructueuses pour me « pomper » d’abord 10’000 puis « only 5’000 euros » comme il disait… sans succès, ils ont abandonné.

    La raison de mon post est que hier, j’ai à nouveau été contacté par un quidam d’une entreprise x (je n’ai pas pris les détails malheureusement), mais une arnaque similaire semble lancée en suisse. Ayant coupé court à la conversation, je n’ai pas plus de détails… sorry.

  47. Avatar de Scammy


    Look at for more about issues and info on Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial.

    Also..please observe that the domain that the owner of the world patended smart screen technology now do not have a domain. It is expired. LOL:

  48. Avatar de peter

    Yes, this all boils down to one issue :
    Someone who has bought shares should seriously investigate what the NNN operation in Geneva is all about, who these guys are and who is behind.

  49. Avatar de pablo

    This message is for Peter,from pablo
    Yes you are right this is the only action that will take us somewhere,have a look at my previous comments and you will know where they are hiding and who covers them .I am too far away to do it but go if you can to 36 Boulevard Helvetique in geneva meet European Launch Pad S.A. people and you will find Clint Bauld who is the first counterpart to meet and question about the scam good luck

  50. Avatar de Scammy

    +36 115772200

    Phone nr. to Artemis.. Enjoy!

  51. Avatar de Scammy

    here is another number, this is non-official as they call ity themselves: +36 19994614. Can someoune please try to find out about this number? I do not speak Hungarian.

  52. Avatar de peter

    To Pablo : yes but I did not buy shares so I have nothing to complain about. This can only be done by a shareholder who can ask pertinent questions such as the date and place of next shareholders meeting, etc…

  53. Avatar de peter

    Wouawww !!!!
    Finalement quelqu’un est allé voir sur place à Budapest !!!
    Voir le message n° 123 du Forum danois « studmuffin » :

    Message fram Milan D
    26 Oct. 2007

    I was contacted by somebody who calls himself
    Alexander Mehler from
    Artemis Financial Budapest
    Mimoza utca 14

    and he offered shares below market price – special action for the new clients.

    I’m from Czech Republic, but today I had business meeting in Budapest near Mimoza utca, so I had a look there, of course there is no Artemis Financial on this address!!!

    The same story like comments above, be carefull!!!


  54. Avatar de dom

    Is no Unicorn Ventures building at the address of the “head office” in Portugal :
    Unicorn Ventures
    Rua Hermano Neves
    16/17 – E6
    1600-477 LISBOA

    and the mail come back with the post mention “unknow at this address”

    the web site is a fake site.

    stay away from this scam !!!


  55. Avatar de Scammy

    Hi again.

    I ave digged a little further anf found out the following.

    A swiss friend of mine /that i met on a swiss trading forum) has visitet (or tried to, to be more correct) netnetnet offices. None to be found. netnetnet (us: does not exist IRL!

    GSBC is a fake company. The bank Paragon International Placements ltd that was supposed to get GSBC on the US market is also a boiler room company. Many people in the US has lost money on buying GSBC shares from Paragon.

    This brings up the question: How are these people able to get nnn on US and German bourses?? These guys have really powerful connections!

    Keep it coming!

  56. Avatar de Scammy

    About Ronald Flynn, GSBC and his boilr room companies:

    More About GSBC and the scams

    Article with Picture and contact info on Ronald Shane Flynn:

  57. Avatar de peter

    One key to all these questions :

    Those who have bought shares, contact Mr. Clint Bauld (his name mentioned on the NNN website) in Switzerland.
    He seems to be a real person at least, there is an address, phone number etc. to be found in the swiss directories :

    And also a management consulting company to be found in the swiss commerce registry :

    However NNN is not to be found in either registries….

    Good luck

  58. Avatar de Mirek

    Bonjour a toute et a tous,

    moi-meme je suis de la Tchequie et j’ai vecu la meme histoire cete semaine. Une enquete d’abord, puis un appel de Budapest d’une certaine Laurene, parlante un anglais parfait. Puis blahblahblah, les succes du passé, pour 4€ mais volume maxi de 10 000 €, on vous aime, vous etes formidable, on veut vous fair riche. C’est bien que dans l’internet on trouve un peu plus d’info.

  59. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    The only legitimate company in this mess seems to be Incite Media that claims to have been bought by Or are they scammed too or part of the scam?

  60. Avatar de Stones

    They dont call mee anymore after the second phonecall.
    She got rely upset since I told her, after 10 minutes, that I thought it was a scam.
    I did not send any money.
    These people will continue with scams, as long as it works, until taken out.
    New websites, new ip adresses, new business adresses, etc etc.
    On the danish blog, some people has gone along in the prosess, to « piss them off ». All the way, except transfering the funds. It seems to mee that it`s the same people that is behind this, but under differnt names.

    By the way, they are probably reading this or in other sites in differetnt languishes.


  61. Avatar de pablo

    Hello Karsten
    i read you message and as youcould see further up these comments,i have sent an email to the president of incitemedia,and guess who replied ? Clint Bauld from NNN hiding in the offices of European Launch Pad S.A. at 36 bvd Helvetique in geneva on 3 rd floor.
    If you are in the area you can find them there and start questioning
    Good luck

  62. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Pablo
    I also sent an email about the ownership to Incite and wondered why no information about the affair with NNN could be found on their website. I was also curios to know why all the latest pressreleases and news were from march this year? The answer came from Roland Kümin that they had indeed been bought by NNN and that Incite Media was to change its name to by the end of the year. He also gave me a link to their website where there indeed were some articles about Roland Kümin and the fact that he had sold the company to Netnetnet. All this was posted at the end of September, a few days after my mail to Incite. Coincidence?
    All this makes me wonder, not only about NNN, where I think I have a pretty clear idea, but also about Incite Media and their part in it all.

  63. Avatar de pablo

    many thanks for your feedback which is of interest because you made a step forward.I did the same a while ago and when i spoke to the secretary she had never heard of NNN.Further more ,if you have a loock at the accounts of NNN ,they have a share capital of CHF 200 000,unless we are both complete idiots ,I cannot see how they could be bought for CHF 26 millions,as they are 2 yars old.
    in my opinion Kuemin is in collusion with the scam and gets some$$$ for rerouting callers to geneva.
    Suggest that you try to contact the alledged chairman of NNN ,as i heard several times he is always traveling and not available,Clint bauld dixit
    The only way to take them out of business is to work on the responsability of the geneva authorities that they are harbouring a scam that syphons money from their swiss investors
    good luck,keep me posted

  64. Avatar de peter

    Yes Pablo you are right, actually someone living in Switzerland who has bought shares should complain at the authorities in Geneva. I live in Switzerland but I did not buy shares so I am not in a position to complain. Anybody who can do something ?

  65. Avatar de peter

    By the way Pablo, since you are a shareholder, why don’t you just ask Clint when and where is the next NNN shareholders meeting ? He should be obliged to give you an answer to that. Let’s see what he comes with.

  66. Avatar de pablo

    This is for Peter
    Thanks for your message it makes sens except that i live 12000 km away from Geneva and it is not worth doing the trip for meeting with a probably miserable specimen of mankind that is just a small frye in the system.
    further more I have spoken to Clint who appears as a useless counterpart who does not know anything except that Williams is traveling.
    You have to know that this organisation is covered by European Launch Pad S.A. at the coordonates i have given above, the phone No is the same with one more unit on the last is probably a service office or just friends of the NNN Incitemedia Unicorn ventures and Artemis Mafia with a more than certain american backup

  67. Avatar de peter

    Yes but asking about the next shareholders meeting does not mean you will be obliged to go there. Interesting will just be, what they would answer to this question.

  68. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Pablo and all!
    If you look at the swiss Handelsregister for Incite Media you can find nothing about the deal with NNN. The latest entry was from April. A very good site: You can find all kinds of information about all swiss companies. Even Clint Baulds small consulting firm (and it even says that William Clinton Bauld is an Australian), BUT you can find nothing about NNN. Did a quick search for the names of the other people at NNN, but only found Mr Lope-Bello as the head of a now defunct company.

  69. Avatar de pablo

    To Karsten and Peter
    Thanks for your comments you are both right.
    Do you really believe that they have a shareholders meeting on the agenda?What difference does it makes as they will anyway be lying to you,whatever the answer is.
    i have already visited the mentioned sites and came to the same conclusion it is all BS……
    For your info I have contacted the special fraud division of the police in geneva,but got no answer!!!!!! remember that Switzerland is the world paradise for this kind of operations that by miracle become fully in compliance with the law when some economical interests are on the swiss side,the majority of them are totally brainwashed that they are white as snow .have you already heard this say? Do you want to make a small fortune ? answer:take a big one and give it to a swiss banker…. (this comes from the financial Times a while ago .Sorry about the comments but i have gone practically through the experience years ago
    good to hear from your new investigations
    Good luck

  70. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    None of the Unicorn Ventures, Artemis Financial, NNN blogs that I keep my eye on has had any new entries lately. Does this mean that they have given up? Tried calling Artemis today. Only got an anonymus « Thank you for calling » answering machine. Unicorn Ventures at least has « Thank you for calling Unicorn Ventures » on their answering machine. Or have they started to work under yet another name? On other digital signage blogs GSBC founder (somehow involved with NNN) Ronald Flynn and former partner Jerry Dubin are pounding each other with all kinds of accusations. Really quite silly. As far as I have been able to find out there is not much news on NNN or Incite Media other than that the NNN stock is falling close to 4 Euro.

  71. Avatar de pablo

    Hello Katrsten
    ineresting to read your update,but i suspect that the time zone they are calling from is in the plus 6 hours against the continental winter time so you might try again as from your time 2 to 3 pm and this might confirm my opinion.I will try from my side

  72. Avatar de scammy

    Hi All..

    I have tried to call Artemis and I got answer! I do nut use the regular number but another number i’ve managed to fish out from their greedy sales people..And guess what.. Thailand…. also I have provided another number further up in the thread that actally leads somewhere but no one here seems to have used that info. I’ll try to investigate this further..And please call that number and tell me what you gather from it.


  73. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Pablo and all!
    This is my impression of the Artemis NNN affair.
    This is also posted on the danish Studmuffin blog.

    I would say that NNN is a company that owns nothing, except their own stock, produces nothing besides pressreleases. It is a company “left over” from when the Thai company Global Sattelite Broadcast Company claimed that they owned the patent of the “Smart Screen” that would dominate the world of digital signage. That NNN got listed in Frankfurt gave credibility to GSBC. When things went totally out of hand at GSBC NNN was left with nothing but dreams. (Note that there is no reference to “Smart Sceen” on NNN:s website any longer)
    Clint Bauld, the front figure of NNN, runs a consulting firm in Switzerland and also works for European Launch Pad, with offices at the same adress as NNN, and they share the same fax number. Somebody is sitting on a huge pile of NNN stock (it claims to be funded with 448 million euros) bought at a bargain price that Unicorn Ventures and later Artemis Financial is trying to sell. They can afford to sell it under the listed price because they make a handsome profit anyway.
    Unicorn and Artemis are fake companies and since Clint Bauld has stated that Unicorn has a substantial claim in NNN he must be in on the scam. My “broker” at Artemis urged me to call NNN to make sure that Artemis was a “licenced” seller of NNN stock further proves the link between NNN and Unicorn/Artemis. The only thing of some substance in NNN is the purchase of Incite Media, but as this is payed for with NNN stock this will probably not happen as the stock is now falling on the Frankfurt stock exchange. They (whoever they are) will perhaps be able to keep the rate up for a while by buying small quantities, but not in the long run.
    This is my view of the affair. Will be following it with interest

  74. Avatar de Pablo

    Dear Karsten and Scammy,
    You are both right with your findings,and quite close to reality.Thailand is the place where they are calling from probably,it could as well be the Pilippines , Malaysia or indonesia that all have the reputation to harbour such scam operations.
    One thing i have some doubts about is that these people sit on a stock of NNN shares,the name of the game beeing to rip others off rather than investing money,even if it has been previously Stolen from others.The only investment they have done is in phone lines that are meant to be untracable.
    the whole business is very primitive and basic,as piracy has always been and will remain.

  75. Avatar de Pablo

    I forgot to ask you what the Thai phone No is I will,as you suggest try to get more details from them

  76. Avatar de Stones

    Hey you all
    About Thailand

    The only thing you need to make a scam like this is an internet conection, and use IP telephony, from any place in the world.

    I personaly dont think Thay call from Thailand, (I have friends with IP telefone there) and I think I would have noticed. (A small difference in lag and vioce)

    To Karsten
    The easyest way to « maintain » the value of the stock is to bye small quantities at regular intervals. That has been done several times.

    What can be done with these gies ? Thay will ceep going at this in a different name soon..

    How to take them down ?


  77. Avatar de peter

    One key as mentioned many times before : someone who is a shareholder should ask for a meeting with CB in Geneva, and ask all relevant questions.

  78. Avatar de scammy


    it *is* Thailand. I speak a little Thai (al little!) and the answering machine is certanly Thai. I called up later and asked in Thai and the woman answered in Thai. When I called and talked english she said I arrived at Artemis (LOL).

    the number is not Thai it is a hungarian mobile number.

    I have come to the same conclusion as Karsten and support his summary. I would like to add that Fightersoft is the new company (the company is old) where Ron Flynn promises « gold and fortune ».

    Artemis/Unicorn are the same people (I cannot ducument this but I called Artemis asking for names that I have read around the net that has been used by Unicorn) and they said he/she wasn’t inn. hehe..


  79. Avatar de Pablo

    hello scammy,
    do you have the thai or hungarian tel No so i can call myself and try to get a bit more infos,to eventually have a good Thai lawyer get in touch with them and start squeeze the people in charge
    Thanks to give it

  80. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Noticed that NNN has a new item on its milestones list: A letter of intent with Fujitsu Services. (Sounds like no big deal to me) It is further described in a press release from Incite Media where it is also stated that NNN is the owner of Incite. It also identifies Roland Kümin as the head of Netnetnet tv Europe. The press release ends like this: « is a worldwide digital media network infrastructure operator and consolidator and provides its customers with state-of-the-art in-store intelligent digital communication solutions through a wide range and highly competitive portfolio of products and services. » After all we have learned about NNN this sounds like a lot of BS.

  81. Avatar de Pablo

    I fully agree with you it is all BS have you by the way seen anything about the expansion of NNN in Asia ,with base in Singapore.Beeing quite familiar with this country ,i have dicovered that the alledged CEO in Spore is just another crook with a record along these lines

  82. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Another pressrelease from NNN. Another letter of intent. This time about buying a substantial part of a company in Spain: Retail Media. Have not had time to find out of the company is real, but if you add www to their email adress you land on a page that is under contruction.

  83. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Pablo!
    Have not looked deeper into the NNN Asia bit yet. The company Sandz Solutions seems somewhat legitimate, but so have a lot of other companies in this mess.

  84. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello All!
    Yet another pressrelease from NNN: » Inc Announces it Has Contracted TMF The Marketing Fund as a Strategic Commercial and Marketing Advisor ». Guess what, TMF is not listed in the Swiss handelsregister, and has its offices at….yes, Boulevard Helvetique 36!
    BTW, the website of TMF is coming soon.
    Seems like the remedy for falling stock is to issue pressreleases.

  85. Avatar de Stones

    To you all
    As I have mentioned earlier, Theese guies will not stop with their scams.
    They will open upp another company. and continue the scam in some other name.
    I am truly sorry for the people that invested in this.

    What wee should doo, is put to them out of businnes. How ?

    I will probably shortly travel down to Thailand, but without the IP address, I can`t do shitt.
    There is a sustantial buissnes with Callsenters in Thailand. Legitiamate and not.

    I Think that the easiest way is the offisial trough stockmarket, since they can not ceep that upp. Not a good way for stockholders.

    What can we do ? Shoot them ?


  86. Avatar de Pablo

    To all,
    The findings are interesting but i think that if somebody wants to stop their action ,it has to be done in a legal environment that is effective and reiable like Switzerland could be.Thailand has a legislation but when it comes to inforcing the law ,coruption is the name of the game and as a foreigner you are always on the looser’s side.
    Somebody has to physically go to the address in the geneva and squeeze CB and his fiends to obtain some results that can be brought to the relevant authorities and get action.another way is to get some journalist involved that will report that the geneva government is habouring fraudulous operations.
    Good luck i will try from my side and report.
    I have heard that the swiss german are more adamant when it comes to their image ,why not try on the NNN-incitemedia side!!!!!
    Have a good day

  87. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Well, as someone who has not invested, I really think we have done a good job here at this and other blogs. If you Google « Unicorn Ventures » (one of the first « companies » trying to sell NNN) the first link that is listed is the danish studmuffin, where you can get a pretty good idea of the dangers in investing in NNN. A similar search of « Artemis Financial » delivers this blog as number three on the Google list. A good warning for anybody approached by Artemis. Unfortunately the « Netnetnet » search only has this blog on page two, where page one is filled with the recent pressreleases from NNN. I´m sure there are ways to improve the Google
    rating to land on page one. This is of course no help to those who have invested and want their money back, but it might be of help to those approached by unicorn/artemis followers who want to sell them NNN stock. So please keep this blog alive. There is something very rotten with NNN/Incite Media and I would love to find out what it is.

  88. Avatar de Christophe

    Hi All,

    I was also contacted by Artemis and also « invested » €4000.– in NNN. After saying I was going to transfer all to authorities I got a call from XYZ working for Artemis asking me why I was angry and that I should not worry as I was owning now some shares of Nanopharm in Malaysia.

    I asked in the next mail to sell everything and get my money back, next call indicating me that they will ask Nanopharm to send me phisically the stock I earn and I can sell them locally?

    Do anyone have the data of the authorities I should contact in Switzerland?

    Do any of you tried to find out more about the bank account:

    Peak Group Managment Inc.
    Bank of Panhsin, Songjang Branch
    238, Songjang Road, Zhongshan District
    Taipei City, R.O.C. (104)
    Compte n° 0491-135-0002770

    Thanks to all.

    I more and more believe that I will never see my money back.

    Only hope these guys will be dead soon…

    Best regards,


  89. Avatar de Pablo

    I read your message with interest and suggest that you should read above comments where i give all details about This bunch of crooks who are all the same people using different names.
    The person you should go and meet is Clint Bauld in geneva who is part of them and then submit the case to the local authorities claiming that they are harbouring a team of international Swindlers who operate under European launch Pad ,netnetnet Unicorn ventures, Artemis Incitemedia,
    Hope you are in switzerland to make it easier for you
    Good luck

  90. Avatar de Pablo

    I had a look at the company in KL malaysia nobody i could really speak to but if it is of any nelp to you ,i am going to KL at the end of this week and willgo and visit them.To be practical do you have any documentary evidence of the transfer of your funds and the transfer from NNN to Nanopharm.
    Let me know and i will give you my coordonates

  91. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Pablo!
    Your trip to KL sounds very interesting. Since the transfer of NNN stock to Nanopharm seems part of the masterplan for this scam, the more we know about this Malaysian company the better. Is their stock listed anywhere?

  92. Avatar de Pablo

    No they belong to an international group in volved mostly in teeshirt production!!!!!!!
    I will let you know more after contacting them

  93. Avatar de Christophe

    Hi Pablo,

    Thanks for your help. I have of course proofs of my transfert and of my supposed nanopharm stocks acquisition.

    Once you sent my your coordonates I can forward you these documents.



  94. Avatar de Pablo

    Thanks for your message my email is
    I will keep you posted as soon as i get results

  95. Avatar de peter

    Hello Pablo and Christophe.
    I am sending you Pablo an email so you get my contact data. Please Pablo share this with Christophe. I would have some useful info or suggestions for you guys that could help somewhat, that I did not want to put publicly on the forum.

  96. Avatar de Pablo

    Hi Christophe,
    you probably read the message from peter,suggest you scan your documents and send them,As i do not have your email address yet i cannot forward Peter’s comments to you
    Look fwd to hear from you soon

  97. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hi Pablo and all!
    Yes, the TLway Corporation seems like yet another BS company with, as you say, T-shirts from Uzbekistan and Lesotho as their main product. Seems to have a lot of dealings in former Soviet Republics. The smell of organized crime gets stronger. Good luck with your investigation Pablo. Hope to hear of your findings soon.

  98. Avatar de peter

    Maybe I missed an episode..
    What is this TLway corp ?
    (what does it have to do with NNN, UV and AF ??)

  99. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hi Peter
    TLWay is the owner of the Nanopharm company that Unicorn and Artemis want you to buy stock in (in exchange for the NNN stock that they claim to have sold with a small profit for you). Nanopharm stock can then only be sold if you invest even more money….

  100. Avatar de peter

    By the way Karsten, snakker du norsk ?

  101. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Nej, men jag talar svenska, Peter.

  102. Avatar de peter

    To Karsten :
    Ahaaa, så du pratar svenska… Ble du lurt av disse påjkene til å kjøpe aksjer ?
    To Pablo :
    I received your second email but not the first one.

  103. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    To Peter:
    Nej, men jag blev uppringd otaliga gånger av Artemis Financial och blev nyfiken på hur det hela hänger ihop. Någon har lagt ner stor energi på att tillverka Unicorns och Artemis hemsidor. Jag har säkert talat med Artemis-folket i 5 timmar per telefon. På vems bekostnad? Någon har registrerat NNN på Frankfurtbörsen. Vem ligger bakom alltihop? Var finns skurkarna?
    Hade jag köpt NNN aktier hade jag varit rasande, nu är jag lyckligtvis bara nyfiken.

  104. Avatar de peter

    To Karsten :
    Well I answer to you in English, because it is not so polite from us speaking a lauguage that our other friends here (Pablo, …) will not understand.
    Actually my story is the same as yours, but with Unicorn Ventures instead of AF.
    They called me and my wife almost every day in June – July this year, talking about their « fantastic news » and « super deal » offering the nnn shares under market price, and our potential for getting rich and multiplying our investment with 5-6 for sure within a few months. We certainly spent as many hours as yourself on the phone with them, impossible to get rid of. They could not accept NO as an answer, and did not seem to realize that the more they called, the more their behaviour seemed strange and doubtful. At least 3-4 guys called us from UV.
    Their sales method is simple : asking questions (to which you can only answer « yes ») and making you feel and look stupid if you do not decide immediately to accept their fantastic offer.
    But : we never fell for the trick. Now I am just following this out of curiosity and am glad if I can help those who have « invested ».

  105. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Peter, Pablo and all…
    Just did a Google search for « netnetnet » and got more than 56.000 hits. Have not checked up on each and every one but I would say that at least 85 percent are pressreleases from NNN containing « forward looking statements ». A company whos flagship product is pressreleases can be up to no good. Will be interesting to hear news from Pablo.

  106. Avatar de Pablo

    Thanks to all for your messages
    I will send a special envoy who is not less that one of the lawyers of the PM in malaysia to visit Nanopharm in KL with a fully documented file.Let’s see how they react.Malays are usually very keen in chasing cooks and give them a special teatment.
    i will keep you posted

  107. Avatar de peter

    yes but well, …. OK, having bought shares and being a shareholder does not prove anything

  108. Avatar de Pablo

    To Peter and all having Shares from NNN converted to Nanopharm in KL

    we are in touch with the president of Nanopharm and it could well go somewhere.One of the victims case has been submitted in KL.whoever wants to join in the claim,with fully documented case is wellcome
    If interested please advise

  109. Avatar de Christophe

    HI Pablo,

    As you most probably deducted on your own, yes I’m interested.

    You have all documents I sent to you by mail, feel free to transfert them if necessary to the relevant person in charge of this claim.

    Thanks for your help.


  110. Avatar de peter

    By the way did you notice that people having bought shares from Uincorn Ventures, and other people having bought shares from Artemis Financial (see here above) all mention the SAME BANK ACCOUNT on which they were asked to send their funds :

    Peak Group Managment Inc.
    Bank of Panhsin, Songjang Branch
    238, Songjang Road, Zhongshan District
    Taipei City, R.O.C. (104)
    Compte n° 0491-135-0002770

    Is’n’it strange that a « portuguese » company and another « hungarian » company that under normal circumstances would have nothing to do with each other, are using the SAME BANK ACCOUNT ???? How do thay then deal with their accounting ?

  111. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Peter and all!
    Yes, it is strange. I guess that they don’t give s* about accounting. Just rake in the money as fast as possible. Noticed that NNN stock was at it’s lowest ever today, 3,30 Euro. Is this an indication that the game is up? The « pump » phase is over and we are now in the « dump » phase. The volumes are very low, considering there must be millions of stock issued.
    Wonder where this leaves Incite Media?
    Guess we will know in the coming month.

  112. Avatar de Stephen Hadik

    I was had as well recently. would like to add my documents to the ones you have already collected, so that if these guys ever get caught I can have a chance at getting something back.

    I sent them 4000 euros not so long ago and had a similar experience whereby they could not expect the great returns from nnn unless they sold the shares to someone who was in some sort of bind, but than they wanted me to send them a further 7,500 euros so that they could than triple it for me and send me back 21,000 by the end of the year.

    I did not send them the 7’500 and was than accused of having made his whole deal flounder and he was going to lose a lot of money…. BS…

    let me know what I should be doing to help. As you can see I am not from this world and have been cheated. I will be happy to go back to the mountains for a living!!


  113. Avatar de Stephen Hadik

    Hi again,

    I should add that I did write them an e-mail when I failed to hear back from them.

    I got a call last week from some sort of swiss number +41877196938.

    I tried to call the number back that same evening and the number was no longer valid or most likely never was.

    Ciao for now

  114. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    Stephen,send your email address so i can give you my coordonates to send your evidences .Alternatively give your phone No and we will keep it more confidential

  115. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    TO ALL,

  116. Avatar de john

    Dear all,

    I have been reading this all with great interest. Clear scam, AF, UV, NNN.
    I am suspecting the same guys to actually create their own company IPO activity to feed the materials for the scam activity referred to in this post.

    Is anyone able to do a link between the scan above and either Stock Targets, or European LaunchPad, beyond them just hosting NNN? possibly same directors, or whatever?

    I suspect ST / ELP are trying to embark totally honest companies as bait for their scam. If there are links betweens these all, we can at least spread the word to those companies seeking financing through IPOs so that they don’t get abused and discredited.


  117. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    yes ,you are right there is some new strategy and already reactions from the government of the concerned country where the targeted company is located.
    Details of this are confidential and will not be published on this site,sorry

  118. Avatar de Ludwig


    I’m following the statements with great interest. I had been stupid enough to also buy nnn shares, like many others, from UV. Sometime later I was contacted with the news that an unnamed company has ordered UV to buy back nnn shares to get 51% of the shares, claming that this company would pay a three times higher price, but only if I would own at least 10.000 shares.
    I showed interest but ordered to sell first the existing shares at the present market price in Frankfurt. I was regularly contacted by phone but was lucky and eventually received really the money back (about 90 % of the investment) because they thought they have me on the hook for a much bigger deal. At least this worked out for me.

  119. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks


  120. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    As not being a victim of this scam (just subject to Artemis constant cold calls), I have followed it out of curiosity. My main interest is getting to know where the crooks are. Of course they are Unicorn and Artemis, but is NNN just a victim or part of the scam? Too many things have pointed in the scam direction. So where does this leave Incite Media? As far as I can tell a rather ordinary digital signage company (there is a similar one running the sceens in my local grocery store in Sweden), being bought by NNN for 26 or 27 million Swiss francs (the figure varies between press releases) seems to be a bit strange. That Incite Media is going to become Netnetnet tv at the end of the year has been stated i several pressreleases. I therefore sent an e-mail to johst (and a media contact person for in a press release from Incite Media) asking him if he was aware of the ongoing scam with NNN stock and the negative speculations about NNN and Incite Media on several internet blogs. As of today I have not received an answer. The mail was sent on december 4th. The following day NNN stock on the Frankfurt exchange rose 33 percent from 3 euro to almost 4 euro. Maybe that was my answer? The NNN stock seems to be very volatile despite the fact that very small amounts are traded, but seem to be on a downward curve, despite the latest press releases from Incite Media (where the description of is somewhat toned down from earlier versions).
    Will be interesting to see where this all ends. And what Pablo has made of Nanopharm in Kuala Lumpur.

  121. Avatar de Stones

    To Buxy

    I think that this blog has prevented a lot of people not to invest.

    I am glad some retrieved their money. (I was supriesd)

    I a`m more intersted in how to stop the scam, and how to bring them to justice. (Sorry for your loss, for the the people that lost)

    The volatilaty of the stoks is quite simple. The volume is small. If I had stoks, I could by some more one day, get the prise upp. and sell the next day.(To decrease my los)

    This scam is well organiced, I think.

    They understand the time lag between they are blacklisted in one country and the next.

    The individual counrtry does not have the ability to take them down.
    These people are smart.

    The best way to trace them is ip address. We can put together a team to take them down.

    I did not invest, but if I
    can assist in anny way, let me know.

    If they are as smart as I think they are, reading this blog.


    Stones from Norway

    PS. C na pas ete en fracais . Excuse moi.

  122. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    the only way is to have interpol on the case to identify the owners of the account where we all sent our money in taiwan.
    I am working on the case with a government agency.
    we will see what happens
    One other way is for the people who have now nanopharm technologies shares to sue this company in KL as they are not authorised to issue shares to the public as beeing a government controlled corporation
    i will keep all of you updated on the developmentsnad further actions

  123. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    in order to keep all parties informed on the participation in Nanopharm Technologies ,as per today there are 32377 shares divided in 4 shareholders for an amount of USD64754.

    Pour les victimes francophones de Artemis et Unicorn ventures qui sont les heureux proprietaires d’actions de Nanopharm Technologies base a Kuala Lumpur veuillez vous faire connaitre et rejoindre le goupe qui a,a ce jour investi ,par decision unilaterale de leur conseiller la modeste somme de USD 64754 dans 32377 actions dans une societe a participation etatique qui legalement n’a pas le droit de vendre des actions au public.

    NT qui est en effraction avec la loi de son gouvernement a pris ses dispositions pour identifier et poursuivre les proprietaires du compte en banque a taiwan ou vous avez verse votre investissement

  124. Avatar de Marcio

    Hi all,
    in the last few days I have been following this blog.
    Beeing also afected by this scam, I wanted to ask if someone has the www for this Nanopharm in KL. As I was reading through I think someone mentioned this is a Textile company.
    Has some one visited this company already?

  125. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    To Marcio:
    To all. See my above post about an e-mail to Incite Media. Sent it the 4 th of december. Waited for an answer and posted my story here on the 11th.
    Received an answer on the 12th. Somebody at NNN (the e-mail was long and polite but unsigned) is, as we suspected, following this blog.

  126. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    a toutes les personnes avec qui je suis en contacte
    to all with whom i am conversing


  127. Avatar de Marcio

    To Karsten
    All the Emails I got from AF were without a Name, but I suspect that they do not use their real Name anyway.
    Thanks for the www adress.

  128. Avatar de Marcio

    Has someone gone to into companies and Portfolio Companies?…. Nanopharm!!!!!

  129. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    you should join interpol ,i think that the mentioned site has a smell of scam.
    if you find more let us know

  130. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes! This must be a scam company. Just look at the « contact us » page they have offices in the most prestigious buildings all over the world. And the only thing they have to offer is Nanopharm stock!
    Clear scam!

  131. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    I had the evidence yesterday of your statment do not worry things are progressing and there should be a positive issue.
    In case you would like more details send your email add for confidentiality reasons

  132. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks



    For your info the matter is progressing well and i will report very soon in confidentiality

  133. Avatar de Fred

    Same story, unfortunately … I’m based in Italy but travel several times per year for business reasons in North America, Europe and Middle East.

    I was convinced by Sara Lewis and Roy Young of UV, I invested 6.000 € in on mid Aug. Then Mr. Roy Young converted in Nano Pharm without my consensus (!) and asked to enter a special deal on Nano Pharm on mid Oct. Reluctant, I accepted to invest another 3,900 €.

    Then mid Nov he called me and asked to buying other stocks to average the loss (?!?!?!?). I refused to this request and I asked for explanation of this strange investment strategy. As a result he insulted me and said that my money has gone.

    I will join any initiative against these cheaters wherever in the world!
    Any suggestions?

  134. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    read the messages above and send me the comprehensive documentary evidence of transaction for action.further correspondence will be done by email for confidentiality reason
    Pablo brooks

  135. Avatar de Werner

    Thanks to all of you.
    Since I´m also a victim of AF and NNN, I would like to be a part of the detailed info by email.
    What can I do or help, to get them down?
    Thanks to Kartsen and Juergen for the link to this site.
    More details about my person are available on request, but not for the public.
    Regards Werner

  136. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    i just took note of your message suggest you ask my email address to karsten for confidentiality reasons and he will let you know what is going on

  137. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Found an interesting thing the other day. On one of the free pressrelease sites ( that had a pressrelease from Unicorn Ventures there is the name of the person that had submitted the release. A German from Frankfurt and even a telepone number (fake I guess). There was also a list of other pressreleases submitted by this person. All where about Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial! This person obviously is part of the scam organisation. Would be interesting if he could be tracked down.

  138. Avatar de pabblo brooks
    pabblo brooks

    good point ,wait for the news in january

  139. Avatar de angie

    my friend’s company is being offered a buy over from NNN in exchange for NNN shares…is this a new angle of the scam? To cheat companies now instead of just individuals? I’m really concerned now after reading this blog.
    Is NNN part of the scam or are the broking firm using NNN shares as a scam? I’m confused

  140. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    After having followed the Artemis NNN affair over the net for a couple of months I would be very careful to have any dealings with NNN stock. Too many shady, and even criminal characters have been using NNN shares to cheat people. Too many grandstandig pressreleases have been issued by the company. A company that in itself has very little substance, as far as I can tell. This multimillion company does not even have proper offices. My impression is that they are trying to buy substance (Incite Media etc.) with NNN shares. Shares that seem to be on a downward slope on the Frankfurt stock exchange. So my advice is: be very careful.

  141. Avatar de angie

    what i can tell is companies being acquired by NNN are legitimate n profitable businesses so NNN will eventually be a holding company of profit generating business so does that make them a legitimate company?

  142. Avatar de Werner

    Hello pabblo brooks

    you have mail in your hotmail.

    Regards Werner

  143. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Sure, it is legitimate. But buying profitable companies for inflated sums (27 million Swiss Francs for Incite Media) with make beleive money (NNN shares) will only in the end dilute the value of the NNN share. This was very common practice before the Internet bubble burst. It was also the tactic of the Global Sattelite Broadcast Corporation (GSBC), a bogus corporation with connections to NNN, that aquired a lot of legitimate companies and then more or less went up in smoke. The difference is that NNN shares are listed on the Frankfurt exchange. So if your friend wants to sell his company for NNN shares my advice would be: get the shares and sell them as fast as you can. The only problem with this is finding a buyer.

  144. Avatar de Marcio

    I was scammed at AF with NNN.
    Peronaly I would be very careful and would guess the risk is very high. Loooking into this today

  145. Avatar de angie

    thanks for all the advice. Very helpful.
    How does NNN gain from this whole setup? aren’t there regulations that prevents such bogus companies from being listed in Frankfurt in the first place?

    If it’s a scam, won’t NNN be in alot of legal trouble?

  146. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    I’m sure that there are legal ways to get bogus companies listed in Frankfurt. I guess you have to be smart and have connections etc, and it probably helps to be a swiss company and to be able to hide behind the famous swiss bank secrecy. Anyway, your question is interesting: how does NNN gain from this setup. I would like to rephrase it to: how do the people behind NNN gain? And who are those people? I recently sent an email to NNN trying to get their reaction on the obvious scams performed by Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial with NNN shares. I got a polite answer saying that they as a publicly listed company had no control over who traded their shares and would not comment on it. Having followed this blog for a couple of months that answer failed to convince me. So who is behind all this? Could it be organized crime? A money laundering system?
    An entertaining way to get an inside view on the working of scams is to watch the movie « Boiler Room ». And beware: The people at NNN are reading the comments on this blog.

  147. Avatar de pat


    * When is their yearly shareholder’s meeting ? (as a public company they are obliged to have a shareholders meeting within 6 months after closing the financial year).
    * Annual financial statements ? : a shareholder should be able to receive at least the annual report.
    * Who are the auditors ? : a public listed company is obliged to have a registered accounting firm check and approve their accounts.
    * Where is the company duly registered ? obviously not in Switzerland since nothing is to be found in the commerce registries.

  148. Avatar de pat

    By the way, see the « muff » blog : another guy has invested about 100’000.00 Euro at AF.

  149. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    It is official!
    Incite Media has changed into Nenetnet (Europe) AG. See swiss Handelsregister. Also has a new address i Zürich.

  150. Avatar de pat

    so you guys who have bought shares, are now shareholders of which company ?

  151. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes, one wonders. The Netnetnet (Europe) AG also has a much broader description of activities, dealings in real estate etc. than the old Incite Media with it’s digital signage profile. Will be interesting to se what happens.

  152. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Today I received a phonecall from a company « in London » conducting a « survey ». The same procedure that preceded my calls from Artemis Financial. Unfortunately I had no time to talk to the guy. Would have been interesting to learn what our well known boiler room are calling themselves this time around, and to hear what stock they are promoting. Could it be NNN all over again? So beware: the scammers have not given up.

  153. Avatar de pat

    yes and another guy called me the other day, said he was from a broker firm in New York, he had my complete name and private address, as well as the details of the company I work for.

    He was wondering if this data was still valid. He said he would call me again in a couple of weeks because he expects to have then some very good offer…. He would send me some papers about his company in the meantime.

    Wondering where these guys get our names and addresses from : it seems some lists are circulating with our names, phone numbers and other details ? I have been called for the last couple of years by several such people, they never take « no » for an answer and are sometimes quite difficult to get rid off. When saying « I have no money to invest », they never seem to believe that…

  154. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all again.
    According to the swiss Handelsregister the new president of NNN (Europe) AG is Richard Walker (CEO of the « old » NNN) an Australian living in North Turramurra. Did a quick search and came up with a Richard Walker in North Turramurra that was one of the founders of « LifeWealth 8 ». In a media release of January 2004, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission described LifeWealth 8 as “the most outrageous financial scheme of the past 12 months”.
    Could this be the same Richard Walker?

  155. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    After spending a few hours searching on the net I wold say that IF the Richard Walker of NNN is identical to the Richard Walker of LifeWealth 8 this would really open up a whole new can of worms. Several factors point in this direction and that would perhaps shed new light on the dubious connection between NNN and GSBC, the Malaysia connection (Nanopharm) and maybe even on Unicorn and Artemis. If this interests you you can do a search for « Atlas Travel Club » in NZ and the forum of
    Have fun!

  156. Avatar de pat

    just ask him ?

  157. Avatar de Stones

    Hey you all
    I`m still sorry for your loss.

    This is such a scam, that it should bee a police matter.
    Since the police is not pressent, I`ts good to have this forum.
    Theese companies have been « banned » by most europeean financiel control institusions, and the system has not een able to do anything.

    The people involved are laufging at everybody, and thay are of course reading this blog.

    As I said earliger, they just start again in a new name.


    Companies at the stockmarket may bee connected , but you will never come throu with that aproach.

    If anyone can actualy say where and when, I will help you. Names ?
    Location ?

    Europe ? More difficult.
    Asia ? Easy.


  158. Avatar de Mr. X
    Mr. X


    Will very soon release some interesting information about this scam.
    Keep this blog running, and include my email address in a joint venture to stop this scam once and for all.

    Mr. X

  159. Avatar de Stephen Hadik

    I was recently contacted by someone from artemis…forgot the name!

    Sorry, I have lost the faith and think that my hard earned money is gone!!

    Anyway they wanted to check that my address was correct so that they could e^send me some official receipts about my ownership of 4000.-eu worth of NNN or whatever is has become since.

    Probably already spent on some expensive furniture for one of these jerks expensive houses.

    Of course I have received nothing in the mail as of yet!!

  160. Avatar de buzz

    What happened to Pablo and what about his investigations ?

  161. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Interesting information that Artemis is still around. I thought that they had dissapeared and surfaced under yet another name. As of yesterday (assuming that you bought 1000 shares of NNN) your investment was worth 3100 eu, but has been down to under 3 eu/share in recent weeks. NNN has now a new homepage, designwise an improvement but has skipped the link to the Frankfurt stock exchange. Guess that the downward slope on the NNN graph was not something to encourage would be invertors with. This also means that there is no longer an Incite Media website.
    When I last heard from Pablo he was dealing with the situation of Nanopharm stock in Malaysia. Don´t know if there is any progress.
    On the Tradingideas blog there is a Mr X promising to shortly reveal interesting information in this case. Looking forward to that.

  162. Avatar de angie

    who exactly is the culprit scammer? Artmeis or whatever name they call themselves or NNN? Could it be that Artmeis has « picked » NNN stock to conduct this scam esp since the stock is v illiquid?
    What NNN has done so far….it doesn’t seem illegal. Lisitng a company with just a business model is not uncommon, esp during the days.
    Sounds to me that whoever’s trying to « sell » NNN stock as a « good » deal is the real culprit here.

  163. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    your question is really the center of this affair. But as I said earlier, too many things indicate that NNN or the people behind it have some connection to the scammers. (Clint Walker of NNN has confirmed that Unicorn Ventures, Artemis under another name, had made a substantial investment in their stock) And the overblown press releases from NNN certainly has helped the scammers in their « work ». Besides, if the CEO of NNN, Richard Walker of North Turramurra AU, is the same Richard Walker of North Turramurra AU that was involved in Life Wealth 8 (see earlier posts) he has a less than impressive track record.
    This and many other things have made me suspect that there might be links between NNN and the scammers.

  164. Avatar de buzz

    as the NNN guys are most certainly aware of the various blogs including this one, where people are reporting about the UV and AF activities, they would normally have issued some official communication telling about their standpoint in relation to these matters.

    The fact that they have not done so would tend to give some indication…

    Also, most NNN press-releases are talking about future probable goals, wishes and not yet reached achievements.

    BTW has any sharehloder got any annual report, invitation to an annual shareholders meeting, both of which any registered company is obliged to comply to ?

    (BTW I am not a shareholder, I was just harrassed by UV during several weeks almost every day, but the more they called the more I got suspicious…)

  165. Avatar de angie

    it’s been quite quiet recently…any new updates on this scam?

  166. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    yes, very quiet. No new pressreleases from NNN and the stock on Frankfurt seems to be steady around 3.30 euro with very little trading. Pablo is pursuing the the Nanopharm angle of this scam, but I have no idea if there has been any progress. I was wondering (as some others also have) what the people that have bought shares in NNN really are the owners of. Where is NNN really registered? Incite Media became NNN Europe and is registered in Switzerland, but is a subsidiary of NNN Inc. and I guess that it is that stock that is traded in Frankfurt. So who is behind NNN Inc? A Google search on NNNV.PK gives only a single name « Carmela Guarascio » and very little other information. So the big question right now is who owns who and what (if anything) are the shareholders owning?

  167. Avatar de pat

    Well it looks like the only guys remaining (including myself) who seem to have a look here from time to time (or at least who write something) are not shareholders. Those who have spent their money do not seem to be very active doing anything or at least are not reporting doing so. So,… let’s mind our own businesses from now on, I am getting tired of all this.

  168. Avatar de Marcio

    Hi, yes it has been relatively quiet, but I guess also Artemis or UV has not been very active so that there has not been a lot of news maybe they changed the Name and now are scamming under a different Name.
    At the moment I think the problem is also that the shares of NNN have been changed to Nano so that these are not listed anymore on the Stock. At least I do not know where to find the Nano.
    So at the moment the biggest sources of hope are on the hands of Mr. X, who promised some days ago something and on Pablo as Karsten says.
    Angie has your friend ever hear again from Artemis/UV?

  169. Avatar de angie

    i can’t seem to find NNN share quote on the website….is it still listed?

  170. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes it is still listed. Do a search for WJG.F and you will find several sites that provide quotes. But as you can see there the trading is minimal. The reason for taking the share quote graph off the NNN website must be depressing look it provided.

  171. Avatar de dominique


    Le scam n’est pas terminé : de nouveaux appels téléphoniques en France au mois de mars au nom d’Artemis financial (qui aurait repris les comptes ouverts par Unicorn ventures) pour proposer des actions Nanopharm technology.

    Question : avez vous eu des appels dans d’autres pays ?

    vigilance, à suivre

    cordialement, dom

  172. Avatar de dominique

    L’AMF met en garde contre Artemis Financial février 2008
    Le gendarme des marchés français, attire l’attention du public sur les activités de la société Artemis Financial, dont le siège se situe en Hongrie à Budapest. Cette société contacte par téléphone des investisseurs résidant en France et leur propose des actions à cours très avantageux, avec la perspective de dégager des plus-values importantes rapidement. L’AMF signale qu’Artemis Financial n’est pas autorisée à faire du démarchage, ni à exercer l’activité de prestataire de services d’investissement en France. La société a fait l’objet des mêmes mises en garde des autorités financières en Norvège et en Autriche.

    Lien permanent vers cet article :

  173. Avatar de dominique

    Les titulaires d’un compte chez Unicorn ventures vont recevoir ce mail d’Artemis Financial :

    ARTEMIS Financial
    1146 Budapest
    Mimoza utca 14.,
    Telephone: +36 1577 2200
    Fax: +36 1577 2201

    Dear Mr.
    We are delighted to announce the recent acquisition of the retail division of Unicorn Ventures. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to ARTEMIS FINANCIAL.
    Our goals are to continue to strive for excellence and growth in ever changing global markets through our highly skilled team of professionals.
    We are also pleased to welcome select staff from Unicorn Ventures. These highly skilled and experienced individuals will enhance the ever growing Global Team here at ARTEMIS FINANCIAL
    Account Transfer is currently taking place and in the next few days your account executive will be contacting you to give you up to date news on your portfolio as well as introducing the wide range of financial products available here at ARTEMIS FINANCIAL.
    If you have any questions then please do not hesitate in contacting us here at ARTEMIS FINANCIAL.
    Once again we would like to welcome you all aboard.
    Yours sincerely,
    Global Client Group

  174. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    So they are back! It is hard to beleive since the net is full of information about their scam. Went back to my files and had a look at the prospectus they sent me in september, where their « experts » stated that the NNN stock, then valued at 5.45 Euro would sell for 15 Euro in a couple of months. Well, today the NNN stock in Frankfurt is at 1.90 Euro. So much for their expertise.

  175. Avatar de pat


    Seems like there are still many people who just do not check out things on the internet.

    Well in any case UV and AF have at least one thing in common, according to those who have written to them or even checked out physically the location where they claim to have their addresses : These companies simply do not exist.

  176. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Got an e-mail this morning about a new post on this site. From none other than the notorious Ronald Flynn about his new venture « Fightersoft ». Luckily the administrator seems to have taken it down. Thank you.

  177. Avatar de victim

    The whole thing is a frustrating scam. Don’t believe anything behind Artemis or Unicorn.

    We have done some investigation and found that there is a connection between Artemis Financial and European Launch Pad ( The main person behind European Launch Pad is Edward Fitzpatrick living in Geneva and Vaduz. He is the one responsible and he is the one cheating everybody.

    It seams like that he and his umbrella company has done this kind of scam many times before and screwed over people and companies. I think was just of of those companies that got screwed as well, but who knows exactly.

  178. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Interesting information. But since Clint Bauld works (or at least used to work ) for both European Launch Pad and Netnetnet (part of the executive team) and his joining the team in june 2006 is the very first entry in NNN:s « Milestones »-list I think that Netnetnet is not as innocent as it may seem. Also interesting is that NNN has not issued a press-release for over 4 months, the stock is down to 1.75 Euro with almost no trading. We seem to be in the dump phase.
    Would be interesting to hear more about the connection between Artemis and European Launch Pad.

  179. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    BTW. Forgot to mention: European Launch Pad and the European Headquaters of Netnetnet are at the same adress in Geneva and they both share the same Fax number. A little strange for a company that « operates a digital signage network spanning the globe » as they state on their homepage.

  180. Avatar de angie

    Can i confirm a few facts here:
    (1) There’s a new dubious investment firm called european launch pad who’s doing the same scam as Artemis?
    (2) Both European Launch Pad, Artemis and Unicorn are or were linked to NNN either through (a) the have the same address (b) NNN have key shareholders or directors who are linked to these Investment firms?

    What other pertinent factors link NNN to these scamming firms?
    Is there already an ongoing police investigation on either these investment firms or NNN?
    I’ve reasons to believe that this scam is now being brought outside of Europe and it’ll be very sad if more innocent people are being sucked into this con act.

  181. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    about your questions:
    (1) European Launch Pad (ELP) is not a new firm and is duly registered in the Swiss handelsregister. There are several factors linking ELP and NNN.

    (2)I have seen no proof of any links between ELP and Artemis/Unicorn. However it would be very interesting to hear what information Victim has about this connection. And I´m pretty sure there is one.

    The links between NNN and Artemis/Unicorn are among other things pressreleases from Unicorn stating to have made a substantial investment in NNN and the fact that I, among others, was urged by Artemis to call the telephone number on the NNN website and make sure that Artemis was « licensed » to sell NNN stock.
    I´m sure the police in several countries have been informed about Unicorn/Artemis, but I doubt that they have put any effort in pursuing non-existent companies showing all the typical signs of scam.
    There are too many things about NNN that do not seem right.
    Is this scam being brought outside of Europe? Would be nice to hear more about it.

  182. Avatar de pat

    voir le forum danois migger… Il semble que 2 personnes aient été arrêtées en Hollande et un réseau démantelé, on ne sait pas si il y aurait un lien avec UV ou AF….

  183. Avatar de 'Man in Charge'
    ‘Man in Charge’

    Im a investor.

    Could people please answer me the following question?

    Whos the ‘Man in Charge’ behind the scene of these companies???
    Who is behind
    Who is behind Artimis?
    Who is behind Unicorn?
    Who is behind European Launch Pad?

    Could the ‘Man in Charge’ be Edward Fitzpatrick as Victim said?

    thank you

  184. Avatar de Banana

    Well the question is as victim mentions, was NNN screwed as well or are they part the joke…
    On should wonder :
    have NNN issued some annual report ?
    what do their financial statements look like ?
    who are the auditors ?
    have shareholders received any invitation to an annual shareholders meeting ?
    Depending on the answers to these questions (I don’t know because I have not invested), anyone who sent money for shares to these guys should be able to draw his own conclusions.

    Other than that, it seems that nobody here has the answers to the « man in charge » questions here above.

  185. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    To « man in charge »:
    Had we known any of the answers to your questions we would not have spent so much time writing on this blog.
    Officcially the man in charge of NNN is the Australian Richard Walker who seems to have been involved in all kinds of more or less shady businesses. There seems to be connections between ELP and NNN and from there connections to Artemis and Unicorn. But how is still unclear.
    To Banana:
    NNN may have it´s HQ in Geneva but the stock people have been buying is NNN TV Inc. Incorporated in the United States. Little information can be found. No SEC filings available etc. Found this on the Business Week stock information page:
    « NET NET NET.TV, Inc. may have more financial risk than other companies in the Media industry as it is one of the most highly leveraged. Its Debt to Total Capital ratio stands at 657.40%. Additionally, an examination of near-term assets and liabilities shows that there are not enough liquid assets to satisfy current obligations. »
    Gives a little hint of what it is all about. BTW in Frankfurt NNN stock is
    as I write this down to 1 euro. And no pressreleases from NNN for over three months. Clearly signs of a dump phase.

  186. Avatar de Banana

    incredible !
    they have raised huge amounts of capital, having companies like UV and AF convince a lot of people to buy shares for large amounts, and they still have a huge 657.4% debt over the capital ??? who are the lenders who have been willing to take such a risk surpassing any sense of reason ?
    Would like to know what is the real substance of this company : location, employees, equipment, real state, cash-flow, turnover…. or perhaps it is just a, a computer, a bank account, some « managers » receiving tremendeous salaries as long as there is cash left, and who will start all over again with new « companies », « business plans » and shareholders when it all falls down ?

  187. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Just a quick observation: On the NNN website there used to be a list of the board of directors and the management team with names and small CV:s.
    This can no longer be found on the website. Wonder what this means? Rats leaving the sinking ship?

  188. Avatar de angie

    the latest news is all the companies « acquired » (like incite media) by NNN are now suing NNN

  189. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    very interesting news. Where can I find out more about it?

  190. Avatar de pat

    people keep calling from time to time to propose « fantastic deals » on shares of new companies.

    Got a call this morning from number 001 646 41 66 56 a lady said she called from the USA. Got the call at 09.30 this morning european time… Did she call me in the middle of the night USA time ? she sounded more asiatic than american…

    I said I was not interested, she hang up saying « have a good day ».

  191. Avatar de angie

    My friend heard this rumour from NNN Asia…i think it’s headed by that guy Lawrence? He’s got a few other companies like Sandz I think.
    I believe Lawrence is also a director of NNN in Europe so maybe it’s all part of the same gang.

  192. Avatar de pat

    and now today, again, one year later, a guy with an indian accent called me for another « survey », just like one year ago….. he called of course from some hidden number…

    He said he called on behalf of « jp morgan » and « …brown something….. »

    We will see which new « broker » wil now call me in a few days to suggest investing in some new « fantastic stock »….

  193. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    A couple of weeks ago the names of management and board members where taken off the NNN website. Now at least I have trouble opening the site. Soon it might be completely gone, like the millions of dollars that people with the help of Artemis and Unicorn have invested in the company.
    Interesting fact: Artemis and Unicorns respective websites where registered on the same day with the same ISP. About a month after Clint Bauld registered the NNN website at another ISP.

  194. Avatar de Banana

    Well now in any case, as stated above another guy called for a « survey » the other day. He said he was not tying to sell anything. And then a few days later another guy called from a company called « mac-kenzie » – something, located as he said in Rome Italy. He said he had very interesting information but that he was not selling anything. I did not have time then so I do not know what he wanted to talk about. But for sure, the same kind of introduction approach I experienced a year ago with UV. Anyone else been called by this mac-kenzie?

  195. Avatar de Man in Charge
    Man in Charge

    I need say, however does anyone have any information useful here?

    A comment about Mackenzie, a month difference in a website registration and a man called Lawrence – there seems like nothing to say here

    I keep looking for man in charge, not waste of time

    thank you

  196. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    I’m sorry that you are dissapointed Man in Charge, but I think we are dealing with some very sophisticated crooks here. Just look at all the effort that was put into designing the Unicorn and Artemis websites. All the bogus pressreleases issued by these companies, with one purpose: to sell NNN stock and in some cases « converting » them to Nanopharm shares. I’m pretty shure that the man in charge has covered his tracks pretty well here. But there are some real people in this affair that must posess information that could lead to the man in charge.
    One person that might might know something is Ronald Flynn, the founder of GSBC, who more or less started what later became NNN. But he is hiding in the Phillipines and, as far as I can tell, slightly off his bat.
    Another person to look into is Richard Walker, the chief executive of NNN.
    Lawrence Liaw, the head of NNN Asia is another.
    And of course Clint Bauld, the man from European Launch Pad who started NNN in Europe.
    All these have left tracks on the internet that can be followed using Google, time and patience. But the real crooks behind the criminal part of this affair i.e. Unicorn and Artemis are not that easy to find. And since the Unicorn and Artemis websites are registered in the US and NNN Inc is an american company I have a feeling that we are dealing with very well organized crime.
    Sorry that I do not have a quick answer for you Man in charge. Hope you have better luck than I. However If you come up with some answers I’d love to hear them.

  197. Avatar de gogol

    New company now calling up people (again from hidden number, english-spoken guy, first approach is « he does not want to sell anything », has « very interesting confidential information that he wants to tall about in private » …) :

    Just google -search : fosse mckenzie-financial

    Then you find the web-site of this « new » broker.
    This site looks familiar, huh ?
    Also, all « press releases » to be found also look familiar, right ?
    (company claims to be 25 years old but all press-releases on internet are just a few days / weeks old)

    perhaps someone can find when the site was created and if there is any connection…

    Let’s keep rocking…

  198. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Good work gogol!
    Yes it all looks so familiar. As with Unicorn and Artemis the site is registered trough Godaddy in the US. The creation date is 2008-04-09.

  199. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    BTW. The Fosse McKenzie website is registered via « Domains by Proxy » so that the people behind the website can not be identified. The same procedure used by Artemis and Unicorn.
    Domains by Proxy state on their website that they will not be part of criminal activity and provide a list of such activities including things like Child pornography and Obscene. Financial scams are not part of that list.

  200. Avatar de gogol


    on the danish migger – forum, someone is just reporting about some other new company HAWKINS & DOYLE ….

  201. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    And their website is created 3 days ago and registered by Godaddy via Domains by proxy. Same procedure as with Artemis, Unicorn, Fosse McKenzie.

  202. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Correction. Hawkins & Doyle website created on May 9th.
    They at least have some names (probably fake) on their site.

  203. Avatar de gogol

    good work Karsten !!!
    at least we have you able to find out about web site creation dates etc. I have no clues on these matters. Seems like thses guys are creating new « companies » quicker than anyone can follow. If you look at the norwegian site « Kredittilsynet » (governmental banking and finance authority) there is a list including 100’s of « companies » considered to deal with fraudulous activities (the list includes Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial), but not yet these newcomers….
    Idea : a web – site covering all such companies, including a forum (such as this one) for each company, someone investigating seriously each case, …. but this would require a full time job (or even several people to investigate in depth) could also be somehow « dangerous »…

  204. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    The easiest way to find information about who is behind websites is to go to and just type in the adress. That will give you a list of all relevant facts (exept when registered by Domains by Proxy). In many cases there is also the possibility to compare archived information. For instance it is quite interesting to learn that the website initially was registered by a company in Malaysia. Gives you a hint of where that scam started.

  205. Avatar de gogol

    and by the way…. Fosse-McKenzie first called me 8-10 days ago, a couple of times. I did not have time to listen so he could not tell me what it was about. He said he would call again after 1-2 days. But now, no more news… It looks like they perhaps are following what people say on this site ?

  206. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes gogol,
    I’m pretty sure that the scammers are paying attention to this blog. And I’m certain that the people behind were listening in.
    Hopefully the information we share here can prevent some people from getting scammed.

  207. Avatar de Client Lostitall

    I have been investigating deep into this matter, and after reading most of the comments here.
    I can tell you all that you are targeting the victims and not the criminals.

    In this case the CRIMINALS are : Edward Fitzpatrick and Mark Valentine, please keep on reading, and be ready to change your mind.

    Many of you believe, wrongly, that the victims in this scam are the guilty ones, ( you are a victim too) he real story is simple, stupid dreamers, in this case Netnetnet people were used by the 2 real brains behind the scam, Edward Fitzpatrick and Mark Velentine.

    Their modus operandi is simple, they find companies with dreamers as management, offer then cash and a listing then, as they are inexperienced in most cases, the duo keep the cash and the dreamers get nothing but the legal problems, and they are VERY happy to see you all
    blaming the victims while they get on with the cash and find new dreamers.

  208. Avatar de Client Lostitall

    ELP is Edward Fitzpatrick, he takes care not to be mentioned but here you can read it.

    Protected by the powerful…..Edward Fitzpatrick !! READ WELL !

    Check well ELP nad you will find not only netnetnet but many other companies in same situation, they were used and then dumped by Fitzpatrick and Valentine.

    But who is Mark Valentine ? He is Fitzpatrick’s partner and guess why he keeps low profile, HE WAS ARRESTED by the FBI in this type of scams before and now only Fitzpatrick shows his face

    The rise and fall of broker Mark Valentine

    Arrested ! Mark Valentine

    A Short Trip Inside Mark Valentine’s World

    Follow Fitzpatrick and you get the real story

    Edward Fitzparick the real guy , owner and founder of ELP « european launch pad »

    please ad this to get the link, I was haveing problems and I am no computer expert


  209. Avatar de Client Lostitall

    ok, it came ok on my second try so forget the last one

  210. Avatar de Client Lostitall

    Something else…..Netnetnet is just one of many, my client lost money in another scam, all related to the brains on Fitzpatrick and Valentine.

    I will keep on investigating.

  211. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Very interesting reading Lostitall. Will be following the links you provided.
    Still, I think there is something fishy about Richard Walker of NNN.
    Would be interesting if you can find a link between Fitzpatrick/Valentine and Unicorn/Artemis.
    Will be looking forward to hear more from you.

  212. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    BTW. By following the web site registration track of European Lauch pad (Fitzpatricks company where NNN:s Clint Bauld works) I came up with an old (ca 2002) bogus company in Geneva: Ravilon Finance Ltd. Have not looked into Lostitalls links yet but I guess it can be found there.

  213. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Have just started to look into Lostitalls links. Very interesting reading, and of course Ravilon turned up. Another interesting link is between Fitzpatrick and Todd Moore. Other internet blogs link Ronald Flynn (GSBC founder) and Todd Moore. A pattern might evolve. The missing link so far is between the boiler room companies and Fitzpatrick. But we will keep on looking.

  214. Avatar de gogol

    yeahhh let’s keep rocking.
    One can observe the NNN site seems to be not active anymore. So it can at least be assumed things have not evolved the way they hoped, of course also when one looks at the stock trade situation. However one may still wonder if this is because NNN is also among the « victims » of the real bad guys or not. It can be observed that the initial guy openly running NNN was sitting at ELP in Geneva. And, it would be logical now that NNN would come out with some kind of communication telling the public their real standpoint to these matters.
    So, well,…. No real 100% sure conclusion can be drawn anyway at this stage.

    NNN people … TELL US SOMETHING !!!!

  215. Avatar de gogol

    and now :

    Another new Boiler-Room broker : (just put the www in front to get the link). this time they pretent to be based in Luxembourg. Lots of « press-releases » on the net.

    And new fantastic stock these guys try to « sell » :


    so well…. as all these boiler-room-brokers are trying to sell stock in some BS-companies…. should we believe the UV-AF-NNN constellation is any different ?

  216. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes gogol, again good work!
    Polliaventures another Godaddy registration and just check the messageboard for Pantera Petroleum at Pump and dump, all over again.

  217. Avatar de gogol

    and now this one :

  218. Avatar de gogol

    and :

    HA-HA-HAAA !!!! it seems they just changed their name and web-site to Fosse-McKenzie after the authorities in Austria declared in April this year they are dealing with illegal activities !!!

    Come on guys if you want to bu**sh*t people you will need some more advanced trricks from now on…

  219. Avatar de Client Lostitall
    Client Lostitall

    Fitzpatrick is so carefull, that you won’t find his name even in the ELP page but he is the CEO, owner, president, he is way too clever.

    The same with an investment fund that Fitypatrick created with Valentine, I do not have solid information yet, but as it goes, the fund IS the boiler room.

    That is the place where they prepare the companies to be sold to victims like my client.

    More information soon.

  220. Avatar de gogol

    well in any case if you look at the swiss white pages directories there is a guy called Edward Fitzpatrick living in the Geneva Area… and if you look at the swiss commerce registry database ( , look for European Launch Pad, the same guy is registered as president of ELP.

  221. Avatar de Karsten

    and of course kimurafinancial is registered by Godaddy via Domains by Proxy…same procedure all aver again.
    Fitzpatrick seems to be behind several « funds ». The Thaler Fund, The Marketing Fund (they even use the same logo) The Thaler in Lichtenstein and The Marketing Fund at the same adress as ELP in Geneva. There seems to have existed a ELPFund since whois has this to say about the website: Administrative Contact:
    Let´s get these guys

  222. Avatar de Karsten

    On another blog Gerald Dubin (former partner with Ronald Flynn in GSBC) has named Flynn, Fitzpatrick, Todd Moore and a David Gilbert as the men behind that and other scams (Digicurve – later Fightersoft and IMBO.) Maybe something to look into?

  223. Avatar de gogol

    New blog has appeared in Germany, looks like the new fantastic stock is now called Pantera Petroleum.

    Just google search kimura-finacial

    Then you find this blog under « wallstreet-online….. »

    Looks like the same guys are now pushing this Pantera stock, many german victims complaining….

  224. Avatar de Ludwig


    I need urgently some advise. I’ve already invested some money to Akeman Capital now firmed as Kimurafinancial and they want me to invest more.
    Can you please help me, as reading your comments I do not feel very well.

  225. Avatar de gogol

    hello Ludwig
    Sorry to read this…. Looking at the Akeman site I can see it looks exactly like the ones of the other boiler-room companies discussed here. And even more, the banking and finance authorities in Sweden have declared Akeman to deal with illegal activities, already in january this year. Lots of fake « press-releases » from Akeman as well on internet.
    This is all fake : Akeman most certainly does not exist. Just try to send them a letter to their address in Spain, you will most certainly receive the letter in return with mention from the post office « unknown at this address ».

    It looks like the same gang is operating under various « broker-firm » names that are pure invention : these companies are actually registered nowhere, and the people calling being located nobody knows where, but probably in Asia. The names they are giving you are of course pure invention.

    Kimura-Financial is abviously also the same kind of fake company belonging to the same gang.

    in any case : DO NOT SEND ANY more MONEY, whatever the reason they might suggest. They will try to persuade you and and even tell you their lawyer will put pressure on you, but this is most likely total bluff.

    You can try to request them to sell your portolio now and send you your money back…. but I doubt this will succeed… good luck.

    by the way what is the « fantastic stock » these guys have pushed on you ?

  226. Avatar de Banana


    I just bumped into this broker-firm / venture capital that looks « familiar » :


    pretend to be located in Belgium

    Could you Karsten look into the website creation details etc ?

    best regards


  227. Avatar de gogol

    and the new fantastic stuff seems then to be :


    and another super-efficient broker-firm / venture capital management team :

    let’s keep rocking !!!!

  228. Avatar de Karsten

    Capricorns website is actually registered 1997. No guarantee that it might be on the level, but still a bit different from the other scam brokers (Capricorn has names and photos of the people who alledgedly work there).
    But keep investigating. Will be off on vacation and gone for a couple of weeks. Will try to check in on this blog from time to time.

  229. Avatar de gogol

    well perhaps I was then too quick about this and cleantech, probably no link to the other stuff.

  230. Avatar de Banana

    ref. the new « broker-Firm » Fosse-McKenzie mentioned here above, and the firm Pantera in which FMK is selling stock. Found the following on the German Forum, it appears Pantera is reacting to the activities of our dear very serious and reliable brokers :

    « Item 8.01 Other Events
    Pantera Petroleum Inc. (the « Company ») has recently become aware of unsolicited and unauthorized literature distributed in the European Union from a company named Fosse McKenzie Financial that appears to have featured information about the Company, its business and its stock price. The literature has not been initiated, reviewed, approved or authorized by the Company, and the Company cannot confirm that such literature contains accurate information. The Company has previously not been aware of even the existence of the firm Fosse McKenzie Financial or its materials, and the Company does not currently, nor has it ever, had any relationship with Fosse McKenzie Financial. The Company’s management would like to clarify to its shareholders and prospective investors that the only information to be relied upon regarding the Company is information directly released by the Company or contained in public information such as its SEC filings available at The Company also highly recommends that any investor interested in the Company consult with a reputable investment firm before making any investment. « 

  231. Avatar de another victim
    another victim


    after keeping quiet for ages, unicorn ventures has contacted me again and announced that they are being taken over by (here well known) artemis financial. At the same time, they offered to trade my worthless nanoppharm stocks to the (presumably also worthless) stocks of some mining company, of course under the condition that I pay a sum roughly equivalent to my original investment – seems like we know this scheme already.

    Hope someone has an idea of how to stop this nonsense (and get our money back, but I am not seriously counting on this happening any more).

  232. Avatar de Banana

    in any case do not send any more money, whatever their arguments, or threats, may be.

  233. Avatar de another victim
    another victim

    that’s for sure….

  234. Avatar de client lostitall
    client lostitall

    Further invstigation:

    The way Mark Valentine and Edward Fitzpatrick are operating is becoming clear, they use several fronts and several people to act for them and get the blame.

    In the case of my client, they recommended a company and after the investment is done they more or less dissapear, the money never went to the company but to escrow accounts, they get the money, they deliver the shares but the money never goes to the company the recommend so the victims that trusted them are already in troubles. No cash.

    The also help the victims with a public listing and a clean shell, well almost clean , as the almost part , say 5% of free trading stock, that they have no idea who owns it, yeah right, suddenly starts trading, the price goes up and Fitzpatrick and Valentine make a fortune.

    When they clean the market they drop the company and the inexperienced management who had no idea about many of this tricks are in legal troubles while the other 2 are enjoying safely.

    Nore to come.

    Remeber you and the management of many of these companies are the victims.

  235. Avatar de client lostitall
    client lostitall

    Further invstigation:

    The way Mark Valentine and Edward Fitzpatrick are operating is becoming clear, they use several fronts and several people to act for them and get the blame.

    In the case of my client, they recommended a company and after the investment is done they more or less dissapear, the money never went to the company but to escrow accounts, they get the money, they deliver the shares but the money never goes to the company the recommend so the victims that trusted them are already in troubles. No cash.

    The also help the victims with a public listing and a clean shell, well almost clean , as the almost part , say 5% of free trading stock, that they have no idea who owns it, yeah right, suddenly starts trading, the price goes up and Fitzpatrick and Valentine make a fortune.

    When they clean the market they drop the company and the inexperienced management who had no idea about many of this tricks are in legal troubles while the other 2 are enjoying safely.

    More to come.

    Remeber you and the management of many of these companies are the victims.

  236. Avatar de Banana

    Hi client lostitall, and everyone…

    I have been following this case for more than a year since I was first harrassed by UV who tried to sell me nnn shares. I found soon enough this looked very dangerous so I am lucky I never sent any money anywhere. But :
    Look at the German site that has now appeared since May-June :

    Just google search : kimura-financial pantera

    Then you find this other blog under “wallstreet-online…..”

    Several boiler-room-brokers (Fosse-McKenzie, Kimura, Akeman, ….) have been « selling » shares in a company called « Pantera Petroleum ». The happy shareholders are now realising they have been cheated… It seems Pantera has entered into some agreement with a « company » or a « fund » called « FTS Financial Investments Ltd », that has promised them some financing up to 10 Mio USD.

    This « FTS Financial Investments Ltd » is supposed to have its address Seefeldstrasse 69, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland.

    I found this a little bit similar to the « netnetnet » situation, where this NNN company was supposed to have purchased this other company « Incite Media » for a sum announced 26 or 27 mio Swiss Francs. It looks like this money was supposed to be in NNN’s possession once shareholders had made their investments, however one can suppose perhaps this money never went to the company but stayed in some bank account in Taiwan or was used anyway, by the « boiler-room-brokers » for some other purpose.

    I suppose your theory is that NNN and / or incite Media were then cheated as well like the shareholders, that the real bad guys just kept the money after having « sold » shares that were supposed to finance the whole deal, and that the company as well as sharehoders are now just stuck with their money gone into the real crooks pockets ?

    I was on a business trip today to Zürich, and as I had some spare time I went to have a look at what is to be found at FTS’s address « Seefeldstrasse 69, 8008 Zürich ». There was no company or name there that looked like « FTS Financial Investments Ltd ». However a big office called « REGUS », it seems like a service company that is hosting a lot of various organisations, companies, etc…

    Just google-search REGUS, … or look at and …, you also find a picture of the building.

    When google-searching « FTS Financial Investments Ltd » nothing is to be found except reference to this deal where FTS is supposed to finance somehow USD 10 Mio in favour of Pantera Petroleum.

    So the questions one may ask are :

    * Does this fund FTS really exist ?
    * isn’t it just being used by the crooks who have made Pantera believe they will get financing, and made potential shareholders believe there is some real financing coming, but the only real money being the one coming from the shareholders getting into the crooks pockets ?

    Well his is just a theory but putting all these elements together, this seems to be the most likely situation.

  237. Avatar de Client Lostitall
    Client Lostitall

    Banana dit :
    3 juillet 2008 à 23:30
    I suppose your theory is that NNN and / or incite Media were then cheated as well like the shareholders, that the real bad guys just kept the money after having “sold” shares that were supposed to finance the whole deal, and that the company as well as sharehoders are now just stuck with their money gone into the real crooks pockets ?

    It is not a theory, it is how they operate, there are many links between Valentine, Fitzpatrick and several companies cheated out of their money and management deep into troubles because of the clever way they use to cover up their fraud.

    Valentine was in jail already, the FBI got him once, the link is here look for it, so now he is the puppet master and Fitzpatrick is the puppet, but just in that way, they are a team and they cheat people.

    More to come, I am getting other people contacting me with similar stories in several different companies, all the same pattern as Netnetnet, the one known to you all , but by no means the one and only.

    management = victims

    you = victims

    Fitzpatrick and Valentine = crooks

  238. Avatar de gogol

    Hi CL,
    Do you think the constellation Fosse-McKenzie / Pantera Petroleum is the same ? I mean, is Pantera also a victim, or is this a fake company. See the German forum on this case …

    Pantera Petroleum has at least issued a warning about Fosse-McKenzie, claiming they have nothing to do with these guys.

    Why has NNN then not issued such a warning ? and what about Clint Bauld (supposed to be responsible for NNN) sitting in ELP in Geneva (belonging to Fitzpatrick) ? is Clint Bauld / ELP then a victim or part of the boiler-room guys ?

    best regards

  239. Avatar de angie

    My reliable source tells me that NNN has been using the promise of generous share distribution to « acquire » other media companies. However i heard that they’ve renegate on their commitments to these companies and are now being sued.

    Whether or not NNN’s a victim or the bad guys, I’m not absolutely sure. But I think these companies who have been « bought » by NNN are the ones suffering. They had a viable business to begin with and was lured into NNN’s promise and now they’re left high and dry.
    The above is based on what I heard about NNN Asia who has been conducting these « acquisition » through Lawrence and another company called Advance Interactive Technologies (CEO Alex Thian) is also involved.

  240. Avatar de Frank N.
    Frank N.

    Hi all,

    I’m one of the german victims and got caught by FosseMcKenzie/Kimura and Pantera Petroleum. At the moment I try to connect directly to some of the others, to cross-check any gathered information.

    It seems, you in here are much further on investigation matters, and it’s very interesting to read through this forum. I would be very pleased to get in direct contact just to share infos.

    I did actually contact a german TV-magazin called « Akte 08 » to provide publicity on that matter. How to get the whole story to interpol ?

    Is there anything all victims together could do, no matter where they are located, or by which crook-company they had been contacted ?

    Any given help is greatly appreciated.

    best regards

  241. Avatar de Karsten

    Hello everybody!
    Back from vacation.
    Here is an e-mail respose i got on december 12 2007 in answer to a question I sent to NNN about their part in the ongoing Unicorn/Artemis scam:

    « Dear Mr.

    Thank you for your email. We are a publicly listed company and as such people are free to buy and sell our stock on any registered exchange or in private. We can not and will not comment on what individual shareholders do as it is inappropriate to do so. In saying that we have no contract with these external organizations. Whilst it is painful to us, we also have to preserve the rights of shareholders as we have pointed out in our code of corporate governance which we published on 8th February this year which states (amongst other things)

    · will respect the legitimate rights of shareholders and facilitate the effective exercise of those rights.
    · will recognise legal and other obligations to all legitimate stakeholders.

    This is our code of ethics that we are bound by, so if any legitimate shareholder has been effected then we will do what we can to help.

    Again we are a company bound by listing rules and company laws, whilst the temptation is to put out a press release, that issue will be decided in a calm intelligent manner. We have had discussions with the proper regulatory authorities as to what the appropriate action on this matter is.

    In respect of our connection with Global Satellite, I again refer to a recent market release that states:

    Proposed transaction with GSBC
    In a press announcement dated 20th December 2006, it was announced that had a strategic partner (known as) GSBC. The effect of the announcement was that would receive unfettered access and exclusive territorial rights to GSBC products. The main reason for signing the letter of intent was to give a core technology to utilize throughout the areas that wished to pursue. Since signing the letter of intent, GSBC has breached a number covenants and in whole has been unable to supply promised technology.
    Given the above factors, has informed GSBC that the agreement was void. is now producing (and owns) its own far superior technology. However with the core purchase of Incite Media recently we are able to offer a full hardware and software solution on a global basis, something that GSBC was never able to do.
    The management of the Issuer believes that this is a far better outcome for shareholders.

    In respect of Incite Media and, as reported Incite is a wholly owned subsidiary of and is changing its name to Europe.

    If you or any other shareholder are in Geneva or Zurich then you are welcome to come to our offices. We would kindly ask you to make an appointment before doing so. Furthermore, if you know of any Netnetnet shareholder who has been directly affected then please let us know.


    36 Boulevard Helvetique
    1207 Geneva »

    The same defense Pantera is using: « We have nothing to do with the boiler room companies » But as Client Lostitall suggests, behind the boiler rooms there are the « funds » (NNN – European Launch Pad, Pantera – The Swiss FTS) that « finance » these companies. I guess we have to find the links between the masterminds behind the funds (Fitzpatrick/Valentine?) and the boiler rooms to get to the bottom of this affair. One person that must have valuable information is as gogol suggests Clint Bauld of ELP/NNN.
    I have tried to get some answers from Ronald Flynn, the founder of GSBC (see the mail from NNN above) but he ony sees himself as cheated by the people from NNN.
    Keep investigating!

  242. Avatar de gogol

    Well, so it boils down to :
    Why don’t you, Client Lostitall, or any real shareholder, visit Clint Bauld in Geneva and at the same time Mr. Fitzpatrick ? At least they have real phone numbers, addresses etc in the Geneva Area.

  243. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello again!
    Found out this about the Fitzpatrick – Todd Moore Thaler Fund:
    At the end of January they held an investor conference where they promoted different companies. Most companies got a 15 min presentation, Netnetnet got half an hour. Another company promoted was Nexis International. Guess who is on the board of directors? Richard Walker and Wolfgang Kyser (also directors of Netnetnet). Yet another company was Sequenti who on their website has a quote by Richard Walker of Netnetnet.
    They also promoted their partner TMF The Marketing Fund (who according to many pressreleases was involved with NNN)
    BTW the Nexis stock graph looks a lot like the NNN one. From 2 euro i january down to 0.30.
    The Fitzpatrick-Moore-Valentine MO, as Client Lostitall states, seems to be to find or form companies promote them and let their boiler rooms loose. Pump up the stock and then dump them.

  244. Avatar de Client Lostitall
    Client Lostitall

    Got this information from another victim:

    Dear Sir,

    I, as many others were duped by Mr. Fitzpatrick and Mr. Valentine.
    They organize investors conferences and under the Thaler Fund scheme
    they bring in the investments that the companies they represent are
    so eager to get.
    In short, they screw investors and companies.

    What happens is this: the Companies sign agreements with the thaler fund
    in exchange for a public listing, the thaler fund then has the authority
    to raise funds for these companies but we now know what happens next.

    Some cash finds its way to the bank accounts of the companies,
    enough for a period of time while the boiler room find more fools
    in the open market and they sell their positions.

    These are very experienced guys and they fear not being sued because mostly the scheme is well guarded, but not 100%. Valentine went to Jail already.

    Clint Bauld might be mentioned in several of these companies but surely
    he is a pawn in this chess game.

    Mr. Moore, no idea, maybe history already, as some of the other names … focus on the duo Valentine/Fitzpatrick.

    In the case of Mr. Walker, probably he was used and abused as well, no one is that idiot to be involved in so many frauds so openly.

    Make no mistake, this has been done before and that is what landed Mr. Valentine in jail, now wiser after the experience he knows that the ones that will fall next are those in the management position, the ones that naively signed the agreements with them under the thaler fund.

    What is clear is that Mr. Valentine and Mr. Fitzpatrick work together and
    they are the ones leading the scheme and they are seen together in these
    investors conferences luring companies and investors to part with their

    ELP, Thaler Fund, Ravilon Finance all have the same root , The Fitzpatrick/Valentine.

    Soon they might close down these fronts and open up some more.

    If we are some or many, lets initiate a class action against some of these frauds.

    Good Luck.

    My next step, Geneva and Zurich, there is more to be found there.

  245. Avatar de angie

    The last few post has been very interesting.
    So I guess this means NNN was duped as well and are victims of this elaborate scam?

  246. Avatar de Karsten

    I agree. Very interesting information. In the case of NNN I’m more sceptical than Angie. I’m pretty sure that the principals of NNN were more interested in pumping their stock than building a real company. A company that now for some time has not had a working website. I wonder where this leaves the former Incite Media, now NNN Europe, at least that was a working company before NNN paid 26 million swiss francs for it.
    BTW Pinksheets has some very entertaining filings from NNN, so anyone interested can check where their invested money went. Go there and search for « NNNV ».

  247. Avatar de Banana

    well, did actually NNN PAY 26 or 27 million ? I have more the impression this money was just a promise never accomplished, or perhaps in the form of exchanging some some bu**sh*t shares…

  248. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    well according to a Interim Financial Report of 30 September 2007 that can be found om, NNN lists as « assets » an investment « shares in group company » to 26.000.000 Swiss Francs.
    But the deal was probably done with NNN shares. And Incite Media is officially NNN (Europe) with Richard Walker as president. Other interesting reading is that from June 2006 to September 2007 NNN had revenues of 10 (ten) Swiss Francs and expenses totaling 598.669 giving them a net loss of 598.659 Swiss Francs. Another document on Pinksheet tells us that that the Thaler Foundation (Valentine?) owns 16.56% of the shares. An equally big post is owned by Gosnells Portfolio Inc (?). Festus Consulting, that according to press releases from NNN helped in making the deal with Incite Media owns 5 million shares or 5.96%.

  249. Avatar de angie

    You’re right. Actually cash was never paid but NNN went around offering B**LSH*T shares to perfectly legit companies. This happen in Asia also through NNN asia

  250. Avatar de Stones

    Ils recommences au Canada.
    Call from a « Canadian company » doing their « servie » on investment policies.
    Typpical IP telephone by the quality og the phonline.
    This time not in that good english.
    Bee aware.


  251. Avatar de Stones

    To Clientel Losital
    How come you have all this information about the « innocense » of the companies listed ? You reefer to clients ?
    I think you might bee a mole.
    Off course the management off theese compagnies must bee involved.
    I aggree with Angie and Karsten.

  252. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Sones: I would guess that ELP and the boiler rooms work both ways. Some legitimate companies are approached and lured into their net and some companies are formed by the Fitzpatrick – Valentine group with the sole purpose of conducting a scam (I beleive that NNN is such a company).
    Some documentation of the former method can be found on the Internet concerning ELP, Liska Biometry and Galton Biometrics. Interesting reading.

  253. Avatar de gogol

    Hell Karsten
    Ok but what about Incite Media then ? was it a genuine working company, destroyed by these guys ?

  254. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello gogol
    Well, I’m not sure. All available evidence points in the direction of Incite Media being a genuine working company with real people etc. I don’t know if the company had any financial trouble or what motivated them to throw themselves into the arms of NNN. But as far as I can tell, they
    moved their premises, relinked their website to NNN, threw out the other directors and made Richard Walker of NNN president and Roland Kümin of Incite Media vice president. More than 8 months have passed and there has been nothing but silence from the usually press-release prone companies NNN and the former Incite Media.
    When GSBC in Thailand (the root of NNN) made similar deals with companies in Australia and New Zeeland (Wallflower, a company very much like Incite Media) these companies at least kept their name and website and have since managed to get back into business.
    The failure of the former Incite Media to show any signs of life makes me wonder if not some parts of the management were very much aware of what was going on.

  255. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello again!
    This quote from one of the blogs written by GSBC founder Ronald Flynn on August 17th might shed some light on who is behind NNN. The reference to « edward » must be the Mr. Fitzpatrick that has been mentioned here before:

    “Net.Net.Net TV”
    This company was originally set up as a licensee of GSBC to handle Europe and go public on the German stock exchange. Unfortunately because Steven Tung was unsuccessful in extorting money from me he screwed our deal with Net.Net.Net TV buy telling the directors of that company that he had cancelled his deal with GSBC and would supply the screens to them personally.

    This of course stopped any sales of smart screens being sold to Net.Net.Net TV by GSBC and allowed Cybersys which is owned by Steven Tung to sell Smart screens at a 40% increase and share the profits with GSBC-HK. Of course edward the owner of Net.Net.Net TV did not care as he had raised more than ten millon euro in cash in Germany and left the company keeping all the money he raised and then out right screwing the German shareholders and his partners in Thailand and Australia. »


  256. Avatar de Lutz-Thomas Herrmann
    Lutz-Thomas Herrmann

    Hi, is there any chance to talk with Karsten in German language?

  257. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Ja, ich versteh und spreche Deutsch. Schreiben ist ein bisschen mehr kompliziert. Aber, du kannst mir gerne in Deutsch shreiben.

  258. Avatar de Frank N.
    Frank N.

    @ Karsten Runerheim
    @ Client Lostitall
    @ Lutz-Thomas Herrmann

    I would be interested, as well to get in direct mail contact with you, to check up the situation and match some details. I organize a group of about 35 (now – getting mire each day) victims in D/CH/A wich first fell for Pantera Petroleum. It would be good to see if there are any provable connections between those two (and probably many more..) cases, which may be useful.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact me via email (

    Regards Frank N.

  259. Avatar de Michael

    Hello to everybody,

    I was scammed by Unicorn Ventures with shares and NANOpharm shares (in Sept. 2007). I did file a police report but nothing could be done so far.
    I am taking action through my brokerage who will be instituting a Class Action in the States on behalf of their clients. If you have queries and or information can be sent to which is an e-mail account they have set up for this purpose.

    Michael, Germany

  260. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Michael!
    I might have become too suspicious after all this scamming, but I did a whois check on the website and found that it was registered on July 2nd 2008. Even though they have copyright dates from 2001 to 2007 on their pages. Is there something not quite right or am I just too suspicious?

  261. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Michael again!
    Another strange thing. Doing a Google search on Commerce Investments only gave me a couple of press-releases on various subjects all dated August 4th 2008. This is strange since they on their website claim:

    « Ranked among the world’s leading M&A advisors, Commerce Investments Group draws upon decades of experience in sophisticated global markets to deliver integrated strategic and technical advice to its clients. »

    One would think that a company like that would leave a more impressive
    footprint on the internet.
    I would be very careful here.

  262. Avatar de Michael

    Well I do not know but since they checked and forewared four links to me in regards of a BLOG where I can have a chat with scammed people like myself. And they are listed and filed their paperwork on since 2004.
    But if you see the internet thing – that leave some questions.
    I check and ask and will get back to you.

  263. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    I also found a SEC filing from 2004, but that was for Commerce Investment Group LLC with the address C/O AZTECA PRODUCTION INTERNATIONAL , 5804 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE in the city of Commerce, California. Can that really be the same company?

  264. Avatar de gogol

    just check out boiler room stories to be found on internet, and warnings from various authorities and consumer protection organisations : It is common practice among boiler-room-criminals first to cheat a maximum number of people by « selling » them fake shares, and then, once there are a lot of victims complaining, to set up a new boiler-room-lawyer-firm pretending to help all these people by representing them all together, taking some « appropriate » actions in order to involve justice and get the criminals behind bars. This of course against some new « fees » or « expenses » to be paid to these « new guys » supposed to help the victims after they have been cheated in the first place… So… be careful…

  265. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Just an update on the Thaler Fund.
    They are also behind a film production company called Antshake. The company is at the same adress (THE MILL, MILL LANE, HATTON, WARWICKSHIRE) where European Launch Pad Ltd and Ltd are registered.
    The producer at the company is a Sean Kelly. A Sean Kelly is also (together with Edward Fitzpatrick) a director of the European Launch Pad SA.
    Antshake is in the process of financing (through The Thaler Fund) a movie project called « Meat » based on a book by Joseph d’Lacey.
    So we know what to expect.

  266. Avatar de Michael

    Hello Again,

    I did talk to them and got an explanation of what was filed in the past. The above mentions filing the company was involved in a transaction of shares and a merger of two companies. The original business was in the institutinal area and since a year or so they market to private investors. At least we can see that this company is around for quite some time.

    Best Regards,


  267. Avatar de gogol

    well-well…. ask them at least for a copy of their commerce registry filing, VAT number, ….

  268. Avatar de Karsten

    Looking through the SEC filings of the « Commerce Investment Group LLC »
    it seems to be a company in California involved in the garment industry (together with « Joe’s Jeans » and others). Notice that the « brokers » you are talking about call themselves Commerce Investments (an « s » at the end) Group. Are you really sure that this is same company.
    I’m pretty sure that Commerce Investments Group is a scam company along the lines of the others (Unicorn – Artemis- Pollia et. etc.) that we have seen here before.

  269. Avatar de Karsten

    Hello Michael again!
    I found a another Commerce Investments Group LLC. Registered in Florida and as of march 28 2008 it was Located at Suite 205, 2455 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood Florida. A long way from One Liberty Plaza in New York, as stated on their hompage.

  270. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Interesting news,

    I did not have time to focus in NNN as I have other clients and the investigation is still progressing:

    All management of NNN was fired by Edward Fitzpatrick and Mark Valentine, part of the silence is that now they control the website and they are not talking.

    They are buying time as many are asking, where is my money ?

    The new CEO is Roland Kümin.

    Walker and Bauld are history for around 6 months !!!!!

    It took me sometime to get another shareholder and talk to us, here is what we found out.

    The thaler Fund in Liechtenstein is operated on behalf of the duo of Fitzpatrick and Valentine, the have gotten a few million dollars selling the NNN story and just a drop of it found its way to NNN, Walker was a hired director and apparently found out about all the scheme a bit too late and all hell broke loose when he demanded an explanation.

    Bauld used to work for Fitzpatrick and was just a professional office boy helping out in all the projects as the person that should report back to Fitzpatrick, why is he not there ? no idea yet but we keep on investigating.

    This person is well informed and has tried unsuccessfully to get his money back while given all type of positive stories and news.

    In short, management was used by the DUO, when it was of no use anymore out they go and a new team steps in, for how long ?

    Your money is in Fitzpatrick and Valentine hands, make no mistake about it.

    Soon more news

  271. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Very interesting news…
    Looking forward to hear moore

  272. Avatar de Frank Nordmann

    @client lostitalle:

    Very interesting news !

    Did anyone ever heard of FTS Financial Ltd, which allegedly shall be located in Zurich, Seefeld Strasse 69, 8008 Zurich. (Although we already know that there is nothing visible!)

    Could FTS be another fund-structure of Fitzpatrick, Valentine ?? If so….

    It could/would be my missing or confirming link from the to Pantera Petroleum an many other following or still upcoming.

    The only link – up to now – are those partially identical fraud brokers (like Fosse, Akeman etc.)

    Nice to hear from you !

    Regards Frank N.

  273. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Just an observation. Richard Walker and Wolfgang Kyser (directors of NNN)
    are also involved in another Thaler promoted company, Nexis International, that has about the same development on the Frankfurt exchange as NNN. Perhaps Walker and Kyser are more involved with the Fitzpatrick-Valentine gang than we think.
    Just a thought.

  274. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    The newest alias for our well known boiler rooms is Portway Capital, this time in France. Beware!

  275. Avatar de banana

    FTS Financial Ltd : see my comment july 3 here above.
    I went to have a look in Zürich Seefeld Strasse 69, this company does not exist.

  276. Avatar de another victim
    another victim

    The continuing scheme by artemis financial is still the conversion of nanopharm shares into the shares of the mining company. At the moment the price discussed for the takeover of the shares is quite high with 3,5 € a share and therefore very tempting, but you all know what not to do, especially as the additional input price is again more than the initial investment.

  277. Avatar de Thorty

    Hello everybody,

    any victims of kimura financial out there? Made bad and financially painful experiences with a so called investment in shares of a « company » named Universal Institute of Stem…

    What can I do to get my money back???

  278. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Just an update on NNN ,Europe (the former Incite Media). In the Swiss Handelsregister you can find that as of September 17th Roland Kümin is no longer part of the management team. This leaves Richard Walker as President.
    I wonder where this leaves the company?

  279. Avatar de Skysurfer

    Hello all,

    well, I’ve read « Portway Capital » somewhere in these threads – Actually, I have already made a deal with them and they contacted me and offered another very good deal, based on the first one. However, before I put some more money onto their account, I’d like to check whether they can be trusted. And in the meantime, I am more and more convinced that I’ve been cheated…
    Does anybody have any experience with « Portway Capital » (based in Bordeaux, France)?

  280. Avatar de gogol

    Portway capital : Their web-site looks identical to the other boiler-room brokers. Lots of « press-releases » on the internet, all only recent. Finanstilsynet in Sweden (governmental banking and finance supervision organisation) is warning about their illegal activities. so …. ???

    I suppose you Skysurfer was first called by some guy doing a « survey » asking you some basic questions about investment habits, etc, ? Then a few days later you just got a friendly call from someone presenting himself as working for Portway, but who was « not trying to sell anything » ? Then he called again starting to talk about some interesting company and placement that he happened to be aware of ? …. well, just like all the other guys here contacvted by various such « brokers » : same people, different names… In any case you can be sure the guy calling is not located in France as he claims.

  281. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    I definitely agree with gogol. Their MO seems identical with all the other boiler rooms: website design, the flooding of free press release sites with all kinds of press releases during a limited period etc.
    In the warning from the swedish authorities it says that they are trying to sell american OTC stock. Would be interesting to know in what company.

  282. Avatar de Skysurfer

    Unfortunately, I did not see the warning of our financial authority earlier… (f***!!!)

    So I understand they are promising things they never can meet, just to convice their « customers » (or better: victims) to put more money onto their bank account. But I wonder what happens to this money: Do they really buy stocks with the money or are all those « purchase confirmations » also fakes. Is there any chance to get the money back (or at least a part of it?). Or with other words: Did any of the victims ever get some money back?

  283. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    I have been following the different blogs on this subject for a long time and in a very few instances people claim to have gotten some of their money back. If this is true I don’t know, but I would say that 99% of the victims never get their money back.
    If they really buy stock or just fake it may differ. And even if you really get
    the actual stock you will probably be sitting with worthless or unsellable paper.
    Two questions: In what company is Portway selling stock (boiler rooms usually have only one item to sell) and what bank does Portway use for money transfer?

  284. Avatar de another victim
    another victim

    Hello out there…

    … they are starting again with another financial advisor company and another company selling shares. as usual, just got a call before from someone trying to warm up older contacts. And then they sent an inormative email introducing themselves and including up-to-date press releases of the newly promoted company which has some surprising 380 % growth potential.

    The company is « Medical Connections », the advisors are Highland International Advisors.

    Consider yourself warned.

  285. Avatar de gogol

    This Highland International Advisors claims to be located in Switzerland.

    just check the Swiss « Handelsregister » : ZEFIX.CH

    In any case we all who check out this website consider ourselves warned. the question is how to warn other people….

  286. Avatar de Skysurfer

    fully ACK: the question is how to warn other people.
    Regarding that, it would be good to know how these sons of a bitch are organized and what they would be able to do:
    – Do they know such kind of blogs and do they read them?
    – Where are they located and how long are their arms?
    – If they find out who is trying to disturb their business significantly, would they be able to do any harm (e.g., sending out their « dogs »…?)

    @Karsten: at this time, I do not want to make too much information about my deals public through this blog. But I’m still continuing thinking how to warn other people from being as foolish as I had been…

  287. Avatar de gogol

    one thing to do … : Warn all friends and relatives.
    Where they are located : Some indications about some of these guys in Switzerland, and / or Asia or USA (see posts here above)
    Do any harm ? : One never knows.
    Do they read these blogs ? certainly yes.

  288. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Another thing we all can do is continue writing on this and other blogs.
    When I was first contacted by Artemis Financial I Googled their name and first only found their pressreleases, it was only when I dug further into the search results that I found this and other blogs. The more traffic this blog gets the further up in the Google search list this information lands. (I think)
    The financial authorities in Europe have also been very active lately. Whenever someone mentions a new boiler room name and I Google that I usually find the warnings from the financial authorities at the top of the list.
    The best advice is of course one that has long been the mantra of the financial authorities world-wide: Never ever make deals with cold-calling companies whatever they call themselves.
    Can they do us any harm? I guess that the scammers are prepared. When the word is out about one boilerroom company they just fold their tent and pop up under a new name. And the masterminds behind it all are very good at covering their tracks.
    So let’s go on sharing information about the scammers (and be aware that they are also reading these blogs) so that we can at least prevent others to fall into their traps. And hopefully some day we will get the whole picture of who is behind and where all that lost money went.

  289. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    As some of you are asking what to do next, here is a suggestion:

    Lets open a blog, « the Fitzpatrick Valentine complain area », who is well experienced to do this?
    We can then link it to as many financial pages as possible.

    Lets complain independently to every possible authority, I am preparing files and will send them to the appropriate ones.

    Now, some more information :

    Roland Kuemin was fired as well, he replaced Walker and please get this guys, Richard Walker is no longer there, he was fired as well my source confirmed yesterday.

    Mr. Walker was a hired director, apparently he has lend his services to other listed companies, a common practice, and as well served in anothers represented by Thaler Fund.

    In short, he just got paid to do his job, file documents and prepare prospects, don’t waste time and energy there as nothing will happen.

    Mr. Wolf, apparently another director for hire and is a resident of Germany.

    CONFIRMED: Mr. Edward Fitzpatrick lives between Geneva and Liechtenstein.

    I have no interest in Mr. Walker, Bauld or Wolfe, every source confirms the same, they were just pawns in the game and for hire.

    The focus , Fitzpatrick and Valentine, they will keep doing harm and stealing money from victims like you all if we do not spread the word.

    The trick that really works is:

    They get management, make you believe they are responsible when things don’t work out and then get your attention somewhere else because you all follow the wrong lead.

    Thaler – Liechtesntein

    Fitzpatrick – Geneva – Liechtenstein

    Valentine – Still doing some work here.

    The rest are the leads they want and need you to follow while they cover their traces.

    Wake up call.

  290. Avatar de gogol

    well, client-lostitall, could you translate please what is the meaning of all this blabla here above ? (actually nothing new for those who have been following this…)

  291. Avatar de gogol

    and btw edward fitzpatrick, anyone can just find his address near geneva and phone number in the swiss phone directories

    3 x w dot DIRECTORIES.CH

    So why don’t you just call him and ask ?

  292. Avatar de no kidding

    Portway Capital are a boiler room

    located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in the CBD Bintang, I live in SE Asia and I know this information is correct.

    I believe they are still selling false stocks in China Energy Corporation, targeting French, Germans and Italians maybe English.

    The Director is English and they have South Africans and Eastern Europeans working for them.

    I don’t know how to report them, just hope this helps someone else and they can be prevented before moving on.


  293. Avatar de gogol

    no kinnding ? could it mean that all these « companies » could be located in reality, there in Kuala Lumpur ?

  294. Avatar de no kidding

    They are located all over asia, europe, america anywhere!!!!

    Search Brinton group Bangkok! they cheated Australians. All the boiler rooms then moved out of bangkok to Laos, Malaysia etc.

    I know the excact location of the boiler room that is Portway capital in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I just don’t know how the authorities can get them.

  295. Avatar de no kidding

    no kinnding ? could it mean that all these “companies” could be located in reality, there in Kuala Lumpur ?


  296. Avatar de KJ

    I invested with Portway Capital into a company called Asia Electrical Power (AEPW:OTC). Despite my wish not to contact me every week they started to offer me swapping « my » shares into another one if I will invest additional money. I denied this and asked them not to offer me this kind of deals. I was prepared to wait what will happend with AEPW shares in the future because I still believed the facts that all prospects are correct.

    After two weeks I was contacted again. They offered me to enter into a private deal which will secure my shares if I will buy additional shares of AEPW. Even I told them that I don’t want to invest another money they presured me into saying yes on the end of conversation. To their credits I must say that their technique of conversation is very sophisticated. 30 minutes later I wrote them that I will not pay any other money and asked them to getting me a bid for selling my shares. They said me that my account is frozen now and that I must paid additional money because I agreed with that per phone. So I propably lost a few thousands of dollars and I because I am naive I became a potentional debtor.

    But every thing has two sides. It was/is/will be expensive but important experience for my life which can prevent me against losing more money in the future.

    Some facts about what’s called Portway Capital:

    Tel: +33 5 67 69 91 16
    Fax: +33 5 67 69 91 17

    17, Rue Caillou
    Residence du Parc Ceres
    Batiment C
    33200 Bordeaux

  297. Avatar de no kidding
    no kidding

    ^^ not all companies but most are located in countries where it’s difficult to be prosecuted for fraud commited overseas.

    They are just offices with phones and scripts.

  298. Avatar de no kidding
    no kidding

    Just a well done script; if a operative is struggling to get the yes answer they bring in another guy (the floor manager) to give you the right objection scripts and the coaching.

    I’m sorry Portway have ripped you off, please contact me on to find out their location to get them prosecuted (if you know the right authorities).

  299. Avatar de no kidding
    no kidding

    Tel: +33 5 67 69 91 16
    Fax: +33 5 67 69 91 17

    17, Rue Caillou
    Residence du Parc Ceres
    Batiment C
    33200 Bordeaux

    A load of rubbish, telephone and address. They are based in Malaysia

  300. Avatar de MOUTTON

    Sur Rhone Alpes FRANCE bee one holding : société diffusant le genre de titre en pré introduction boursière … marché de gré à gré …
    smart technologie , GBDP … via le crédit Suisse Lauzane SUISSE

  301. Avatar de Dominique

    Hello, warning the scam goes on….

    They are starting again with another financial advisor company, another company selling shares. Just got today a call from someone trying to warm up « owners » (?) of Nanopharm technologies shares. (ex « owners » of netnetnetTV shares…) their phone number 18875159612
    They inform about a restructuration in Nanopharm tech society and would make next a new proposition to exchange against shares of a new company, with good profit in a short term…
    If you put more money in the boiling-room… of course.

    About Portway Capital
    This society don’t have any office at this adress (a new part of the scam)
    Portway Capital
    17, Rue Caillou
    Residence du Parc Ceres
    Batiment C
    33200 Bordeaux

    Attention l’arnaque continue !

    Les « propriétaires » (?) d’actions de Nanopharm technologies, ex « propriétaires » d’actions de NetNetNetTV reçoivent des appels téléphoniques (leur n° d’appel 18875159612) d’abord pour simplement reprendre contact et ils feront ensuite une proposition pour échanger (encore) leurs actions contre celles d’une nouvelle compagnie, avec de bons profits à court terme… à condition bien sûr de remettre de l’argent dans la « bouilloire » de l’arnaque….

    Au sujet de Portway Capital (une nouvelle face de la même arnaque)
    Cette société n’existe pas à l’adresse indiquée
    Portway Capital
    17, Rue Caillou
    Residence du Parc Ceres
    Batiment C
    33200 Bordeaux


  302. Avatar de schadik

    I just recieved some sort of certificate for the 1000 shares of shares taht were sold to me by Artemis Financial in 2007.

    I had given up on this whole story thinking that there was oing to be no return on my investment…

    Now I have a piece of paper saying that I own 1000 shares… I have no Idea what I am supposed to do with this and am not sure what I should do…

    I doubt that I will recover the 4000 euro that I originally invested but it would be nice to get some of it back at some stage!!

    Any ideas on what I should be doing with this certificate are greatly welcomed….

    I will be away for the next two weeks

    Thank you

  303. Avatar de Dominique

    above the link of the swedish financial authority about their warning concerning the part of the scam « Portway capital »

  304. Avatar de Karsten

    @ schadik
    Unfortunately right now it seems that your 1000 shares would bring you 39 euro. Provided that you find a buyer.
    From whom did you get your certificate?

  305. Avatar de Dominique


    The scam is going on.
    « Artemis financial » try now to sell shares of METEXUSA company.
    Swaping your netnetnetTV or nanopharm technologies shares against metex shares with an additionnal amount of money of course….

    They never stop !!!


  306. Avatar de gogol

    Of course they never stop and it seems nobody can stop them. New names, new « broker firms » new « fantastic opportunities » and new « shares in new companies » all the time… It is actually an easy business. Why am I, stupid guy, working for a limited salary 08.00 to 18.00 every day, pay taxes, …. I could just do like them, fly around first class with « offices » in Kuala Lumpur, Asia, USA or god knows where (Switzerland? ), make phone calls and nice internet sites + « press releases », have the greatest cars and houses with swimming pools, … no taxes…

    Well, perhaps I have something these guys do not have : something called a conscience and sense for honesty against other people. One day, these guys parents, children, wives, will KNOW. Let’s make that happen !

  307. Avatar de bubi

    J’ai dénoncer Artemis Financial aujourd’hui à la police. Artemis Financial et Unicorn Vetnures sont très bien connue ….

  308. Avatar de GLt

    Fosse-McKenzie / Kimura Financial…
    I had contact with both of them, and obviously fell to their excellent sales skills.
    Pantera Petroleum & UNISC do really exist, but, of course, have nothing to do with those crooks.
    There is two obvious trick in their pattern:
    – always promise an incredible return, when, at the same time, stumping greedy people (meaning that they are not, but only have those fantastic inside connections)
    – always attract you with a relatively small amount of investment, and then attract you to put more in, or you might loose it all.

    I documented all conacts & names and will send the whole stuff to Interpol, but with very limited hope.

  309. Avatar de Karsten

    One thing that can be noticed is that while the boiler rooms are pushing a specific stock there seems to be a lot of press releases coming from the company in question making it easier for the boiler rooms to fool prospective buyers. And even if the companies exist (these days proof of existance means having a web page and being registered at a penny stock exchange) it does not mean that the company is a good investment. Look at (The company that initiated this blog) today. When it was pushed by Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial it was at over 4 euros in Frankfurt would in six monts be at about 12 euros we were told. A lot of press releases from the company helped us beleive in the rosy future. Today it stands at 0.53 euro with virtually no trading. No more press releases, no proof of activity.
    I beleive there is a stronger link between the boiler room companies and the stock they are pushing than we might think.

  310. Avatar de Skysurfer

    @GLt: Any response from Interpol yet? If there is any effective method to put a stop to these guys’ games, I would be happy to give my support.
    I’ve already contacted our local authorities, but I didn’t get the impression they can really help me…

  311. Avatar de GLt

    Unfortunately, so far nothing.
    Is seems like there is not enough material for immediate action.
    The police forces might be building up their file and we might never know what will really be done.
    In any case, seing the money back seems like a long shot.

    I made direct contact with the company whose stock they sold me. It seems to really exist, but who knows for sure. There answer is a bit to vague to be taken 100% seriously.

    The trouble with those scams seems to be that they document seriously their case: if you check on internet, you will really find the companies and people that they mention, but they generally have nothing to do with the scammers who are just using them to get your confidence.

  312. Avatar de bubi

    I did sue Artemis at the police some time ago. The police did say that they know Unicorn Ventures and Artemis Financial very well and that there are some investigations running (e.g. they have spoken to the owner of
    But to be honest, I fear that there will be a very little chance to get them tracked down. All phone numbers lead to some switch boxes and it is not possible to find out where the call was coming from.
    The policeman I have spoken to told me that the chance to get some money back is equal zero…

  313. Avatar de gogol

    At least the netnetnet guys should now be honest and come out with some formal communication to all those who have been cheated and to the public in general.

  314. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes, I agree. I’m sure Clint Bauld, Roland Kümin, Richard Walker, Fitzpatrick and the others have information that could interest the authorities and the people who lost their money. Let’s not hope that they are silent because they where in on the game.

  315. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Dear All,

    Several investors of Incite Media were scammed by and Roland Kümin is not to blame for this. The criminals and scam guys behind, who bought Incite Media are to blame. If any of you have been scammed by Edward Fitzpatrick or please call the following authorities in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. They can help you:

    FMA Financial Market Authority
    Heiligkreuz 8
    Postfach 684
    LI-9490 Vaduz
    Principality of Liechtenstein
    phone +423 236 73 90
    fax +423 236 73 75

    René Brülhart, LL.M. Director
    Financial Intelligence Unit
    Haus Risch
    Äulestrasse 51
    FL-9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +423/236 61 21
    Fax: +423/236 61 29

    Marc Schwyzer
    Marc Schwyzer
    direkt 071 229 34 72
    Telefax 071 229 43 06

  316. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    Interesting reading. Edward Fitzpatrick latest idea seems to be for Thaler Fund to finance a non fiction book about a man trying to live a year without telling a lie. On some other blogs the irony of all this has been pointed out by people who have has financial dealings with Fitzpatrick and lost their money.

  317. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by


    Go to the police and complain. The more people that complain means the noose is getting tighter around Fitzpatricks neck all the time…

  318. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    Dear all,

    I have been reading your blog for the last weeks, I am one of the fools who unfortunately was too late on this site… Thank you for bringing some light into this matter, some hints seem to be quite promising, I would like to get in touch with cheated people or with people otherwise interested in this case to coordinate our information. I will try to do so with some interesting email adresses stated in this blog.


  319. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Dear Get the Crooks,

    Feel free to call the police, they are informed about this blog, and are waiting for peope to contact them per email or phone.

    There is an ongoing investigation regarding Unicorn Ventures,, the Thaler Fund (all the scams of Edward Fitzpatrick) so all the more ammunition the better.

    Or even better pay a visit to Mr. Fitzpatrick at his place of business or home near Geneva, he lives there with his kids and wife. Addresses are:

    Thaler Fund Financial Group
    Mittaldorf 12
    9490 Vaduz
    Tel: 00423 263 1312

    Edward James Fitzpatrick, chemin de Ruth 113, 1223 Cologny (Tel: 022-752-0815)

    Personally I will not rest till I get my money back or he is in jail…


  320. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    Dear Scammed by nnn,

    I did file my report to the local police some weeks ago but I am convinced they are not capable of beating the crooks. We must get the local authorities to coordinate with others, we must try to get this case to an international authority. If there is no way we should send some mercs to our friend in Vaduz/Cologny.

    I am not willing to rest either…

  321. Avatar de Scammed too
    Scammed too

    Dear scam by,
    My company was also a victim of NNN’s « acquisition » promises but through their Asian office under a Lawrence Liaw and Alex Thien.
    They offered a few million NNN shares plus cash investments as part of their acquisition offer. But nothing materalised and both lawrence and alex are now giving all kinds of excuses for their backing out in their promises.
    Is this part of the scam as well?
    If the company NNN itself is not a real and honest company then the intentions behind offering the shares can be considered fraudulent?
    The list of contacts you gave here, who are they? How are they able to help? I’ve written an email to them and i really hope they can help me.
    Appreciate if anyone could give me some advise as to what i should do.
    Thank you very much

  322. Avatar de gogol

    Looks Like they fooled you, Scammed Too, the same way they seem to have fooled Incite Media in Switzerland.

    It’s about time some of these guys (Incite Media…) come out with some real communication if they are completely « clean ».

  323. Avatar de gogol

    look at the Swiss « Handelsregister »
    search netnetnet…. (this is actually the ex-Incite-Media « bought » by netnetnet…)
    see last entries : most guys seem to have qui recently. AND last but not least, their auditors.

  324. Avatar de Scammed too
    Scammed too

    has anyone thought of getting some international newspaper to cover this scam? that might pressure the authorities to do something and also to warn future potential victims.

  325. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    and now NNN (Europe) is being sued for unpayed debts.
    See entries under Moneyhouse. About CHF 100.000:-.

  326. Avatar de gogol

    Well, so then, one can just guess now where the funds from the « shareholders » went…

    If the ex-Incite Media is not even able now to pay some ridiculous amounts in comparison. Remember : Incite Media « purchased » by nnn for CHF 26Mio, (payment in reality in worthless nnn stock given to the owners ?), and the real money from shareholders into the crooks pockets.

  327. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    We all need to go to the police and lodge a formal complaint, or at least write them an email. See details below once again:

    Rebecca Emberson
    FMA Financial Market Authority
    Executive and Project Assistant
    Heiligkreuz 8
    Postfach 684
    LI-9490 Vaduz
    Principality of Liechtenstein
    phone +423 236 73 90
    fax +423 236 73 75

    René Brülhart, LL.M. Director
    Financial Intelligence Unit
    Haus Risch
    Äulestrasse 51
    FL-9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +423/236 61 21
    Fax: +423/236 61 29

    Marc Schwyzer
    Marc Schwyzer
    direkt 071 229 34 72
    Telefax 071 229 43 06

  328. Avatar de Scammed too
    Scammed too

    But i’m in singapore will these European authorities help?

  329. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    We need an international authority, no local authority can help us, they can adress international authorities though. We all need to adress both our local authorities and the authorities mentioned above. The more the better! We cannot let the crooks get away with this.

  330. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    I’ved now filed formal charges against Edward Fitzpatrick and, so I would suggest tothe rest of you to stop complaining and call one of the numbers that weree listedand do the same!!!


  331. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    scammed by dit :

    From your statement, you got an offer to be acquired, shares and cash, if you did not proceed with the transaction, then consider yourself lucky. If you did not deliver your company in exchange of shares of NNN, then basically in your case you have nothing to complain about, in fact, be quiet, in a court of law if NNN can say the same about you, like it or not, believe it or not.
    You are probably the only one that should keep away from all this mess, if you did not give money to NNN then what is your claim ? A broken promise? PLEASE ! did you deliver the company to NNN ? you also did not fulfill your part then … it can be very messy for you, be clever, you have nothing to gain, you also have the names wrong, forget local management, whomever they are, a waste of time, this is a sophisticated duo, Fitzpatrick and Valentine, the rest are victims as well.

    I have filled complains in the name of my client in Europa and also in the USA, remember guys that there is a listing there and the FBI once got Mark Valentine, so there is a precedent.

    The only advise I can give you all is start bombarding the authorities with emails, whomever listed the addresses here is aware that it might be the only way, drive them crazy with emails and complains, here is just us having fun and getting nowhere.

  332. Avatar de friday


    Is there anybody who has experiences with the services of


  333. Avatar de scammed too
    scammed too

    Client Lostitall
    From your very defensive response, I’ve a very strong suspicion that you are one of the parties involved in the NNN Asia attempt at dubbing people in asia.
    Coincidentally an email was written to lawerence prior to this so perhaps this is the response?
    Your logic that just because one has not been directly impacted by the scam doesn’t mean the crime does not exist.
    Eg. a famous Pimp and a prostitute
    Pimp approaches a guy touting the prostitute services. Guy does not take up the pimp’s offer but felt harressed and decides to report it to the police. The pimp will get arrested because in the first place pimping (just like scamming) is a criminal offense!
    So yes, just like the brokers, NNN and guys involved in NNN Asia were no better than pimps touting a bad deal.
    The CAD in Singapore has a good description on such scams. Anyone affected by NNN in Singapore should also make a report.

  334. Avatar de gogol

    Now client lostitall is back with all his BLA-BLA… what are you talking about by the way ?

    In case you want us to believe you are some sort of lawyer defending victims, your language does not really reflect the professionalism one would expect.

  335. Avatar de gogol

    Ultrascan (fridays message here above) : well-well, who are these guys and who is paying for their work ? how can they help anyway ?

  336. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello and happy new year all!
    Just curious to hear of any new developments or any « new » boiler rooms.
    Guess that the financial crisis has made it harder for these « companies » to get people to part with their money. Yet another legal action against NNN for non-payment can be noted, otherwise it seems to be very quiet.

  337. Avatar de gogol

    Hi Karsten
    Good to see you are still alive. I was starting to get worried, as also Pablo Brooks who used to post on this blog about a year ago, has not shown sign of life since then.

  338. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Just for information, I am currently prosecuting Edward Fitzpatrick. The police have accepted my complaint in Switzerland and I’ll have the pleasure soon of seeing Mr. Fitzpatrick in court.

    If I can’t get my money back at least I’ll see him go to jail…

  339. Avatar de gogol

    And interesting to see : Some of the amounts for which NNN is getting sued due to non-payment, are just small ridiculous figures (social charges etc…) compared to the tremendeous amounts that were mentioned some time ago about invetments, company being purchased etc…

  340. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    scammed by NNN,
    I hope you keep us posted about progress in your case against Fitzpatrick.

  341. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Scammed too , your argument is a bit absurd, I’ve been reading and posting for almost 8 months, I have no idea about you and do not care at all about Asia, you do as you think best, its your money and time, both of which you are wasting. Read my previous posts, I am advocating all the time to go after the criminals, Fitzpatrick and Valentine, the rest, like YOU were all scammed.

    Gogol, think as you wish, bla bla is just to post here and do nothing, I am no lawyer, however there is a legal department at the company I work for and they do all the legal work, mine is to find the facts and investigate the criminals, my job is almost done and like Scammed by NNN, action is what counts, so good luck, but if you do not act, you wont get a penny

    Fitzpatrick, I know you are reading this, Valentine you too, we are passing a lot of info about you to SEC and some other market regulators, you might get off the hook but wherever you go we will make sure to pass information about you 2 guys, rumors are that you are involved in a new venture in Geneva, there we go, lets see the reaction of this people when they know about the new investigation going on.

    This is the key, complain !!!

    Rebecca Emberson
    FMA Financial Market Authority
    Executive and Project Assistant
    Heiligkreuz 8
    Postfach 684
    LI-9490 Vaduz
    Principality of Liechtenstein
    phone +423 236 73 90
    fax +423 236 73 75

    René Brülhart, LL.M. Director
    Financial Intelligence Unit
    Haus Risch
    Äulestrasse 51
    FL-9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +423/236 61 21
    Fax: +423/236 61 29

    Marc Schwyzer
    Marc Schwyzer
    direkt 071 229 34 72
    Telefax 071 229 43 06

  342. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    client Lostitall,
    You seem to be the most well informed person writing on this blog. Had I lost any money I would be the first to agree that action is what counts. But since this blog and others prevented me from losing money I think that the « bla bla bla » here serves that purpose well. It is important that information about these shady characters and firms can be easily found on the web and I know that a lot of people have banded together on account of it. And since Unicorn, Artemis and whatever they call temselves now will be out there trying to scam people it is essential that the word about them is spread.
    If i remember correctly you were the first to point in the Fitzpatrick/Valentine direction and that seems to be the correct. However I agree with gogol that it would be interesting to hear what « the small fry » at NNN had to tell about the affair. And if somebody ever told the whole story from the beginnings at GSBC in Thailand, via the boiler rooms and NNN, to the (for the investors) hopefully happy ending that would one hell of a read.
    So, in conclusion, keep this blog alive. Post any information you see fit.
    Out there, right now, somebody is cold called and getting scammed. Perhaps we can make them see through all the smoke from the boiler rooms.
    Karsten (on this blog since october 2007)

  343. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    @ Scammed by NNN: very interesting that Swiss Authorities begin to act, what do you think about coordinated action? My impression is that authorities in Liechtenstein do not act so far, @ Client Lost it all: did you make better experience with your contacts listed above? What do you think about coordination?

  344. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Hi Karsten,

    You are right about the need to communicate and share information, bla bla bla, what i meant with action is that for those who lost money acting now is the only way.

    I arrived here by accident, looking for information about Fitzpatrick and Valentine, someone posted something before I did it, and google did the rest.

    The pair has been at it for a long time, they are very clever and convincing that’s why I have insisted on letting people know that the management of all the companies they take on the thaller fund are as much victims as the poor guys parting with their monies.

    We have been hired to investigate, one piece of advise to anyone here with the knowhow, start a blog, clearly mentioning the pair, get the word out, link it with all financial pages, authorities and get their pictures displayed, they can be found on line, I left some links sometime ago where you can see their faces, check it up, scroll up.

    I consider myself just a web investigator when it comes to the internet, I have no idea about creating blogs or web pages, but if words like thaller fund, their names and the scammed companies are mentioned, sure a lot more can be achieved with a site just dedicated to the pair.

    Get the crooks, the process is still on going, we are sending and reporting the pair and sure it makes a difference, if you lost money, if you were scammed, complain and explain the authorities, the more they come the more they must act.

  345. Avatar de kamar

    Dear sirs and madames,

    I am a victim of Artemis Financial with a loss of about 30000 euros. I live in Germany. I started investing longer than one year ago. They always ask for weird small amounts of money, so that I can afford it, and promising huge benifits in the short term, what never materializes! I never got a cent from them, and now I have lost my hope. It is just too weird to be true.

    I am a humble worker who earns his money from mornings to evenings every day. I have already tried to contact the international police here.

    Please let’s take legal actions against this scam!!
    Could someone please inform me who can I contact to arrest these people and hopefully get our money back?? I live in Germany.

    There must be a way to let this scam appear in the newspapers!! please spread this information, which journalist could be interested in this???!!!
    Please help!!!

  346. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Dear Kamar,

    You need to go to the police and lodge a formal complaint, personally. I have done the same and I am currently prosecuting Edward Fitzpatrick as the police and judge in Switzerland have approved my complaint. See details below once againwhere you can make a complaint.

    And Edward, as I know you read this blog as well, be aware, I am going to nail you to the fucking wall and you are going to love your shitty Ferrarri, your nice house in Geneva, and if you think you can hide at your girlfriends house office in Liechtenstein, you are very much mistaken. 😉

    Rebecca Emberson
    FMA Financial Market Authority
    Executive and Project Assistant
    Heiligkreuz 8
    Postfach 684
    LI-9490 Vaduz
    Principality of Liechtenstein
    phone +423 236 73 90
    fax +423 236 73 75

    René Brülhart, LL.M. Director
    Financial Intelligence Unit
    Haus Risch
    Äulestrasse 51
    FL-9490 Vaduz
    Phone: +423/236 61 21
    Fax: +423/236 61 29

    Marc Schwyzer
    Marc Schwyzer
    direkt 071 229 34 72
    Telefax 071 229 43 06

  347. Avatar de kamar

    Hello you, please keep us informed about the prosecution of Mr. Fitzpatrik.
    Does he have to do also with the Artemis scam?

    I gave last chance to Artemis to return my money, I will then go to police to press charges against them, hopefully they are arrested soon.
    However one of those advisors told me I have to count on the fact that I lost my money… the sons of the bitch.

  348. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    ClientLostitall and Scammed by NNN: I reported the case many months ago, but progress is very slow due to local authorities incapable and unwilling to cooperate with international authorities. I still think it would make sense to coordinate our action, please think about it: email:

    Kamar: forget about their last chance, go to the police asap!


  349. Avatar de gogol

    Kamar :
    The problem is, police would not know who to arrest in your case. Artemis has given you false names and nothing is likely to be found at their so-called address in Budapest. But the key of the mystery would perhaps be, to be found through the NNN and ELP thread, the only connection where real names, people and addresses are to be found.

  350. Avatar de bubi

    Dear intrested persons
    In october 08 I had my last contact with Artemis Financial. Dear Thomas Webb promised me that I just have to invest a few more money to enable him to sell all my shares. The money should be transfered until end of october (I had to pay my taxes ….). By this time, I was no more able to contact Mister Webb, neither by e-mail nor by telephone. I came into a very bad situation because of the taxes I had to pay. I went to the local police to accuse Artemis and Unicorn Ventures. The local police contacted the police of St. Gallen Switzerland (address see above) which is engaged with this case.
    From october to november Artemis did not contact me anymore, until last friday. Be aware, they won’t stop to let you in hope that you can get some money back!!!
    If it can help in any way, here the phone numbers I was called from:
    +18831788810 (from last week)

    Greetings, Bubi

  351. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Another new « Investment firm »: Palmer Brown management, is out there.
    As usual the website is registered at Godaddy by Domains by proxy.

  352. Avatar de gogol

    at least they have some good looking ladies on their web-site.

  353. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Meet Edward Fitzpatrick !

    top center , finger pointing up

  354. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Meet Mark Valentine !!

    Mark Valentine arrested in FBI stock fraud sting

    The rise and fall of broker Mark Valentine

    A Short Trip Inside Mark Valentine’s World

  355. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Sooner or later, If others fell

    Six arrested in £420m fraud case

  356. Avatar de Zurich man
    Zurich man, and Mr Edward Fitzpatrick seems to be full of hoaxes, lies and fraud.

    Little bit of detective work and what do you find.
    Edward Fitzpatrick
    Sounds like another crap scam

  357. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    as I did a Google search for Clint Bauld (of ELP and NNN) in 2007 I remember finding his name on the Lomme website. At that point they were not based in Lichtenstein. And since Bauld is, or was, Fitzpatricks office boy there seems to be a connection.

  358. Avatar de gogol

    good comment Karsten. this gave me the idea to check again the Swiss Commerce Registry (just look at ZEFIX dot CH). The consulting firm ran by Clint Bauld seems to have ceased its activity : It says that the inscription is erased, as Mr Bauld has declared cessation of his activity.

  359. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Someone should just go and kick his ass:

    Thaler Fund Financial Group
    Mittaldorf 12
    9490 Vaduz
    Tel: 00423 263 1312

    Edward James Fitzpatrick, chemin de Ruth 113, 1223 Cologny (Tel: 022-752-0815)

  360. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Just a few quick observations. On december 5th 2008 Fitzpatricks partner Sean Kelly left European Launch Pad. On january 13th 2009 their auditors left ELP. Abandoning a sinking ship? Sean Kelly now runs the filmproduction company Antshake in the UK, who on their website boast about their connections to the Thaler Fund. Antshake is registered at the same address in the UK as Ltd (the genesis of NNN).

  361. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    and another observation about Mr Fitzpatrick. Remember the pressreleases from NNN regarding their cooperation with TMF The Marketing Fund? Well, TMF had the same address as ELP and NNN and according to the Handelsregister was another one of Fitzpatricks companies. His partner in this venture was Ignacio Aguilera who on january 26th 2009 left the company. Seems like a lot of Fitzpatricks partners are leaving him lately. Have they seen the light or is Fitzpatrick packing up his businesses in Switzerland and moving everything to Liechtenstein?

  362. Avatar de buzz

    maybe they are just reading this blog…

  363. Avatar de gogol

    Well, why not just call these two guys mentioned here above by Karsten and ask ? For both of them, addresses and Phone numbers in Switzerland are to be found in the Swiss Registry www – dot – directories – dot ch.

    If I had lost money in this story I would do so (I was just harrassed by Unicorn Ventures in summer 2007 but never sent any money, I discovered soon enough there was something wrong. )

  364. Avatar de buzz

    Sean Kelly seems to be running a broker firm called stocktargets, see stocktargets dot com – address…. no kidding … 36 boulevard helvétique in Geneva (like ELP), see their website.
    Nothing in the Swiss commerce registry.
    Karsten, what about internet registration date ?
    Fax number same as ELP, phone number almost the same with 48 at the end instead of 47

  365. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    and the adress in UK is the same as:
    Netnetnet tv Ltd, Nexis International, Thaler Financial Ltd, Thaler Marketing Ltd, European Launch Pad and, I suppose, many other companies that Fitzpatrick has a hand in.

  366. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all
    Went to the Stocktargets website (see above post by buzz) and just for fun entered the ticker symbol for (WJG.F) and this is among other data came up on the webpage:
    « WJG.F stock closed at a price of 0.30 yesterday. Currently, professional brokers and fund managers estimate the stock of NET NET NET.TV to be heading for a price of 9.4 over the next 12 months. This represents a return of 3033.3% on the stock. The average 12 months target seen by StockTargets users is 0.74, which suggests a future performance of 146.6%. »
    I very much doubt that.

  367. Avatar de buzz

    well, this gives us two more guys likely to be involved, the ones to be found under the « management » of Stocktargets. See stocktargets web – site and nice pictures of these good-looking guys.

    At least, the level of professionalism if nothing else, can be questioned.

    And by the way, how can one guy run a broker firm and at the same time run a filmproduction company ? he never sleeps ?

  368. Avatar de dede

    Few month ago I get contacted by
    Fosse Financial. I finally decided to invest tome thousand CHF and bought
    Pantera Petroleum shares (money transferred to a Korean Bank account)
    few weeks later, I get another call form Fosse recomending to convert to
    Wireless Eyes which should go publich within next weeks. So I did.
    Since this company did not had a ticker yet, I was unable to track, which was actually very bad. I had numerous email correspondence with Fosse because of delayes and no fisability. I couldnt go out of this deal. When the crises started it was even less chance to do something. 2 weeks ago I get a letter from
    Plamer Brown Management, saying they have taken over the Fosse clients. Today, Richard Shore called and proposed to convert my ‘shares’
    into a new company ….lab which shall go public in 3-5 weeks. The thing ist that they ask to transfer some more of my money to make next deal happen. Alternatively I will sit on my WirelessEyes for the next years.
    I believe everything is a fraud !!!?
    What can I do to get my money back?
    Any ideas?

  369. Avatar de gogol

    Hello Dede
    Obviously this is a fraud. DO NOT SEND ANY more MONEY, whatever their arguments may be. These companies Fosse Financial, later changed names to Fosse Mc-Kenzie, DO NOT EXIST. They have given you false names and addresses, everything is fake. See warnings issued by financial and banking supervision authorities in most european countries about Fosse and other such « brokers ». See also the German forum about « Pantera », where other victims are discussing their case.

  370. Avatar de dede

    The new compeny Palmer Brown Management recomended to invest is Venture Lab to ‘get rid’ of wirelessEyes.

  371. Avatar de gogol

    Palmer Brown Management is mentioned here above, see post dated January 28. Obviously same fake « company » like the others. The procedure that you describe is similar to the one described by all other victims of these guys (conversion of shares to some others, etc…). I suggest you report your case to the authorities, see names and addresses given in post dated for instance January 22.

  372. Avatar de gogol

    Palmer Brown Management now declared by the Finance Inspection in Sweden, to deal with illegal activities.

  373. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    !!!!!!!!!VERY IMPORTANT regarding!!!!!!!!!

    Regarding the prosecution of Edward Fitzpatrick in regard to the scam, the police Swisswide have now coordinated all complaints and the following person is now responsible for all complaints from all shareholders should contact her by email or per telephone to regaister there complaint:

    Name: Madeleine Fruhmann
    Brigade Financière Geneve
    Email: +41-22-427-8678

    The reason that Geneve is handling it is that this is wHere Fitzpatrick lives. So instead of blogging do something proactive and file your complaint with Mrs. Frumann, as the more of us do this the better!!!


  374. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Dear scammed by
    Since this blog has become more than a blog about NNN and Edward Fitzpatrick (see above enties about Palmer Brown etc) I think it is important that we continue continue this blog as well as take legal action against the criminals. Personaly I have not lost any money, thanks to this blog. Had I lost my money I would of course have followed your advice and called the authorities. In the long run that is the only way that you have a, however remote, chance of getting your money back.

  375. Avatar de scammed by
    scammed by

    Sure, I am not saying that people should not use the blog, but blogging about doesn’t bring EF into jail, only formal complaints.

    I want to animate all shareholders ripped off by EF to take action as soon as possible…

  376. Avatar de gogol

    I am in the same case as Karsten, soon enough I discovered there was something wrong… But I keep following the various blogs because I find this interesting and if I can contribute helping those who have been cheated I will be glad.

    Therefore I suggest, not only those who were ripped off on the NNN + Unicorn or Artemis case to take action, but all those who were cheated by the various « Broker firms » mentioned here above. As these cases seem all similar one can assume the same people are behind.

    Suggestion then, Gege here above and all other people who lost their money on these « very competent broker firms » should take contact with the Brigade Financière Geneva…

  377. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes gogol, I agree. And since in the Pantera (se post by dede) case there was once talk about a mysterious Swiss company, FTS Financial Investments, making a 10 Million dollar investment in Pantera Petroleum there might a connection to the Fitzpatrick gang.
    By the way, now even Richard Walker has left Netnetnettv Europe. No one in charge anymore.

  378. Avatar de gogol

    That is right Karsten.
    See post by « Banana » dated July 03, 2008 : Nothing to be found at this FTS so-called address in Zürich : Actually I am the guy who went there to have a look in Zürich, at that time I posted under the name « banana ».

  379. Avatar de Klaus Röhrich


    Une même histoire se déroulait avec Clean Hydrogen Producers Ltd. « Listed » sur Pink Sheet, le plus grand outil pour arnaquer les innocents, le « prix » d’une action montait de 0.8 à 2.6 USD seulement pour que un mistérieux Mr Edward Fitzpatrick et ses copains (Sean Kelly, Seijin Ki, Kirk Serjeantson et Terrence Rodrigues) pouvait vendre des actions et encaisser les fonds (a Liechtenstein et au Canada).

    Quelle Monde

  380. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Dear Mr Rörich,
    It was interesting to hear from you since I gather that you have first hand information from dealings with Fitzpatrick and his friends. Any detailed information about their MO in your case would be appreciated.

  381. Avatar de Stones

    Hello everybody

    Have you heard abbout this « company »
    I think thay have started upp again. Same procedure, (First a call saying market research), than a few days later a call to invest.

    Here is the link

    They recommend the following company:Tombstone Exploration Corporation (TMBXF


  382. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Thank you for the information. The HGventures website (registered on february 4th 2009, despite the copyright notice 1998 – 2009 at the bottom of each page) makes me think of the Artemis website. And their alledged address in the Czech Republic furthers those thoughts. Website registered with Godaddy, but this time not by Domains by Proxy. They even have a contact address in Praha.
    The TMBXF company seems to be a pump and dump scam, this time involving goldmining (timely in this global financial crisis)

  383. Avatar de Klaus Röhrich

    Yes, I have first hand information. A case has been filed with FINRA and SEC in the US.

  384. Avatar de hugo

    Goldberg Keppel is contacting me now.
    They want to buy my 2000 shares of petroazerbaijan. Assholes. They want a vendor bond of 3000€. I have the voices recorded on my digital recorder.
    May be FBI or so can locate the fuckers.
    I am sorry I don’t speak French. Just German and English

  385. Avatar de buzz

    vendor bond ? is any serious professional honest broker able to explain what that is ?

  386. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    Congratulations, some progress ! will do my part

    # scammed by dit :
    12 février 2009 à 10:02

    !!!!!!!!!VERY IMPORTANT regarding!!!!!!!!!

    Regarding the prosecution of Edward Fitzpatrick in regard to the scam, the police Swisswide have now coordinated all complaints and the following person is now responsible for all complaints from all shareholders should contact her by email or per telephone to regaister there complaint:

    Name: Madeleine Fruhmann
    Brigade Financière Geneve
    Email: +41-22-427-8678

    The reason that Geneve is handling it is that this is wHere Fitzpatrick lives. So instead of blogging do something proactive and file your complaint with Mrs. Frumann, as the more of us do this the better!!!


  387. Avatar de kamar

    I contacted madame Fruhmann, but she forwared me to the police St-Gallen, where a case is open, no way to file a complaint in Switzerland. They told me the case is extremely complicated because of the international connections, banks and law in Taiwan do not cooperate, and the professionalism of the scammers. Anyway they have now my trade confirmations, if they shall be helpful.

  388. Avatar de gogol

    have any of you guys recorded any of the phone conversations with the scammers ?
    Perhaps an idea is to put all these recordings together on some adequate web-site so voices can be compared and perhaps identified ?
    I am sure these guys will be happy, whoever they are, to have their voices available on the internet to the public for identification…

  389. Avatar de Pecheur61

    J’ai été victime de ce genre de fraude de la part d’une société appelée « HB Capital Partners » .

    Quelqu’un pourrait il me dire auprès de quelle autorité on peut porter plainte en France ?

  390. Avatar de gogol

    Le problème est que “HB Capital Partners” tout comme tous les autres dont il est question ci-dessus, n’est certainement pas une « société ». Ce n’est qu’une association de malfaiteurs qui arnaquent leurs victimes en se faisant passer pour une « société de courtage ». Si on vérifie, on ne trouve rien aux registres du commerce, ce n’est que du vent, impossible de savoir qui sont les vrais malfaiteurs, ni d’où ils appellent en réalité.

    Solution proposée ci-dessus : réunir tous les enregistrements de conversations téléphoniques sur un site qui permettrait de comparer les voix.é

  391. Avatar de Karsten

    Good idea gogol!
    I have read on several blogs about people having recorded their conversations with these « companies ». Would be very interesting of all recordings could be gathered on a website and comparisons could be made.

  392. Avatar de gogol

    Hi Karsten
    I have just no idea how to do that. perhaps youtube ?

  393. Avatar de hugo

    to Gogol.
    I have several conversations recorded.
    Where do you want me to send them to?
     »Hugo »

  394. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Hugo!
    Depending on the size of them you could mail them to me. I could then provide interested persons with a link from where they could be downloaded. The best idea is of course a website, but for the time being this seems like the quickest solution.
    karsten »at »

  395. Avatar de gogol

    yes, fine !
    I do not know how we could create this website…
    If we could find a solution where all these recordings would be collected and available to anyone would be great. But first thing at least is to start collecting them somewhere.

  396. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Goldberg Keppel (sse post by hugo above) seem to be one of the latest in that long list of fake companies. Website registered 2009-02-27. Box address, unlisted telephone number. Still they claim that « Goldberg Keppel Group is Seattle’s leading merger and acquisition, business brokerage firm. » The same procedure as with all the others.

  397. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    I have now received a file with recorded conversations. Anyone interested in downloading the file to compare the voice from this boilerroom with the ones that called you can send me an email and I will provide you with a link to the file.
    karsten »at »

  398. Avatar de buzz

    hi karsten

    OK I will be interested to hear, I send you an email to your address mentioned here above.

    Best regards

  399. Avatar de Karsten

    In the news today is that Liechtenstein has decided to lift part of its bank secrecy under pressure from the EU. This might have consequences for the Thaler Fund and Fitzpatrick who seems to have moved most of his activities from Switzerland to Liechtenstein. Switzerland has earlier been pressured by the US and other countries to drop their bank secrecy.
    We’ll see what happens.

  400. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello again,
    Just happened to Google « Edward Fitzpatrick+Netnetnet » and came up with the information that Netnetnet tv Ltd (where Roland Kümin was appointed director in June 2008 and resigned on 18/12/2008) had a new director appointed on 16/12/2008 and that is Edward Fitzpatrick. So what is Netnetnet tv Ltd? The company that « bought » Incite Media? Or a wholly owned subsidiary of Netnetnet tv Inc? Anyway, Edward Fitzpatrick is in charge and therefore to blame by those who were robbed with NNN stock.

  401. Avatar de Anders

    Dear all,

    I’m also one of those who were scammed in 2007 by Unicorn Ventures (they called themselves at the time) and sent 4 000 € to Taiwan for shares in NNN.
    A month ago I was contacted by another firm. See E-mail below. I forwarded the mail with the attachments to the swedish finans board and asked if they knew anything. They have a list of fake companies and the company below was under investigation and was on the list a week later. Their scam was to sell shares in a so called OTC-company which is a company where you only can sell your shares if you have the permission from the company to sell them. So it’s real shares but they have no value.

    Dear Mr. ,
    Further to our conversation earlier, please find for your immediate attention our company introduction letter and a brief prospectus on Caduceus Medical Technologies Inc., Legacy Global Wealth’s current strong buy recommendation.

    I look forward to discussing the opportunity with you in the near future.

    Yours sincerely, David Slater Bsc. Hons. Senior Portfolio Advisor
    Via Barberini 3/A, Rome 00187 Italy
    Tel. +39 0660 5131 20
    Fax. +39 0660 5131 40

  402. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Anders and thank you for the information. Website registered by Godaddy (as many other fake companies) already in 2005. But the design makes me think of Unicorn Ventures. If you dial their number you get an answering machine sounding almost identical to the one answering at Artemis Financial. Must be the same people behind.

  403. Avatar de Skysurfer

    Dear all,

    also I was silly enough to transfer lots of money to a bank in Taiwan before I recognized the scam. First some EUR 5000 and afterwards an even higher amount 🙁

    First, I made my deals with the « company » Portway Capital »:

    Portway Capital
    17, Rue Caillou
    Residence du Parc Ceres
    Batiment C
    33200 Bordeaux
    Oder +33 547 480 135

    Then I was told that the specialists from Portway Capital have been changed to « Private Equity Placement » for even better performance:

    Private Equity Placement
    Head Office
    1004-6 Bonham Trade Centre.
    50 Bonham Strand East,
    Sheung Wan.
    Hong Kong

    European Office
    Marszalkowska 80,
    00-517 Warsaw,

    Names: Michael Akermann, Lloyd Allen, Thomas Moore, Jason Harding

    Domains registered at Godaddy, answering machines at the given phone number, lots of press releases from these « companies » in the internet. Probably the same as with all the other boiler room firms…

    I think I will never ever see one cent of my money again! But I’d be interested in making this information available to a broader public in order to prevent others from being as foolish as I was (well, the prospect of making good money seems to be an old dream of mankind – some people succeed like many brokers of « real » companies who were probably also responsible for the current financial crisis, and some people do not, like me and other scammed victims…)

  404. Avatar de Get the crooks
    Get the crooks

    Dear all,

    To all victims who have already filed a report: send your report per email as proof that you are on the right side so that we can act in a coordinated way: crookbuster123″ad »

    If you have already been in contact with authorities I am sure you will all have recognized that they will not succeed in this case. We have to take the initiative as a private working group!


  405. Avatar de client Lostitall
    client Lostitall

    The conversations must be made public, if the law can’t stop Fitzpatrick and Valentine for now, then let others hear how they operate.

    A blog can be created, I understand is quite simple and there the links should be available for download.

    Next step in their scam – shut down the companies under intense heat and pretend nothing ever happened.

    It is clear now that Fitzpatrick is the man in charge of this companies and Valentine is the brain behind the scams, I was told that Valentine does the thinking and Fitzpatrick acts like a clever puppet as he seems to be unable to do anything without Valentine.

    The case is open and ongoing, sooner or latter they will fall again !

  406. Avatar de gogol

    Yes and another thing that can be put on such a phone conversation database : The answering machines of the various « companies »…

  407. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    Have been busy with other things, but have recorded the answering machines of Artemis and Legacy Global Wealth and can at least say that both « companies » have used the same person to record their messages.
    They are identical.
    PS. Any progress in the case against Fitzpatrick?

  408. Avatar de Banana

    It all continues…

    a guy called me today, ref. a new « survey » asking some basic questions about possible interest in investments if good opportunities arise. Indian accent and hidden number as usual.
    He said :
    His name « Ryan Parker »
    His company « Oxford Data »
    He said he is based in London, and that a broker will soon call about some good opportunities.

    So… looking forward to learnig soon which is the new « broker firm » that will call…

  409. Avatar de aadne cappelen
    aadne cappelen

    Dear all,
    I’m one of the victims of Artemis and I’ve recently been approached by a company that are able to sell my shares for a reasonably price compared to share price that has been listed. It is an off market transaction they say. Ring a bell to anyone?

  410. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Interesting information. I guess that all you have to do is pay them some money to have your shares sold. So what do they call themselves this time?

  411. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    A warning! A company calling themselves IRS & Partners (Hong-Kong they claim) are approaching people who have bought stock and initially claming that they have clients that are willing to buy the stock at prices on the same level as Artemis sold them. « No strings attached » they say. Then there comes the small detail of « warranties » that the stock owner has to pay before the stock can be sold.
    IRS & Partners are on the warning list of the financial authorities in Sweden as well as those in Hong Kong.

  412. Avatar de Gogol

    Typical boiler room procedure seems to be now totally fulfilled :

    First some false broker firm sells fake shares to their victims. Then they milk the cow as long as people are stupid enough to send more money for new transactions, share swaps, « bonds » and other things that they actually do not understand, and even for having their shares « sold » at some miraculous price regardless of market value then down to zero.

    Then when there is nobody left who believes anymore in these guys, a new fake « lawyer firm » comes in and pretends to defend all the victims together against the first crooks, again against sending advance fees and expenses and whatever amounts these fake lawyers might justify. Some people will still fall for the trick, just see how « serious » these fake lawyers (IRS & Partners) look on their web-site.

    God knows how many victims will suffer in silence, as most people will not tell their friends and relatives how stupid they have been, not even to authorities who can in any case, do nothing. Probably some cases will end up in divorces, family tragedies, … At the same time the crooks probably travel first class, drive the most luxurious cars and live like kings.

  413. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    So now (Europe) is officially bancrupt.

  414. Avatar de Banana

    OK well now, after a new « survey » company called the other day (see my post here above april 20) a new « fantastic opportunity » arises.

    Company « North Point Capital » in Hong kong called, a guy who called himself « David Hammond ». The other day it was first two ladies Nathalie and Rachel who called.

    web : nortpointcapitalhk dot com.

    David Hammond said the company exists since 1973 and he has been working there for 7 years. Karsten can you check internet registration date ?

    The new Fantastic opportunity is options on Gold…. it all refers to a site called futuresource dot com.

    As I was busy on my job, David Hammond said he would call again this afternoon…. well well we will see…

  415. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello Banana and all!
    North Point Capitals website:

    Expiration Date: 2011-03-24
    Creation Date: 2009-03-24
    Last Update Date: 2009-03-24

    Their server is in Malaysia
    All other information is protected by Privacy Protect org.
    Will check up on the other website too.

  416. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Edward Fitzpatrick and Mark Valentine sont connus depuis longtemps par la police angalis et canadiennes. Regardez sur li site dilligizer II

  417. Avatar de Buzzz

    Il est tout de même étonnant qu’aucun des responsables de NNN-TV, qui semble-t-il se sont fait avoir en même temps que les « investisseurs » par ces « sociétés de financement », ne se soit manifesté suite aux nombreuses discussions sur ce site internet et sur d’autres…

  418. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    C’est difficile a croire. Est-ce-que ils etais dans le coup aussi? Toute est possible.

  419. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Yes, one wonders. And even if they also were fooled by Fitzpatrick and his gang, they would possess lots of information that could be of interest to the police and to all the people who lost their money. And would shed light on the way scammers work, their network, etc so others could be prevented from making the same mistakes they did.

  420. Avatar de Gogol

    Just googled a little around on the name Roland Kümin (founder of Incite Media who supposedly « sold » his company to netnetnet for CHF 27 Mio according to various communications on Internet). He seems to have founded various startup companies (Actano, Monzoon, …. ) but nothing seems to have ended like the netnetnet story.

    If I had lost money on this case I would call this guy and have a serious discussion.

  421. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Leur reseau est connu depuis longtemps par tout dans le monde. Par example « google » John Wilson Duffell III: Todd Moore/TTS Zurich: Galton Biometrics: Liska. Vous pouvez aussi contacter « huntershelper » sur le siteweb Alabama Against Fraud et demander une copie de toute les posts sur ces personnes. Bon chance.

  422. Avatar de Gogol

    Some recent news about « boiler rooms » activity in the press :

    www dot :


    www dot :

    Some guys being caught but more new ones apparently joining the gangs…

  423. Avatar de Gogol

    new « survey » again today :

    a lady called « Cherry » called me from company « Direct Impact » in Hong Kong. Same questions as usual…

    « someone » will then call « in a few days » with some « very good opportunity »…

  424. Avatar de Client Lostitall
    Client Lostitall

    Latest news:

    Edward Fitzpatrick has left Switzerland, I have to conclude that Liechtenstein as well as the Principality shares many things with Switzerland.

    The Police have taken note and at least they are looking for him, a small victory, apparently some of his deals are not going through as his tactics are becoming known and people are talking !

    I wrote to the guy who wrote the article on the Times on line, listed above, he is the Crime Editor, bellow some of the addresses I used.
    It was very productive to write to the Police in Switzerland/Liechtenstein, please take your time and use « the times » to call attention to the crooks.
    Let them know !

    Sean O’Neill, Crime Editor
    times on line

    Sean O’Neill is crime and security editor at The Times


    Editor in Chief


  425. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Comment savez-vous que Fitzpatrick a quitter la Suisse? Si il est rentree en angleterre pouriez-vous essayer de contacter la police de Warwick shire a Birmingham, Monsieur Andy Robbins du branch « fraud et financial » qui s’interest toujours a lui.

  426. Avatar de Karsten

    Hello all!
    I guess it was just what we expected as Fitzpatrick closed shop in Switzerland and moved his operations to Liechtenstein. Have been approached by yet another boilerroom. Europe Ventures (has been mentioned here before) trying to sell Tombstone Exploration. Was called by « Peter » last thursday with some fantastic news that was going to skyrocket the stock. When I told him that I suspected that he was calling from a boilerroom he claimed that he did not know the meaning of the word! (I have the whole conversation recorded). Despite this and my opinion that Tombstone was a Pump and Dump stock, « Peter » insisted on mailing me his direct number and documentation that Europe Ventures was a licenced brokerage firm in Italy. Needless to say, I never received that e-mail.

  427. Avatar de Banana

    NORTH POINT CAPITAL, from « Hong Kong » :

    See my post here above dated May 12…

    This guy David called again 3-4 days later. I was looking forward to getting this call, as we have some indication these guys may perhaps be sitting in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia… (their web site registered in Malaysia and it has been mentioned at several occasions that many of these guys may be hiding there).

    He called, announced himself as David from North Point…

    So I said : Hi David, how’s the weather in Kuala Lumpur ?
    he said : FINE !!!!!
    I said : sooo you are then calling fromKuala Lumpur ?
    he said : er… well, no, our company is in Hong Kong, what game are you playing anyway ?
    I said : Well, as we know many boiler room / scam companies are located in reality in Kuala Lumpur, stealing money from people…
    The conversation went on, he mentioned « banks are stealing money from people anyway, don’t you agree ? « …. well, he promised he would call back at the end of last week but I have never heard anything from him anymore.

  428. Avatar de Stones

    Ca sera ete interrsent de savoir combien de personnes qui a ete scamme par ce systeme, bien arrengee.
    It would have been intersesting to know how many people that have been scamed by this system, profesisonaly and scilfully aranged.

    Does anybody have a clue ?

    From France , in south, to Scandinacia in north.
    In common, I understand it is always in the English languish.
    Not in Frech or German.

    Often I can hear that thay claim beeing something that thay are not.
    (I can hear the difference between the English spoken, by different nationalities)

    Have someone been aproach in a differnt langue ?

  429. Avatar de Stones

    >> Hello you averybody
    >> This i a long going story.
    >> We all know, now thar theese gyuise ar quite profesional, in ther scam.
    >> It will continue as long as they don!t get couhgt.
    >> Starting upp again, new names of the diferent compagnies, new new names
    >> of the peope caling.
    >> They move from different jurstictions (Countries)
    >> They use different callsenters. (IP telepfones, and countries) Hard to
    >> follow, and hard to poursuivre.
    >> I am sorry to say, that the police, will not make this a priority. (In
    >> anny country) Thay have a lot more to concider.
    >> I have to say, that I personaly, was tried to, but was not scamed. But
    >> had I been, I would tracèm down, making them pay.
    >> Me personaly, is probaly, easy to track. I take it for granted that
    >> theese people involved in the scam have:
    >> – Followed this site.
    >> – Pissed off of the site
    >> – We pose a threat to people involved.
    >> – Sooner or later, we`ll get a picture of the involved, and track èm
    >> down.
    >> I`m not a killer of animals, but trained to to kill people.
    >> Quel quàin doive les faires tres males.(Si non, ils vonts continues)
    >> Exuse moi, mai je deviens tres fasches, par a port de cette histoire.
    >> Je suis la, et je vous ecoute.
    >> S

  430. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Pour « Stones » et tous le monde.
    Voici l’addresse de Edward Fitzpatrick a Geneve.
    chemin de Ruth 113
    1221 Cologny
    tel 022 752 0815
    Cologny est un quartier tres cher et tres chic.

  431. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Just a comment on what Stones wrote about the boilerrooms always talking english. As most calls seem to be preceded by a « survey » in english all cold calls that I have heard of are conducted in english. Many of the callers do not have english as their native language though. In my case the initial callers were women (« Helen Harper and « Natalie Green »), and despite their english sounding names both had a latin accent. The second calls were by men. The Artemis one was american and the man from Europe Ventures had an accent that I guess was russian. I have been sent recordings by others and in those cases all sounded as english natives. I guess nobody has an idea about how many people work in this « industry » but it would be interesting to establish some form of pattern.
    I´m pretty sure that the people behind Unicron Ventures also are behind Artemis Financial. Both pushing the same stock (NNN), websites registered the same day etc. Are the firms claiming to have an office in Europe part of the same ring? Or is there a pattern to be found in website registration (dates, registered by what company etc)? Can there be patterns found in website design and content? It would be interesting to hear if anyone on this blog has noticed any similarities between boilerrooms.

  432. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    A tout le monde ici!
    Il sera tres utile si vous faite vos commentaires sur le board « diligizerll » ou il-y-a beaucoup d’information sur Fitzpatrick Valentine et autres criminels avec les liaisons avec ses deux. Ce board va essayer de re-publiee toutes les anciennes posts et comme ca les links avec « google » se faite automatiquement.
    Au redacteur en chef,
    Veillez essayer de transferer toutes les commentaires sur ce board.
    Par example et pour commencer, voir le post sur « Stock Targets/Indocan resources » et vous voyez le meme addresse 36 bvd Helvetique a Geneve.
    Voir aussi les posts sur « John Wilson Duffell III »

  433. Avatar de Buzz

    according to another blog, it is being reported that the scammers are back with a company called :

    Westernfield Holdings

    Just recent press releases on the internet as usual… It seems they ask people to speculate on « carbon credits » (rights to emit CO2 into the atmosphere).

  434. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Quel blog c’est?
    What name of blog?

  435. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    Westernfield Holdings website was created 2009-05-20 and registered with Godaddy as so many other scam firms. Still they list « completed projects » from 2001 and onwards on their website. And all the press releases are from late May 2009.
    Typical scam.

  436. Avatar de Buzz

    Web site

    3xwww dot western-field dot com

    mentioned on the danish blog « migger net » (just search « migger artemis » in google…)

  437. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    postez tout ca sur « dilligizerII »-il-y-a deja le sujet ouvertsur ces personnes.
    Post that on « dilligizerII » to create a global coverage as it developes

  438. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello again
    Now Evans and Stern (website: www(dot)evansandstern(dot)com) are approaching holders of Medical Connections Holdings (MCTH.OB) stock and claim to be willing to buy it back at 6 times the current list price, providing that you buy stock in G&G Mining Corp.
    Evans and Stern are interesting because they don’t even have a physical adress or phone number on their website. They have taken over the « business » of Highland International Advisors.
    The buying back of Medical Connections has also been offered by Rifkin Weiss & associates. There is an interesting investigation about this « company » on
    And Medical Connections itself was recently in a pump and dump scheme that drove the stock from 20 cents to 1 dollar and 50 cents in a couple of days. Now it is dumped and slowly falling back to where it started.
    Another firm to look out for is Optima Global Trading Co. Ltd. Ghana.
    They are not as sophisticated as the other firms (they have a gmail email address) but they are out there trying. So look out.

  439. Avatar de Gogol

    Great Job Karsten.

    Perhaps time has come for most of us here to create an association, we could call us for instance :


    perhaps we could have our own web-site (but I have no experience in these matters)…

  440. Avatar de Gogol

    ooouupss well, scambusters already exist…

  441. Avatar de Gogol

    Hi everyone

    Just got some interesting mail this morning (yes this time it came on paper, by post !). A so-called « Essential Market News » newsletter… The funny thing is that nowhere it says who is publishing this, where it comes from, etc… No sender mentioned on the envelope either, the stamp just mentions « postage paid » with some bird-like logo followed by AE – some numbers and DXB. No clue where this comes from…

    well well what is this all about ? some writing about the potential in investing in Gold (ah-ha ??? see posts here above about this scam company in Hong Kong), some writing about big well known companies such as Adobe, LG Electronics, Oracle Corp,


    YES !!! perhaps this is the new SUPER-FANTASTIC Company in which to invest now ? :

    MONTAVO Inc. ( see also montavo dot com…)

    This company is providing some super-fast-growing advertisement tool via mobile phones, the newsletter mentions 150’000 new businesses accessed each month… euuuhhh well, …. looks familiar, no ?

    Well – well, let’s see who will call soon trying to sell these shares…

    In the meantime Karsten could you check internet registration date of this « montavo » thing ?

  442. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    I had the exact same experience as Gogol recently. The « survey » generated a letter (yes, a paper one) with the same content as described by Gogol. The only exception was that my letter was pushing Caduceus Medical Technologies, but when the boiler room called some weeks later they where pushing Tombstone Exploration. The funny thing is that there was no return adress, no contact information in the letter. Guess this is part of the tactics. First « survey », then a generic letter and if that letter is not returned as undeliverable, they know that the adress given in the « survey » is correct. So when the boiler room call comes they might be pushing a different stock than the letter.
    Had a quick look into Montavo. Looking at their website I have a hard time really understanding what they offer. Something with advertising on mobile phones but perhaps intentionally kept a bit unclear.
    The man behond Montavo seems to be a Brook Lang. In one of the latest SEC filings from the company you can find that they don’t make any money, have lost a lot of money, are originally in the sale of music CD’s,
    are selling shares to finance the company, and recently broadend their activities to mobile phone advertising. Reading the resumes of current management (very impressive) one wonders what these guys are doing in a company like this.

  443. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Found this on Montavo:
    Montavo formerly operated as North Coast Partners, a shell company until it acquired subsidiary Trans Media in 2004, that produced and distributed South Asian music for ethnic communities in North America. In 2007 North Coast switched gears when it entered the mobile communications industry. It subsequently changed its name to Montavo and began developing an application that lets people find and access special offers on consumer products and services, including sales, discounts, coupons, and new product launches, from their mobile wireless devices. Its main revenue source is from advertising.

  444. Avatar de Alexis Dierckx
    Alexis Dierckx


    I have been contacted yesterday and today by Westernfield Holdings from Tokyo (mentioned by Karsten Runerheim above on June 11th). They offer to buy certificates on Carbon credit and are in a hurry for the payment to be made.

    Found nothing on about them though…

  445. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Westernfield Holdings show all the signs of being a scam company. As I mentioned in my post their website was registered on May 20th 2009. Pretty new. So the word might not have reached scambusters yet.

  446. Avatar de Alexis Dierckx
    Alexis Dierckx

    Thanks Karsten.

    Strange indeed. They also mention having won an EDDI Environmental Award in 2004 and nothing can be found about it on the net.

    I found this though on Yahoo :

    Could this also be scammed ?

    Kind regards,


  447. Avatar de Buzz

    As mentioned here above, Westernfield Holdings definitely looks dangerous.

  448. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    Regarding Fitzpatrick there is the connection between him and an adress in the UK. The Mill, Mill Lane, Hatton, Warwickshire, CV35 7HN.
    There are a number of companies with this adress. Among them are:
    Thaler Financial Ltd, Thaler Marketing Ltd, European Launch Pad Ltd, Ltd, Cycle 13 Ltd, ELP Aquisitions Company Ltd. All companies that we know that Fitzpatrick is involved in. I’m pretty sure that Fitzpatricks (former?) partner Sean Kelly has something to do with this too.
    Kellys filmproduction company Antshake has the same adress. When I tried to open their webpage « antshake(dot)com » Google told me that the link was broken. Closed shop?
    It would interesting if someone could find out what more companies could be found under that Warwickshire adress.

  449. Avatar de Gogol

    at this addres I found :

    www dot « Blueshore Investment » well well, looks familar, no ? seems to work in the real estate business, would be interesting to know when the site was created, and if our two guys are involved.

  450. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Karsten, the address in England is Fitzpatrick’s since a long time. Anything with this address is his.

  451. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Karsten, there is no company registered in Great Britain with the name « blueshore investments » and you probably noticed there are no names on their website. You can find all UK companies at

  452. Avatar de Monty Monlione
    Monty Monlione

    Karsten, correction some of these companies do exist on register. You can find the names behind them at but you have to pay for that.

  453. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all,
    If you look at the Thalerfunds program ( can be found in pdf format on Thaler Funds home page) for their « Conference » in Liechtenstein in early 2008, where they promoted several companies, among them of course Netnetnet, The Marketing Fund, Antshake etc there were another two companies: Sequenti and Nexis International. Both are registered at The Mill adress in Warwickshire. The deal is, as Client Lostitall told us before: Fitzpatrick invites a lot of affluent people to Veggis, Liechtenstein, holds a « conference » where he promotes his own companies collects a lot of money from his « guests » an then runs off with the money. Would be very interesting if we could ge a firsthand report from someone who was there, if the event ever took place.

  454. Avatar de Karsten

    There might be something going on with the Fitzgerald company Nexis International. People who have been involved or are involved are Richard Walker and Wolfgang Kyser (Canadian) both were involved in Netnetnet.
    Recently Nexis International was bought by Nexis Holdings and payed for with company stock. Now old press releases are dusted off and presented as news. Might be something boiler rooms will be pushing.

  455. Avatar de Karsten

    Hello again.
    Fitzpatrick company I meant. Sorry.

  456. Avatar de Karsten

    If you look at the message boards on yahoo financials (and other message boards) of some of the comapnies that have been subject to boiler room scams and/or pump and dump schemes (Pantera Petroleum, and many others) you will always find people supporting the the companies and bashing the people who cast doubt on the rosy press releases by the companies. They might be payed PR people for the companies or investors (desperately) trying to protect their investment.

  457. Avatar de Karsten

    An excellent example of how this works is the Yahoo Finance message board of Medical Connections. The company was pushed by several boiler rooms as well as PR companies. See: /messages(dot)finance(dot)yahoo(dot)com/mb/MCTH(dot)OB.
    So the lesson learned must be: don’t beleive everything you heard. Do your due diligence. Be sceptical.

  458. Avatar de Alexis Dierckx
    Alexis Dierckx

    Hi Karsten,
    Thanks for your continuous research and information. Useful indeed.
    I will not invest in the end but als for other reasons.
    Kind regards

  459. Avatar de buzz

    also for other reasons ?
    not enough reasons here ?

  460. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all.
    Now another firm is pushing Tombstone Exploration (TMBXF). This time it is Affinity Group Solutions (www(dot)affinitygroupsolutions(dot)com) that claim to be situated at: Pobřežní 95/74, 187 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic. Just like Europe Ventures that is pushing the same stock their server is situated in Amsterdam and the websites have certain things in common. The website of Affinity Group Solutions has as administrative contact:
    Dunstan, Ralph
    United Kingdom
    The Swedish Financial Authorities have issued a warning against Affinity Group Solutions.
    And as with most boiler rooms they have recently issued a lot of press releases.

  461. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Hello all!
    I just had a look at the pdf documents that Artemis Financial sent me in 2007. The metadata of the personal letter to me had a « Phil » as author.
    I know that letters from other boiler rooms also had a « Phil » as author. Would be interesting if the people reading this blog that have saved their pdf letters from boiler rooms could check them and see who the writers are. Maybe we can find a pattern here.

  462. Avatar de VictimKim

    Hello Karsten,

    I lost a lot of money in May-July 2008 scammed by FosseMcKenzieFinancial, later on Kimura Financial.

    First investment done in Pantera Petroleum, then changed shares by investing more money in fake-shares of

    In one pdf-document during that time I found « Phil » as author.

    It was an e-mail being sent to me on June 12, 2008 from admin-at-kimurafinancial-dot-com which informed me that FosseMcKenzie had been acquired by Kimura.

    The contents here as follows:

    63-2 Horinouchi Oura
    Aomori 039-2402
    Tel: +81 344 964 064 Fax: +81 344 964 074

    Dear Mr. xxxx,

    Kimura Financial has continued its extensive research of potential acquisition targets over the last few years. After lengthy negotiations, Kimura Financial recently completed the signing of an agreement to acquire the institutional division of Fosse McKenzieFinancial. Your account has now been transferred to Kimura Financials Global Equity
    We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and trust that our commitment to excellence and high standards of service meets your expectations. At Kimura Financial we value strong, progressive and innovative relationships with our clients. We firmly believe that the foundations that Fosse McKenzie Financial have already forged with
    you, will lead to a smooth transition within our group.
    Kimura Financial have retained some select senior executives from Fosse McKenzieFinancial. We welcome them aboard and feel that the wealth of experience this team brings to the group will only further enhance our ever growing influence in Global Equity. Your account has been assigned to a senior advisor, who will contact you shortly so that you can familiarize yourself with Kimura Financial and our full range of products and services.
    Once again, welcome to Kimura Financial.
    Yours sincerely,
    Kimura Financial


    Other documents I got from FosseMcKenzie / Kimura don’t have that sign.

    But « Phil » in this case may be a proof that all the different boiler rooms are connected and that likely the same persons are acting.

    Personally, I am sure about that connection, but I am afraid it does not help to know that, as we resp. the police can’t get anybody of the crooks because all of them is fake – shares, adresses, names etc..

    Only the bank accounts in Asia (Taiwan etc.) do really exist, but unfortunately obviously nobody has been able so far to get the real name of the owners resp. to block these accounts – bank secret. At least no success has been reported in this blog so far. Nice to know that the bank secret helps the crooks all over the world.

  463. Avatar de Karsten

    Thank you for your information. Now there is a possible connection between Kimura Financial and Artemis Financial, even if they claim to be situated in different parts of the world and pushing different stock.
    As you say the only real proof is to follow the money trail. There must be some way to get International Authorities to look into this. But how?
    Perhaps a list of banks where the money has been sent could be presented to the Interpol together with pressure from the Financial Auhtorities could reveal some information.
    I know this has been tried, but if all victims persist hopefully there will be a breakthrough.
    Again thanks for the information. This is a very intricate puzzle and every bit helps.

  464. Avatar de Gogol

    Incredible : two different boiler room guys called me today (allways same type of voices and approach). But I had no time to listen, I had meetings at my job the whole day. Told them to call back next week. Of course I would like to hear « who » they pretend to be and what « fantastic opportunity » they offer so I can report this asap.

    Infos to follow…

  465. Avatar de Karsten

    Looking forward to hear your information.

  466. Avatar de clientlostitall

    The veggis conference did happen, I have asked a person who was there to write for me a summary of what went on and how it was conducted.

    My client fell for it based on the impressions of the person who attended the meeting as they are friends.

    I can tell you that those meetings are very well planned and organized and the poor victims ( companies and investors) are dupped badly due to the high level and impressive set up.

    Fitzpatrick and Valentine are real geniuses when it comes to that.

  467. Avatar de Gogol

    Well now, the first one of these two broker – guys who called me on Friday called again, from « Budapest – Hungary » :

    Company « CLT Solutions »
    Arpad Fejedelem utca 94,
    1036 Budapest,

    www dot cltsolutions dot com

    he said his broker – firm has been in business for about 10 years…. At some point he said « here in the Czech Republic »… so I said : « did you not mention you are located in Budapest ? and « do you have a license to sell securities in my country » ?  » he said « er… welll actually we have offices at both places Hungary and Czech Republic, company is « offshore » and does not then need any license to sell stock anywhere »…

    The new fantastic opportunity seems to be :

    Nexis Holdings Ltd. www dot nexisholdings dot com.

    He said share had just rised from 20 to 40 cents a share, and it should now double again due to some multimillion – contract just signed in connection with their « 5 star green technology »

    well well, everything as usual….

  468. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Nexis Holdings is a Fitzpatrick company! See my posts from June 20 and 22. Cltsolutions has a Byington, William a contact on the website registration. The website was registered through Godaddy already in 2003 and their server is as many recent boiler rooms in Amsterdam.
    But Nexis definitely is a Fitzpatrick company. Remember Nexis Holdings bought Nexis International (Promoted by the Thaler Fund in Veggis 2008 and registered in the UK at the Mill, Mill Lane etc adress) with « company stock ».

  469. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Looking into Clt Solutions mentioned by Gogol above I notice the similarities between Artemis Financial and Clt Solutions. Website layout, alledged location and the fact that they are trying to sell stock that Fitzpatrick has a hand in. Also the kind of press releases both companies have published on the the free press release sites.
    These are things that I hope Clientlostitall will look into. The Fitzpatrick connection is very strong here, almost a copy of the Netnetnet affair and could help in the hunt for the bad guys.

  470. Avatar de Gogol

    Well now the other « broker » who just called me today :

    « Capital Sys » in Barcelona

    3 x w dot capitalsys dot com

    He said they had been in business for more than 10 years.

    new fantastic company they are pushing : MONTAVO Inc. (MTVO) See posts here above about this company.

    This guy had EXACTLY the same type of speach, telling word by word exactly the same story and asking exactly the same questions, as the one from CLT who called yesterday. Only the companies mentioned were different. First two companies that had performed very well during the last months, that I could search immediately while talking on internet, that they had of course recommended to their customers who had made « very good business » with this. And then the company they were now pushing, Montavo in this case (Nexis Holdings yesterday being pushed by this other broker in Budapest)…

    Same story as usual ?

    This guy who called gave the following impression : very typical british accent, he seemed like an older man. He was obviously reading his speach and questions out of some check-list, as the « program » he went through was word by word exactly the same as the one from CLT Solutions yesterday. Actually, I even got the impression he – himself – was sincere, and he sounded very surprised and disappointed when I told him that I have the impression this is just fraud … It looks like these « brokers » may perhaps hire people to make the calls, that are not really aware of what they are doing…

  471. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Interesting information. If I look up the adress of Capital Sys on Google Earth you can see pictures of the street, Comtes de Bell-Lloc. They claim to situated at nr 170. On the street picture you clearly see nr 170 beside that is a mail box center! That’s where their mail lands.
    It also find that their website closely resembles that of CLT Solutions.
    Like you I also had the impression talking with the guy from Europe Ventures that he actually beleived that they where registered brokers.
    I can imagine the scene when he went to his superiors asking for documentation of their registration to send me as he had promised.

  472. Avatar de Gogol

    great Karsten !
    Thanks for this
    now I also saw that on Google Earth… Funny how we can just have a look in the street…

  473. Avatar de VictimKim

    Another funny connection between website from CLT Solutions and CapitalSys:

    The picture of the « serious » business man on the start site of CLT Solutions (« Company backgound ») is exactly the same you’ll find on CapitalSys web site in chapter « Investment research/Due diligence ».

    Too bad !

    The contents / style of both web pages is nearly identical – and look a copy pattern of the other boiler rooms (Artemis, Kimura, etc.)

  474. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Good observation VictimKim! Yes, the websites are getting sloppier. Could it be because warnings (both on blogs like this one and from Financial Authorities) now are spread faster on the Internet and the boiler rooms have to change names quicker and have not that much time to invest in fancy websites anymore.
    Another thing: The US pump and dump « newsletter » Pennypic is announcing a new stock recommendation later today. They recently recommended an old boiler room favorite, Medical Connections (MCTH.OB) and managed to pump the price up 600%. It is of course now down again. They say that the new recommendation is in the « green » sector. They usually only recommend US OTC and PK stock and I don’t think Nexis Holdings (see posts above) is registered there, otherwise they would be a perfect candidate. But whatever they recommend it will certainly be something that the boiler rooms also will push.
    Will be interesting to see what it is.

  475. Avatar de Sick of the lies
    Sick of the lies

    I have just come across this blog, and I am amazed at the misinformation that you present as truthful. My partner was at that conference and it would appear that the only thing you have right is that Edward Fitzpatrick and Mark Valentine are universally hated. They stole money from everyone, they put on the show more as a birthday party for Fitzpatrick than anything else to stroke his ego, he took his Girlfriend along and left his wife in Geneva. A couple of examples of the misinformation. There are two Sean Kelly’s one who does Antshake (he is the husband of Fitzpatricks long time suffering secretary, they live in the UK) and another who lives in Geneva and is/was running Clean Hydrogen, which WAS a fitzpatrick comapny, no doubt he tried to rip them off too. None of the companies involved have anything to do with Fitpatrick or Valentine, calling Nexis a Fitzpatrick company is a joke they loathe the slimy little toad. Just because someone went to the conference does not make them a friend of this scum. You people have been told before about Fitzpatrick and Valentine, he ripped my partner off for hundreds of thousands, they are the criminals but sadly for you they have nothing to do with the other companies. They have long moved on and no one seems willing to pursue them, these other people are small fry the big criminals are Fitzpatrick and Valentine, you should be devoting energy to catching them. Blasting everyone will not catch Fitzpatrick and Valentine it will just muddy the waters. It would seem that some of the bloggers are happy to move away from the real criminals which is Fitzpatrick and Valentine.

    Go catch them.

  476. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    Sick of the lies!
    Welcome to the blog. You seem to have more inside information than most of us. Maybe we are misinformed on some points but still I would claim that it is an interesting fact that Netnetnet and Nexis Holdings, both companies with Fitzpatrick origins, have been or are pushed by boiler rooms. And why has no one who had dealings with Fitzpatrick come forward and told the story? The more that is known about his methods the better. All we hear is that people are ripped off. But not how. This information might be very useful for both authorities and the public.
    And it is perhaps the information from the samll fry that might help catch the big criminals.

  477. Avatar de Karsten Runerheim
    Karsten Runerheim

    This blog seems to have developed into two major themes. One is about Fitzpatrick/Valentine ripping off their business partners and the other about boiler rooms ripping off the general public. I think that there should be room for both themes and if there is a connection to be found between Fitzpatrick/Valentine and the boiler rooms both interests would be satisfied.

  478. Avatar de Sick of the lies
    Sick of the lies

    Bonjour, Vous avez tous manqué les deux énormes éléphants dans la chambre alors que vous regardez les puces

  479. Avatar de Gogol

    Les témoignages dans ce blog sont directement liées aux puces, étant donné que ce sont elles qui ont appelé et parfois réussi à berner divers intervenants dans ce blog.

    Ce fut d’ailleurs, le point de départ et la raison d’être première de ce thread.

    Pour ce qui est des éléphants, personne n’a apporté de témoignages ou autres éléments concrets : ceci serait éventuellement bienvenu, et permettrait peut-être d’y voir plus clair.

  480. Avatar de Sick of the lies
    Sick of the lies

    Thanks Gogol, that is the point, this Blog started over 18 months ago, and it seems to be going over and over the same issues and dodging the big issue of two major criminals are getting away with major crimes. In that time the world has changed, I was told the other day that something like 60% of the funds that went to Bernie Maddoff in the US came from Geneva, this is a big issue, he is a big fish. You have provided information about Fitzpatrick and Valentine to various people in authority but nothing happens. I know people who went to that conference (some 18months ago) and lots of companies were showcased, I am told that NONE of the companies that were there have anything to do with those slimebags Fitzpatrick and Valentine, in fact several have spent huge amounts to unwind their involvement. Several have died because Fitzpatrick stole funds from them. Several do not wish their name associated with the evil duo. I understand that a number of Major Banks were at that conference, does that make them Fitzpatrick Banks ???

    If you read what others have written the real criminals are Fitzpatrick and Valentine but after 18 months nothing has happened. They probably read this and are laughing at you.

    à nouveau après que les deux éléphants, ils ont volé des dizaines de millions

  481. Avatar de Gogol

    SOTL, if you have nothing to bring here, it is better you stay away.

  482. Avatar de Sick of the lies
    Sick of the lies


    I did not realise it was an exclusive club. As I said my partner was at the famed conference and has much information, but as you say that appears to be nothing new, mind you I have not read anyone else who seems to know the truth. I was merely being polite and correcting a couple of glaring errors. Good luck in your efforts.

  483. Avatar de Gogol

    Well OK, no problem.
    We will be glad to know what happened in reality : How was your partner ripped off, by whom, how did they lure him, what did they promise, what did they not give in return that they had promised, who else was lured, how did they convince all these people, what did they convince them about, …. ???????????

  484. Avatar de Sick of the Lies
    Sick of the Lies

    My partner invested in several companies directly with Fitzpatrick and Valentine, (all lies) and the money never went to the companies, we have all the paperwork and have been to the authorities, who seem uninterested.

    Surprisingly Fitzpatricks’ girlfriend drives round in a new Ferrari 599 and a 911 Porsche, and his wife drives around in a couple of 911’s as well.

    In our investigation Fitzpatrick and Valentine have stolen tens of millions of dollars off people over a number of years, hence my comments about Elephants and Fleas.

  485. Avatar de Gogol

    would be interesting to know to which companies the money never went, and how someone was willing to give money without getting real shares in return ? ….